FOTP-5 Humidity Test Procedure for Fiber Optic Components
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
TIA | 2002 | 28 |
Three methods for measuring the effects of humidity are described.
Method A is a Steady State Test
while Methods B and C are Humidity-Temperature Cycling Tests.
Method A imposes a vapor on the material under test that constitutes
the force behind moisture
migration and penetration. Hygroscopic materials are sensitive to
moisture and may deteriorate
rapidly under humidity conditions. Absorption of moisture may result
in swelling that would destroy
functioning utility, and cause loss of physical strength and change in
other important mechanical
properties. Degradation of optical properties (and of electrical
properties in composite devices)
may also occur. Although not necessarily intended as a simulated
tropical test, this test can,
nevertheless, be useful in determining moisture absorption of
insulating or covering materials.
Methods B and C obtain their added effectiveness by employment of
temperature cycling that provides
a breathing action, thereby inducing accelerated corrosion processes
and the introduction of
moisture into partially sealed devices. This condition imposes a vapor
pressure on the device which
constitutes the major force behind the moisture migration and