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IL ChicagoBuildingCode 2018


Chicago Building Code, Current through Council Journal of December 12, 2018

Published By Publication Date Number of Pages
IL 2018 1374
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1 1: Scope and Administration
2-22-010 Establishment Composition.
2-22-020 Officers and employees.
2-22-030 Commissioner of Buildings Appointment and authority.
2-22-040 Commissioner of Buildings Powers and duties.
3 2-22-045 Transfer of powers.
4 2: Definitions
13-4 Definitions
13-4-010 Definitions.
14 3: Occupancy Classifications and Use
13-56 Classification of Buildings by Occupancy
15 13-56-010 Building classifications Classes designated.
13-56-020 Class A, residential units.
13-56-030 Class A-1, single-family dwelling.
16 13-56-040 Class A-2, multiple dwellings.
13-56-050 Class B, institutional units.
13-56-060 Certain Class B institutional units.
17 13-56-070 Class C, assembly units.
18 13-56-080 Class C-1, large assembly units.
13-56-090 Class C-2, small assembly units.
19 13-56-100 Class C-3, schools.
13-56-110 Class D, open air assembly units.
20 13-56-120 Class E, business units.
13-56-121 [Technology center defined.]
13-56-130 Class F, mercantile units.
13-56-140 Class G, industrial units.
21 13-56-150 Class G-1, low-hazard industrial units.
13-56-160 Class G-2, moderate hazard industrial units.
13-56-170 Class H, storage units.
22 13-56-180 Class H-1, low-hazard storage units.
13-56-190 Class H-2, moderate hazard storage units.
13-56-200 Garages.
13-56-210 Class I, hazardous use units.
13-56-220 Class J, miscellaneous buildings and structures.
23 13-56-230 Mixed occupancy Requirements.
13-56-240 Mixed occupancy Defined.
13-56-250 Auxiliary uses.
24 13-56-260 Mixed occupancy Applicable provisions.
13-56-270 Mixed occupancy Height and area limitations.
13-56-280 Mixed occupancy Fire-resistive separations required.
25 13-56-290 Separation from public spaces below grade.
26 13-56-300 Occupancy content determination.
13-56-310 Assembly units and open air assembly units Occupancy content.
13-56-320 Other occupancies Occupancy contents.
28 4: Special Detailed Requirements based on Occupancy and Use
13-64 Residential Units
29 13-64-010 General requirements.
31 13-64-020 Special enclosures and separations.
13-64-022 Exterior wall standards.
13-64-030 Basement room areas Outside air openings.
13-64-040 Minimum ventilation.
32 13-64-050 Ceiling heights.
13-64-060 Room arrangement.
13-64-070 Requirements for habitable basement rooms.
13-64-080 Private garages.
13-64-090 Stairways.
13-64-100 Permitted housing for elderly persons.
13-64-110 Desk clerk requirements.
13-64-120 Smoke alarms Required in all residential units.*
33 13-64-130 Smoke alarms Location.
13-64-140 Smoke alarms Stairwell installation.
13-64-141 Smoke detection system in lieu of smoke alarms.
13-64-150 Smoke alarms and smoke detectors Standards.
34 13-64-151 Smoke alarms Additional requirements.
13-64-160 Smoke alarms Battery removal violation Penalty.
13-64-170 Smoke detectors Intermediate care facility for developmentally disabled 15 or less.
13-64-180 Smoke alarms Hotels and motels and bed-and-breakfast establishments to provide smoke detectors to serve hearing impair
35 13-64-190 Carbon monoxide detectors Required in residential units.
13-64-200 Carbon monoxide detectors Exemptions.
13-64-210 Carbon monoxide detectors Location.
13-64-220 Carbon monoxide detectors Dwelling units heated by space heaters.
13-64-230 Carbon monoxide detectors Standards Rules.
36 13-64-240 Carbon monoxide detectors Battery removal violation Penalty.
13-64-250 Carbon monoxide detectors Owner’s and tenant’s responsibilities.
13-64-260 Carbon monoxide detectors Required in Class B institutional and Class C assembly units.
37 13-64-270 Carbon monoxide detectors Location; Class B institutional and Class C assembly units.
13-64-280 Carbon monoxide detectors Buildings heated by central fossil fuel powered heating unit.
13-64-290 Fossil fuel defined.
13-64-300 Penalties.
13-64-400 Business live/work units.
39 13-68 Business Units
13-68-010 General requirements.
41 13-68-020 Ventilation of intermediate offices.
13-68-021 Telephone exchanges Ventilation access for removal of toxic gases.
42 13-76 High Rise Buildings
13-76-010 Scope of provisions.
13-76-020 Automatic sprinkler system.
13-76-021 Standpipe system.
43 13-76-030 Fire command panel.
13-76-040 Smoke detection.
13-76-050 Voice communication systems.
13-76-060 Mechanical ventilation.
44 13-76-070 Stairwell door locking devices.
13-76-075 Stairwell identification.
13-76-076 Area of rescue assistance identification.
13-76-080 Emergency electrical systems.
45 13-76-090 Reserved.
13-76-100 Construction.
13-76-101 Sprayed fire-resistant materials.
13-76-105 Atriums.
46 13-76-110 Plans submitted for approval to include drawings.
13-76-120 Fire protection system Annual test required.
13-76-130 Fire department emergency access elevator.
13-76-140 Reserved.
13-76-150 Penalty for violation.
13-76-160 Severability.
47 13-80 Institutional Units
13-80-010 General requirements.
49 13-80-020 Jails.
13-80-030 Special enclosures and separations.
13-80-040 Reserved.
50 13-80-050 Storage of flammable films.
13-80-060 Reserved.
13-80-070 Minimum room areas.
13-80-080 Ceiling heights.
13-80-090 Below-grade sleeping rooms.
13-80-100 Elevators.
51 13-80-110 Nursing homes.
52 13-84 Assembly Units
53 13-84-010 General requirements.
55 13-84-020 Capacity of schools.
13-84-030 Frontage requirements.
56 13-84-040 Special height limitations.
13-84-050 Special enclosures and separations.
13-84-060 Special fire-resistive requirements.
13-84-070 Definitions.
57 13-84-080 Construction requirements Type 1 stages.
13-84-090 Construction requirements Type 2 stages.
58 13-84-100 Stage vents Type 1 stages.
13-84-110 Proscenium opening Type 1 stages.
59 13-84-120 Projection rooms.
60 13-84-130 Bowling alleys.
13-84-140 Planning requirements for Type I schools.
61 13-84-150 Planning requirements for Type III schools.
13-84-160 Special exit requirements.
13-84-170 Minimum number of exits.
13-84-180 Width of exits.
62 13-84-190 Location of exits.
13-84-200 Exit connections.
13-84-210 Exit courts and exit passageways.
13-84-220 Waiting spaces.
13-84-230 Aisles and seating.
63 13-84-240 Railings.
13-84-250 Ramps and steps.
64 13-84-260 Exits from stage block.
13-84-270 Fixed seating.
13-84-280 Schools for handicapped children Elevator requirements.
13-84-290 Accessibility for handicapped.
13-84-300 Exhibition areas in excess of 10,000 square feet.
13-84-310 Automatic smoke and heat vents Requirements for topmost occupied levels.
65 13-84-320 Noncombustible draft curtains Where required.
13-84-330 Automatic smoke and heat vents Requirements for lower floor levels.
13-84-331 Special requirement for nightclubs and restaurants.
13-84-340 Exhibition area minimum aisle width.
13-84-350 Smoke detectors.
13-84-351 Temporary display booths.
13-84-360 Storage of combustible containers.
13-84-370 Open plan schools Individual plan floor areas.
66 13-84-380 Stair enclosures.
13-84-390 Fire guard requirements.
13-84-400 Floor plan diagram to be submitted to department of buildings.
13-84-410 Building capacity Signs to be posted.
67 13-84-420 Building capacity Approval required.
13-84-430 Exit and aisle regulations.
68 13-88 Open Air Assembly Units
13-88-010 General requirements.
70 13-88-020 Definition.
13-88-030 Mixed occupancy requirements.
13-88-040 Occupancy content.
13-88-050 Seating capacity.
13-88-060 Construction requirements.
71 13-88-070 Hangars, paddocks and stables.
13-88-080 Required frontage.
13-88-090 Fire-resistive requirements.
13-88-100 Special fire-resistive requirements.
13-88-110 Enclosed spaces.
72 13-88-120 Projection booths.
13-88-130 Stage construction.
13-88-140 Ventilation.
13-88-150 Special exit requirements.
13-88-160 Exits.
73 13-88-170 Aisles and seating.
13-88-180 Exit connections.
13-88-190 Fixed seating.
13-88-200 Seat row spacing requirements.
13-88-210 Exit requirements.
13-88-220 Safety requirements.
74 13-88-230 Storage of combustible materials prohibited.
75 13-96 Miscellaneous Buildings and Structures
79 13-96-010 Generally.
13-96-020 Outdoor signs Generally.
13-96-030 Definitions.
80 13-96-040 General requirements.
81 13-96-041 Abandoned outdoor signs and structures Duty to report to Commissioner and revocation of permit.
13-96-050 Sale and rental signs.
13-96-060 Construction requirements.
82 13-96-070 Height and location limitations.
13-96-080 Approved combustible materials.
13-96-085 Reserved.
13-96-090 General requirements.
13-96-100 Definition.
13-96-110 Construction.
83 13-96-120 General requirements.
13-96-130 Definitions.
13-96-135 Building clearances; required openings.
13-96-140 Maximum height.
84 13-96-150 Wind load.
13-96-160 Barbed wire.
13-96-170 General requirements.
13-96-180 Definition.
13-96-190 Construction.
13-96-200 Mixed occupancy.
13-96-210 General requirements.
13-96-220 Definition.
13-96-230 Construction.
85 13-96-240 Mixed occupancy.
13-96-250 General requirements.
13-96-260 Definitions.
13-96-270 Construction Private garages.
13-96-271 Construction Carports.
86 13-96-280 Location Private garages.
13-96-281 Location Carport.
13-96-285 Reserved.
13-96-290 Attached garages.
13-96-300 General requirements.
13-96-310 Definition.
87 13-96-320 Construction.
13-96-330 Other requirements.
13-96-340 Reserved.
13-96-350 Reserved.
13-96-360 Reserved.
13-96-370 Reserved.
13-96-380 Sheds and shelter sheds Generally.
13-96-390 Definitions.
13-96-400 Location limitations.
88 13-96-410 General requirements.
13-96-415 Definitions.
13-96-420 Water tanks and tank supporting structures.
89 13-96-430 General requirements.
13-96-440 Definition.
13-96-450 Construction.
13-96-460 Area limitation.
90 13-96-470 General requirements.
13-96-480 Definitions.
91 13-96-490 Tents and canopies Permit application requirements.
13-96-500 Permits for tents and canopies Limitation on duration.
92 13-96-510 General requirements.
13-96-520 Definition.
13-96-530 Pumps and tanks.
13-96-540 Construction.
13-96-550 Protection of openings.
13-96-560 Grading and sills.
13-96-570 General requirements.
93 13-96-580 Accessory structures.
13-96-590 Construction.
13-96-600 Skylights.
13-96-610 Temporary platforms.
13-96-620 General requirements.
13-96-630 Definition.
94 13-96-640 Location.
13-96-650 Permit required.
13-96-660 Drawings, plans and permits.
13-96-670 Recirculation pools.
13-96-680 Construction materials.
95 13-96-690 Structural design.
13-96-700 Walk areas.
13-96-710 Fences.
13-96-720 Steps or ladders.
13-96-730 Overflow gutters.
13-96-740 Water supply.
96 13-96-750 Inlets.
13-96-760 Outlets.
13-96-770 Recirculation system and appurtenances.
97 13-96-780 Electrical requirements.
13-96-790 Safety precautions.
13-96-800 Operation and maintenance.
13-96-810 Inspection.
98 13-96-820 General requirements.
13-96-830 Maintenance.
13-96-840 Inspection.
13-96-850 Compliance.
13-96-860 Unsafe structures.
99 13-96-870 Rust protection.
13-96-875 Rules and regulations.
13-96-880 Compliance.
13-96-890 Definitions.
13-96-900 Construction requirements.
13-96-910 Flammable liquids storage.
13-96-920 Sprinkler system.
100 13-96-930 Ventilation.
13-96-940 Emergency lighting.
13-96-950 Guards and gates.
13-96-960 Stairways.
13-96-970 Ramps, hoistways and elevator shafts.
13-96-980 Curbs.
13-96-990 Railings.
13-96-1000 Exterior wall opening protection.
13-96-1010 Ceiling height.
101 13-96-1020 Manlifts.
13-96-1030 Permits.
13-96-1040 Reserved.
13-96-1050 Reserved.
13-96-1060 Reserved.
13-96-1070 Reserved.
13-96-1080 Definition.
13-96-1090 Fire resistive construction.
13-96-1100 Fire alarm system.
13-96-1110 Permit required.
102 13-96-1120 Certain types of artificial lighting prohibited.
13-96-1130 Definitions.
13-96-1140 General requirements.
103 13-96-1150 Permits required.
13-96-1160 Enclosure requirements.
13-96-1170 Ancillary spaces.
13-96-1180 Occupancy requirements.
104 13-96-1185 Height and area limitations.
13-96-1190 Shooting range facility requirements.
13-96-1200 Shooting range requirements.
105 13-96-1210 Ventilation requirements.
106 13-96-1220 Plumbing requirements.
107 13-96-1230 Electrical requirements.
13-96-1240 Rules and regulations.
108 13-100 Mercantile Units
13-100-010 General requirements.
111 13-104 Industrial Units
13-104-010 General requirements.
113 13-104-020 Power plants.
114 13-108 Storage Units
13-108-010 General requirements.
116 13-108-020 Ventilation requirements.
13-108-030 Garages.
13-108-040 Definitions.
117 13-108-050 Location on property.
13-108-060 Construction requirements.
13-108-070 Height and area limitations.
13-108-080 Heating.
118 13-108-090 Ventilation.
13-108-100 Exits.
13-108-110 Hangars.
13-108-120 Definitions.
13-108-130 Location on property.
13-108-140 Construction requirements.
13-108-150 Height and area limitations.
119 13-108-160 Heating.
120 13-112 Hazardous Use Units
121 13-112-010 General requirements.
123 13-112-020 Special requirements.
13-112-030 Fire protection requirements.
13-112-040 Types of occupancies.
124 13-112-050 Classification of occupancies.
126 13-112-060 Hazardous use rooms.
13-112-070 General requirements.
13-112-080 Auxiliary business use.
13-112-090 Fire resistive separation.
13-112-100 Communicating openings.
127 13-112-110 Courts.
13-112-120 General requirements.
13-112-130 Floor areas.
13-112-140 Rooms prohibited in basements.
128 13-112-150 Lot occupancy.
13-112-160 Court requirements.
13-112-170 Ventilation.
13-112-180 Fire doors.
13-112-190 Equipment.
13-112-200 Conveyors and ducts.
13-112-210 Heating.
13-112-220 Heat piping.
129 13-112-230 Licenses, certificates of fitness, permits and bonds.
13-112-240 General requirements.
13-112-250 Exits near openings.
13-112-260 Distance to exits.
13-112-270 Number of exits.
130 13-112-280 Vertical means of exit.
13-112-290 Dry cleaning building.
13-112-300 Film examining or repairing rooms.
13-112-310 Motion picture trial exhibition rooms.
13-112-320 General requirements.
13-112-330 Artificial lighting.
131 13-112-340 Exit signs.
13-112-350 Exit directional signs.
132 13-164 Security Devices in Residential Buildings
13-164-010 Scope.
13-164-020 Definitions.
13-164-030 Dwelling unit entrance doors.
133 13-164-040 Building entrances.
13-164-050 Window locks.
134 13-204 Men’s Cubicle Hotels
13-204-010 Definitions.
13-204-020 Compliance.
13-204-030 General requirements.
13-204-040 Space requirements.
13-204-050 Sanitary facilities.
13-204-060 Fire extinguishing apparatus.
135 13-204-070 Administration and enforcement.
136 13-206 Single-Room Occupancy Buildings
13-206-010 Definitions.
13-206-020 Additional terms defined.
13-206-030 Construction requirements.
137 13-206-040 Electrical requirements.
13-206-050 Building code requirements applicable when.
138 13-208 Temporary Overnight Shelters
13-208-010 Definitions.
13-208-020 Compliance with assembly unit provisions.
13-208-030 Not-for-profit.
139 13-208-040 Limited stay.
13-208-050 Operator’s duty to limit stay.
13-208-060 Medical care.
13-208-070 Building classifications.
13-208-080 Staff.
13-208-090 Maximum number of occupants.
13-208-100 Evacuation diagram to be posted.
140 13-208-110 Sleeping area separations.
13-208-120 Smoking materials.
13-208-130 Smoke alarms.
13-208-140 Temporary shelters prohibited in certain types of buildings.
13-208-150 Mixed occupancy building classification.
13-208-160 Standard fire extinguishers.
13-208-170 Sanitary requirements.
13-208-180 Ventilation requirements.
141 13-208-190 Planning requirements.
13-208-200 Violation Penalty.
142 13-212 Transitional Shelters
13-212-010 Definitions.
13-212-020 Compliance with multiple dwelling provisions.
13-212-030 Not-for-profit.
13-212-040 Residency time limit.
13-212-050 Medical care.
13-212-060 Management offices and living quarters.
143 15-4 Bureau of Fire Prevention
146 15-4-005 Definitions.
15-4-010 Fire regulations.
15-4-020 Department powers, duties and responsibilities Permit fees.
147 15-4-030 Annual inspections.
15-4-035 Authority of fire commissioner.
15-4-040 Notice of noncompliance.
15-4-050 Interpretation of terms.
15-4-060 Transportation exemption.
15-4-070 Classification of buildings.
15-4-080 Use or habitation of fire hazards.
148 15-4-090 Dangerous buildings a nuisance.
15-4-100 Right to survey.
149 15-4-101 Fire emergency plan required when.
15-4-102 Safety warden.
15-4-110 Hazardous use units.
15-4-130 Amounts of hazardous material.
150 15-4-160 Amounts of acetylene gas and calcium carbide.
15-4-210 Flammable liquids.
15-4-230 Liquefied fume hazard gases.
15-4-240 Oxygen and hydrogen.
15-4-250 Nitrocellulose products.
15-4-252 Lumberyards and lumber storehouses.
151 15-4-254 Sawdust, shavings and excelsior.
15-4-256 Sale of solid fuel and firewood.
152 15-4-257 Storage of solid fuel not for retail.
153 15-4-258 Fuel oil dealers.
15-4-259 Fuel oil storers.
15-4-260 General requirements.
154 15-4-270 Acetylene gas.
15-4-280 Liquefied fume hazard gases.
15-4-290 Flammable liquid tank truck drivers.
15-4-300 General requirements.
155 15-4-310 License application and certificate of fitness.
15-4-320 License fee.
156 15-4-330 Bonds.
15-4-340 Reserved.
15-4-350 Inspection.
15-4-360 Sales to other than licensees.
15-4-370 Weekly report of sales.
157 15-4-380 Reserved.
15-4-390 Submission of samples.
15-4-400 Permit for blasting.
15-4-410 Application and permit.
158 15-4-420 Temporary portable and fixed installations.
159 15-4-430 Board of examiners.
15-4-440 Duties and powers.
15-4-450 License required.
15-4-460 License application.
15-4-470 Issuance of license.
15-4-480 License fee.
160 15-4-490 License renewal.
15-4-500 Violation Penalty.
15-4-510 Rules and regulations.
15-4-520 Other licenses and permits required.
15-4-530 Matches.
161 15-4-540 Application.
15-4-550 Fireworks.
15-4-560 Certificate of fitness.
15-4-570 Permit fee.
15-4-580 Definitions.
162 15-4-590 Combustible scenery and decorations.
15-4-600 Test standard.
15-4-610 Wall area and school stages.
15-4-620 Institutional public assembly, church, school and theater.
163 15-4-630 Open flame devices.
15-4-640 Fireguard requirements.
15-4-650 Watchman clocks and keys.
164 15-4-660 Fireguard duties.
15-4-670 Watchman tours.
15-4-680 Fireguard license.
15-4-690 Submission of floor plan.
15-4-700 Submission of show description.
165 15-4-710 Storage of combustibles.
15-4-720 Requirements.
15-4-730 Duties of stage firemen.
15-4-740 Duties of fireguard.
15-4-750 Monthly reports.
15-4-760 Other duties.
166 15-4-770 License required.
15-4-780 Where required.
15-4-790 Certification.
15-4-800 Suspension.
15-4-810 Certification requirements.
167 15-4-820 Monthly reports.
15-4-830 Duties.
15-4-840 Violation Penalty.
15-4-850 Diagram of theater exits and seats.
15-4-860 Aisles for seats not permanently fastened.
168 15-4-870 Locking doors.
15-4-880 Obstruction of exits.
15-4-881 Hotels and single-room occupancy units Exit diagram.
15-4-890 Obstructing safety clearances.
15-4-900 Arrangement of stocks and stores.
169 15-4-910 Institutional buildings.
15-4-920 Schools.
15-4-930 Where restricted.
15-4-940 “No Smoking” signs.
15-4-950 Storage of ashes.
15-4-960 Oily rags and waste.
170 15-4-970 Rubbish.
15-4-980 Workmen’s clothes lockers.
15-4-985 Storage of ammunition at firearms dealers and shooting range facility licensed premises.
15-4-990 Restrictions.
15-4-995 Sale and use of aerial luminaries Prohibited.
172 15-20 Explosives and Fireworks
173 15-20-010 Definitions.
15-20-020 Licenses, certificates of fitness and bonds.
15-20-030 General transportation requirements.
174 15-20-040 Public conveyances prohibited.
15-20-050 Blasting operations.
175 15-20-060 Reserved.
15-20-070 Thawing of explosives.
15-20-080 Transportation by vessel or railroad car.
15-20-090 Labeling of packages.
15-20-100 Explosive cartridges.
15-20-110 Magazines.
176 15-20-120 Definitions.
15-20-130 Construction requirements.
15-20-140 Safety clearances.
177 15-20-150 Supervision of magazines.
15-20-160 Danger signs.
15-20-170 Sales to minors.
15-20-180 Seizure of explosives kept unlawfully.
15-20-190 Restrictions.
15-20-200 Manufacture of explosives prohibited.
178 15-20-210 Definitions.
15-20-220 Prohibitions.
15-20-221 Penalties.
15-20-230 Advertising restrictions.
179 15-20-240 Display in public places.
15-20-250 Exemptions.
15-20-260 Permit and permit fees.
15-20-270 Unlawful fireworks in motor vehicle Impoundment.
180 15-24 Flammable Liquids
184 15-24-010 Licenses and permits.
15-24-020 Definitions.
185 15-24-030 Warning signs.
15-24-040 No smoking.
15-24-050 Unattended coin-operated dispensing devices.
15-24-060 Heating.
186 15-24-070 Drains.
15-24-080 Use for illumination prohibited.
15-24-090 Portable appliances.
15-24-100 Oily rags and waste.
15-24-110 Discharge into sewers.
15-24-120 Workmen’s clothes lockers.
15-24-130 Grounding of equipment.
15-24-140 Electrical equipment.
15-24-150 Open flame devices.
187 15-24-160 Exemption from safety clearances.
15-24-170 Aboveground tanks.
188 15-24-180 Vents.
189 15-24-190 Enclosed tank vents.
192 15-24-200 Gravity feed.
193 15-24-210 Gauging and vending devices.
15-24-220 Motor fuel dispensing.
15-24-221 Aboveground tanks.
194 15-24-230 Gasoline pumping prohibited.
15-24-240 Warning signs.
15-24-250 Definition of safety clearance.
15-24-260 Safety clearances.
197 15-24-270 Tanks in buildings.
198 15-24-280 Underground and enclosed tanks.
200 15-24-290 Tank testings.
15-24-300 Railroad tank car storage prohibited.
15-24-310 General requirements.
201 15-24-320 Inspections.
15-24-330 Labels on products for sale.
15-24-340 Container construction.
15-24-350 Automatic sprinklers.
15-24-360 Transfer to portable containers.
202 15-24-370 Standard fireproof vaults.
15-24-380 Automatic sprinklers in vaults.
15-24-390 Lighting in vaults.
15-24-400 Ventilation in vaults.
203 15-24-410 Flammable liquid storage rooms.
15-24-420 Storage of oils, paints and varnishes.
15-24-430 Outside container storage.
15-24-440 Piping.
204 15-24-450 Test for piping.
15-24-460 Depth and cover for piping.
15-24-470 Protection against corrosion.
15-24-480 Valves.
15-24-490 Pressure-relief valves.
205 15-24-500 Auxiliary devices.
15-24-510 Room ventilation.
15-24-520 Kettles, vats, vessels.
206 15-24-530 Distilling and condensing plants.
15-24-540 Reclaiming systems.
15-24-550 Definitions.
15-24-560 Spraying restrictions.
15-24-570 Paint mixing, spraying and japanning room.
207 15-24-580 Exemptions from regulations.
15-24-590 Spray booths and rooms, where required.
15-24-600 Spray booth construction.
208 15-24-610 Dry type spray booths.
15-24-620 Restrictions around spray booths.
15-24-630 Ventilation of spray booths.
209 15-24-640 Flammable liquid storage.
15-24-650 Automatic sprinklers.
210 15-24-660 Fire prevention requirements.
15-24-670 Motor vehicle undercoating.
15-24-680 Electrostatic paint-spraying apparatus.
15-24-690 Electrical equipment.
211 15-24-700 Fire prevention requirements.
15-24-710 Portable electrostatic paint-spraying operations.
15-24-720 Definitions.
212 15-24-730 Restrictions.
15-24-740 Ventilation.
15-24-750 General requirements.
15-24-760 Dip tank construction.
15-24-770 Electrical equipment.
213 15-24-780 Fire prevention requirements.
15-24-790 Fire-extinguishing equipment.
15-24-800 Dip tank covers.
15-24-810 Hardening and tempering tanks.
214 15-24-820 Flow coat operations.
15-24-830 Roll coating operations.
15-24-840 Drying rooms.
15-24-850 Drying ovens.
215 15-24-860 Fire prevention requirements.
15-24-870 Ventilation.
15-24-880 Heating.
216 15-24-890 Drying oven design.
15-24-900 Definitions.
15-24-910 Floor area limit.
15-24-920 Safety clearances.
217 15-24-930 Dry cleaning buildings.
15-24-940 Heating.
15-24-950 Steam fire lines.
218 15-24-960 Valves.
15-24-970 General requirements.
15-24-980 Ventilation.
15-24-990 Definitions.
15-24-1000 General condition of carriers.
15-24-1010 Wheels and tires.
219 15-24-1020 Brakes.
15-24-1030 Grounding.
15-24-1040 Lighting.
15-24-1050 Fire extinguishers.
15-24-1060 Exhaust systems.
15-24-1070 Warning signs.
15-24-1080 DOT approved trucks.
15-24-1090 Tanks.
220 15-24-1100 Fuel tanks.
221 15-24-1110 Loading and unloading racks.
15-24-1120 Static electricity protection.
15-24-1130 Drivers or attendants.
15-24-1140 Inspections.
15-24-1150 Travel over subway routes prohibited.
222 15-24-1160 Restrictions on transportation of Class I liquids.
223 15-24-1170 Use of expressways.
15-24-1180 Applicability.
15-24-1190 Exceptions.
224 15-24-1200 Exceptions.
15-24-1210 Manifests.
15-24-1220 Retroactivity.
15-24-1230 Underground tank storage.
226 15-26 Fume and Flammable Compressed Gasses
228 15-26-010 Licenses, permits and special exit requirements.
15-26-020 Definitions.
229 15-26-030 Manufactured gas buildings Exempted from chapter requirements When.
15-26-040 Public utility company rules.
230 15-26-050 Acetylene lighting prohibited.
15-26-060 Portable acetylene lamps and stoves.
15-26-070 Construction requirements Gasholders.
15-26-080 Fire-resistive separation.
231 15-26-090 Flammable compressed gas Restrictions.
15-26-100 Safety clearances.
15-26-110 Floor area limits.
15-26-120 Ventilation.
15-26-130 Sign requirements.
232 15-26-140 Fume hazard gases Storage and handling.
15-26-150 Tank storage.
15-26-160 Emergency controls.
15-26-170 Tank and tank cars Safety clearances.
15-26-180 Neutralizing agents.
233 15-26-190 Emergency equipment.
15-26-200 Trucks on public ways.
15-26-210 Tank cars Special safety clearances.
15-26-220 Tank cars Unloading procedures.
234 15-26-230 Danger signs.
15-26-240 Dead-end sidings Safety measures.
15-26-250 Tank cars Building safety clearances.
235 15-26-260 Switch engines and car pullers.
15-26-270 Tank cars Piping systems.
236 15-26-280 Warning signs and painting.
15-26-290 Fire prevention requirements.
15-26-300 Safety measures.
15-26-310 Repair equipment.
237 15-26-320 Approved Defined.
15-26-330 Exceptions to regulations.
15-26-340 Prohibited in buildings with sleeping accommodations.
15-26-350 Marking of generators.
15-26-360 Warning and instruction cards Posting requirements.
15-26-370 Repairs Lighting requirements.
15-26-380 Appliances Maintenance and installation.
15-26-390 Housing of generators.
15-26-400 Piping and relief valves.
238 15-26-410 Water supply connections.
15-26-420 Drain connections.
15-26-430 Gasometers.
15-26-440 Portable generator Defined.
15-26-450 Portable generator Permit required.
239 15-26-460 Portable generator Prohibited locations.
15-26-470 Fire prevention and safety procedures.
15-26-480 Portable generators Installation requirements.
15-26-490 Fire extinguishers.
15-26-500 Tanks and containers Cutting and welding restrictions.
15-26-510 Calcium carbide Storage.
240 15-26-520 Disposal of calcium carbide residuum.
15-26-530 Liquefied acetylene prohibited.
15-26-540 Where prohibited.
15-26-545 Use of liquefied petroleum gas in industrial forklift trucks solely at McCormick Place Complex.
242 15-26-547 Use of liquefied petroleum gas at Navy Pier.
15-26-550 Repair and renovation use Restrictions.
15-26-560 Labels required.
15-26-570 Industrial truck use in mercantile units.
15-26-580 Aggregate storage limit in buildings.
15-26-590 Container storage limit in buildings.
15-26-600 Aggregate container system capacity in buildings.
243 15-26-610 Portable heaters.
15-26-620 Containers Construction standards.
15-26-630 Containers Valves and piping.
15-26-640 Containers Relief valves.
15-26-650 Excess flow valves.
15-26-660 Shutoff valves.
15-26-670 Gauging devices.
15-26-680 Gas hoses.
244 15-26-690 Vaporizers.
15-26-700 Container storage Safety clearances.
245 15-26-710 Temporary container storage Safety clearances.
246 15-26-720 Underground storage tank installation.
15-26-730 Filling density and procedure.
15-26-740 Tank cars Unloading procedure.
15-26-750 Tank trucks.
247 15-26-760 Repair, alteration or modification of LP containers Procedure.
15-26-770 Labeling of aerosol container.
15-26-780 Aerosol can filling restrictions.
15-26-790 Aerosol can storage.
15-26-800 Chlorine gas.
15-26-810 Storage of oxygen cylinders.
15-26-820 Bulk oxygen storage systems.
248 15-26-830 Oxygen container construction standards.
15-26-840 Oxygen piping and fittings.
15-26-850 Bulk oxygen systems Supervision of installation.
15-26-860 Bulk oxygen Sign requirements.
249 15-28 Hazardous Materials and Combustible Solids
253 15-28-010 License and permits.
15-28-020 Definitions.
254 15-28-030 Definition by Department of Transportation.
15-28-040 Storage requirements.
15-28-050 Construction requirements.
15-28-060 General safety clearances.
15-28-070 Floor area limit.
255 15-28-080 Ventilation.
15-28-090 Sprinklers Where prohibited.
15-28-100 Danger signs.
15-28-110 Special safety clearances.
15-28-120 Fire prevention requirements.
15-28-130 Fire-resistive separation.
256 15-28-140 Standard fireproof vaults.
15-28-150 Tank storage.
15-28-160 Tank construction material.
15-28-170 Safety clearances.
15-28-180 Emergency requirements.
15-28-190 Breathing apparatus required.
257 15-28-200 Storage requirements.
15-28-210 Safety clearances.
15-28-220 Fire prevention requirements.
258 15-28-230 Storage requirements.
15-28-240 Storage prohibited in buildings.
15-28-250 Safety clearances.
259 15-28-260 Ventilation.
15-28-270 Direct heating prohibited.
15-28-280 Fire-resistive separation.
15-28-290 Floor area limit.
260 15-28-300 Storage requirements.
15-28-310 Arrangement of storage.
15-28-320 Fire prevention requirements.
15-28-330 Open flames prohibited.
15-28-340 Storage requirements.
261 15-28-350 Fire prevention requirements.
262 15-28-360 Safety clearances.
15-28-370 Transportation.
15-28-380 Storage and fire prevention requirements.
263 15-28-390 Storage requirements.
15-28-400 Construction required.
264 15-28-410 Safety clearances.
15-28-420 Fire prevention requirements.
15-28-430 Standard fireproof vault.
15-28-440 Tank storage.
15-28-450 Tank construction materials.
15-28-460 Safety clearances.
15-28-470 Emergency requirements.
265 15-28-480 Breathing apparatus required.
15-28-490 Storage and fire prevention requirements.
15-28-500 Definitions.
266 15-28-510 Picker and shredder room area limits.
15-28-520 Picker and shredder room construction requirements.
15-28-530 Ventilation.
15-28-540 Fire protection equipment.
267 15-28-550 Instructions.
15-28-560 Heating.
15-28-570 General construction requirements.
15-28-580 Danger signs.
15-28-590 General safety clearances.
15-28-600 Special safety clearances.
268 15-28-610 Arrangement of storage.
15-28-620 Fire-resistive separation.
269 15-28-630 Fire doors.
15-28-640 Exterior access.
15-28-650 Ventilation.
15-28-660 Scuppers or drains.
15-28-670 Smoking prohibited.
15-28-680 Construction requirements.
270 15-28-690 Portable smokerooms.
15-28-700 Noncombustible equipment.
15-28-710 Construction requirements.
271 15-28-720 Heating.
15-28-730 Storage or baling of wastepaper.
15-28-740 Disposal of wastepaper.
15-28-750 Coal storage.
15-28-755 Storage of hazardous materials prohibited.
272 15-28-760 Parlor or double-dipped matches.
273 15-28-770 Packing.
15-28-780 Marking of packages.
15-28-790 Opening of packages.
274 15-28-800 Storage requirements.
15-28-810 General provisions.
15-28-820 License.
15-28-830 Building regulations.
15-28-840 Storage of products.
15-28-850 Floor area limits.
15-28-860 Fire-resistive separation.
275 15-28-870 Heating.
15-28-880 Ventilation.
15-28-890 Construction requirements.
15-28-900 Special safety clearances.
15-28-910 Heating products.
15-28-920 Machinery used.
15-28-930 Drying boxes.
276 15-28-940 Safety clearances.
15-28-950 Construction requirements.
15-28-960 Fire-resistive separation.
15-28-970 Standard fireproof cabinets.
15-28-980 Capacity regulations.
15-28-990 Restrictions.
15-28-1000 General requirements.
277 15-28-1010 Ventilation.
15-28-1020 Seating requirements.
15-28-1030 Area limitations.
15-28-1040 Capacity limitations.
15-28-1050 Definitions.
15-28-1060 Special safety clearances.
15-28-1070 Construction requirements.
278 15-28-1080 Ventilation.
15-28-1090 Inspection of ventilators.
15-28-1100 Grounding of equipment.
15-28-1110 Grain bleachers.
15-28-1120 Grain elevators and malt houses.
15-28-1130 Construction of grain bleachers.
15-28-1140 Construction of cereal, feed, flour, grist and starch mills.
15-28-1150 Construction of grain elevators and malt houses.
279 15-28-1160 Marine tower.
15-28-1170 Bleaching operations.
15-28-1180 Equipment.
15-28-1190 Fire protection.
15-28-1200 Dust removal.
15-28-1210 Dust collection system.
284 15-28-1220 Underground tank storage.
285 5: General Building Heights and Areas
13-48 Height and Area Limitations
13-48-010 Height limitation requirements.
13-48-020 Application of height limitations.
286 13-48-030 Maximum allowable building heights.
288 13-48-040 Exceptions to height limitations.
13-48-050 Area limitations.
13-48-060 Application of area limitations.
289 13-48-070 Area limitations One-story buildings.
290 13-48-080 Area limitations Multi-story buildings.
292 13-48-090 Exceptions to area limitations.
13-48-100 Mixed occupancy.
293 13-48-110 Definitions.
294 13-116 Fire Limits – Location Limitations
13-116-010 Fire limits.
13-116-020 Prohibited types of construction.
13-116-030 Projections beyond main building walls.
13-116-040 Types IV-A and IV-B buildings Location.
295 13-116-050 Type II buildings Location.
13-116-060 Frontage requirements.
13-116-070 Zoning.
13-116-080 Height limitations.
13-116-090 Building extensions.
13-116-100 Occupancy change.
13-116-110 Moving of buildings.
13-116-120 Determination of building limits.
13-116-130 Exceptions.
296 13-116-140 Type IV-B construction restrictions.
297 6: Types of Construction
13-60 Classification of Buildings by Construction Type
13-60-010 Construction types.
298 13-60-020 Type I, fire-resistive construction.
13-60-030 Type II, noncombustible construction.
299 13-60-040 Type III, exterior protected construction.
13-60-050 Type III-A, heavy timber construction.
13-60-060 Type III-B and III-C, ordinary construction.
13-60-070 Type IV, combustible frame construction.
13-60-080 Mixed types of construction.
300 13-60-090 Fire-resistive values.
13-60-100 Types of construction Fire-resistive requirements.
302 13-60-110 Exception to fire protection.
13-60-120 Supporting members Fire-resistive value.
303 13-60-130 Elevator framing Exception to fire protection.
13-60-140 Lintels Exception to fire protection.
13-60-150 Supporting wall facing Fire protection provisions.
13-60-160 Mezzanine Fire protection provisions.
13-60-170 Basement construction Fire-resistive requirements.
13-60-180 Basement columns and bearing walls Noncombustible materials required.
13-60-190 Sub-basement floor construction requirements.
13-60-200 Floor construction.
13-60-210 Driveways and loading spaces.
305 13-200 Rehabilitation Code
7: Fire and Smoke Protection Features
15-8 Fire Resistive Requirements
306 13-200-010 Statement of purpose.
13-200-020 Purpose of code.
13-200-030 Provisions governing structures not specified in this chapter.
307 13-200-040 Zoning, fire district restrictions and location limitations.
13-200-050 Increase in height or area Where prohibited.
13-200-060 Types of structures not permitted Exceptions.
308 13-200-070 Type IV construction Location on lot.
13-200-080 Type II construction Location on lot.
13-200-090 Building projections.
13-200-100 Historic preservation.
309 13-200-110 Commission on Chicago historical and architectural landmarks.
13-200-120 Change of occupancy.
13-200-130 Occupancy separations.
13-200-140 Structural load stress.
13-200-150 Change of commercial unit to residential use.
13-200-160 Requirements for change to residential occupancy.
310 13-200-170 Requirements for a change of occupancy to any other than residential.
13-200-180 Equal or lesser hazard requirements.
311 13-200-190 Increase in one hazard index number.
13-200-200 Increase of two or more hazard index numbers.
13-200-210 Increase in number of dwelling units.
13-200-220 Definition of legally established dwelling unit.
13-200-230 Increase in one additional dwelling unit.
312 13-200-240 Increase of two or more dwelling units.
13-200-250 Additions.
313 13-200-260 Porches and decks.
13-200-270 Dormers.
13-200-280 Skylights.
314 13-200-290 Utilization of existing space within residential buildings.
13-200-300 Alterations and repairs.
13-200-310 Building over 80 feet in height.
13-200-320 Assembly occupancy alterations.
315 13-200-330 Exit requirements.
13-200-340 Fire escapes Repairs.
13-200-350 Fire escapes Removal.
13-200-360 Existing interior exit stairways.
316 13-200-370 Heat, light and ventilation requirements.
13-200-380 Natural light and ventilation.
13-200-390 Existing mechanical ventilation supply, return and exhaust systems.
13-200-400 Handicapped accessibility.
13-200-410 State of Illinois accessibility standards Applicability.
13-200-420 Provisions for buildings being remodeled.
318 13-200-430 Handicapped accessibility provisions Where applicable.
13-200-440 Archaic materials.
13-200-450 Moving buildings.
13-200-460 Plumbing requirements.
13-200-470 Electrical requirements.
319 13-200-480 Alteration, remodeling or repairs less than 60 percent of structure Wiring standards.
322 15-8-010 Fire walls.
15-8-020 Definition.
15-8-030 Construction.
15-8-040 Offset construction.
15-8-050 Parapets.
15-8-060 Openings.
323 15-8-070 Exterior walls Requirements.
15-8-080 Exterior walls Construction.
15-8-081 Exterior insulating and finish systems.
15-8-082 Test data required.
15-8-083 Multistory buildings.
15-8-084 Required fastening.
15-8-085 Labeling.
324 15-8-086 Moisture control.
15-8-090 Sloping walls.
15-8-100 Parapets.
15-8-110 Protection of openings.
325 15-8-120 Protection of stairs, shafts and vertical openings.
15-8-130 Enclosure partitions.
15-8-140 Stairway enclosures.
326 15-8-150 Elevator and escalator enclosures.
15-8-160 Enclosure of pipe shafts and ducts.
15-8-170 Enclosure of wells and chutes.
327 15-8-180 Protection of openings.
15-8-190 Enclosure of heating plants and boiler rooms.
328 15-8-200 Protection not required.
15-8-210 Two-hour protection required.
15-8-220 One-hour protection required.
15-8-230 Protection of openings.
15-8-240 Other enclosures and separations.
329 15-8-250 Partitions.
15-8-260 Fire-resistive requirements.
15-8-270 Subdividing partitions.
15-8-280 Exterior trim.
330 15-8-290 Definition.
15-8-300 Cornices, gutters and leaders.
15-8-310 Balconies and bay windows.
15-8-320 Porches.
15-8-321 Decks.
331 15-8-322 Rooftop decks.
15-8-323 Weather-protected entries.
15-8-324 Open stairs.
332 15-8-325 Reserved.
15-8-326 Pergolas, trellises, arbors, and privacy screens.
15-8-330 Roof coverings.
15-8-340 Classification.
15-8-350 Materials.
15-8-360 Use.
333 15-8-370 Interior wall and ceiling finish and trim.
15-8-380 Interior wall and ceiling finishes.
15-8-390 Interior trim.
15-8-400 Classification of materials.
334 15-8-410 General requirements.
15-8-420 Requirements for interior wall and ceiling finish.
15-8-430 Interior trim.
335 15-8-440 Floor coverings.
15-8-450 Flooring.
15-8-460 Sleepers.
15-8-470 Insulation.
15-8-480 Fire-resistive or noncombustible construction.
15-8-490 Heavy timber construction.
336 15-8-500 Stairways and exitways.
15-8-510 Roof structures.
15-8-520 Skylights and monitors.
15-8-530 Penthouses.
15-8-540 Mansard and sloping roofs.
15-8-550 Towers.
337 15-8-560 Miscellaneous roof structures.
15-8-570 Firestopping.
15-8-580 Materials.
15-8-590 Walls and partitions.
15-8-600 Roof spaces.
15-8-610 Stairs.
15-8-620 Floors and roofs.
15-8-630 Chimneys.
338 15-8-640 Pipes and shafts.
15-8-660 Air intakes in courts and yards.
339 15-12 Fire-Resistive Materials and Construction
340 15-12-010 Scope.
15-12-020 Performance standards.
15-12-030 Use of combustibles.
15-12-040 Definitions.
15-12-050 Accepted engineering practice.
341 15-12-060 Fire tests for building materials and construction.
15-12-070 Opening protective assemblies Doors and shutters.
15-12-080 Opening protective assemblies Defined.
15-12-090 Test procedure.
342 15-12-100 Test assemblies.
15-12-110 Classification of doors and shutters.
15-12-120 Maximum size of doors and shutters.
344 15-12-130 Approved protective assemblies.
15-12-140 Identification.
15-12-150 Installation.
15-12-160 Opening protective assemblies Windows.
15-12-170 Definition.
15-12-180 Test procedure.
15-12-190 Test assemblies.
15-12-200 Conditions of acceptance.
345 15-12-210 Hollow metal windows.
15-12-220 Solid section windows.
15-12-230 Other windows.
15-12-240 Approved protective assemblies.
15-12-250 Identification.
346 15-12-260 Roof coverings.
15-12-270 Class A roof coverings.
15-12-280 Class B roof coverings.
15-12-290 Class C roof coverings.
15-12-300 Approved roof coverings.
15-12-310 Identification.
15-12-320 Interior wall and ceiling finish, floor covering, and trim.
15-12-330 Test procedure.
15-12-340 Classification Interior wall, ceiling finish and trim.
347 15-12-344 Classification Interior floor coverings.
15-12-346 Classification Materials used as floor coverings.
15-12-350 Foam plastic insulation.
349 8: Interior Finishes
15-12 Fire-Resistive Materials and Construction
9: Fire Protection and Life Safety Systems
15-16 Fire Protection Equipment
350 15-12-010 Scope.
15-12-020 Performance standards.
15-12-030 Use of combustibles.
15-12-040 Definitions.
15-12-050 Accepted engineering practice.
351 15-12-060 Fire tests for building materials and construction.
15-12-070 Opening protective assemblies Doors and shutters.
15-12-080 Opening protective assemblies Defined.
15-12-090 Test procedure.
352 15-12-100 Test assemblies.
15-12-110 Classification of doors and shutters.
15-12-120 Maximum size of doors and shutters.
354 15-12-130 Approved protective assemblies.
15-12-140 Identification.
15-12-150 Installation.
15-12-160 Opening protective assemblies Windows.
15-12-170 Definition.
15-12-180 Test procedure.
15-12-190 Test assemblies.
15-12-200 Conditions of acceptance.
355 15-12-210 Hollow metal windows.
15-12-220 Solid section windows.
15-12-230 Other windows.
15-12-240 Approved protective assemblies.
15-12-250 Identification.
356 15-12-260 Roof coverings.
15-12-270 Class A roof coverings.
15-12-280 Class B roof coverings.
15-12-290 Class C roof coverings.
15-12-300 Approved roof coverings.
15-12-310 Identification.
15-12-320 Interior wall and ceiling finish, floor covering, and trim.
15-12-330 Test procedure.
15-12-340 Classification Interior wall, ceiling finish and trim.
357 15-12-344 Classification Interior floor coverings.
15-12-346 Classification Materials used as floor coverings.
15-12-350 Foam plastic insulation.
364 15-16-010 Sprinkler systems.
15-16-020 General requirements.
15-16-030 Special requirements.
365 15-16-040 Hazardous use units.
366 15-16-041 Telephone exchanges.
15-16-050 Highly flammable material storage.
367 15-16-051 Public utility structures and technology centers.
15-16-060 Smoke alarm requirements.
15-16-070 Spray booths.
15-16-080 Standard fireproof vaults.
15-16-090 General requirements.
15-16-100 Hazardous use units.
368 15-16-110 General requirements.
369 15-16-120 Class II standard fire alarm system.
15-16-130 Floor area and height.
15-16-140 Automatic fire detectors, where required.
370 15-16-150 Substitution of sprinklers for heat detectors.
15-16-160 General requirements.
15-16-170 Definition of system.
15-16-180 Other definitions.
372 15-16-190 Permit and fees.
15-16-200 Installation certification.
15-16-210 Inspections.
373 15-16-220 Notice of defective conditions.
15-16-230 Requirements for light hazard occupancies.
15-16-240 Requirements for extra hazardous occupancies.
374 15-16-250 Requirements for special systems.
15-16-260 System tests.
15-16-270 Water supply requirements.
375 15-16-280 Use of pressure tank for other services.
15-16-290 Gravity tanks.
15-16-300 Pressure tanks.
15-16-310 Fire pumps.
376 15-16-311 Test manifold.
15-16-320 Supply to tanks.
15-16-330 Filling pipe.
15-16-340 Small equipment.
15-16-350 Location and arrangement of sprinklers.
378 15-16-351 Display booths.
15-16-360 Sprinklers.
379 15-16-370 Sprinkler piping.
381 15-16-380 Piping supports.
15-16-390 Siamese connections.
15-16-400 Valves.
382 15-16-410 System drainage.
15-16-420 Hand hose connections.
383 15-16-430 Protection against freezing.
15-16-440 Protection against corrosion.
15-16-450 Test pipes.
15-16-451 Test pipes for high-rise buildings.
15-16-460 Dry pipe systems.
15-16-470 Dry pipe system capacity limits.
384 15-16-480 Quick opening devices.
15-16-490 Non-freezing systems.
15-16-500 Gauges.
15-16-510 Relief valves.
385 15-16-520 Painting or finishing.
15-16-530 Alarms.
15-16-540 Spare sprinklers.
15-16-550 Reserved.
15-16-560 Reserved.
15-16-570 Reserved.
386 15-16-580 Reserved.
15-16-590 Reserved.
15-16-600 Hydraulically calculated sprinkler systems.
387 15-16-601 Residential sprinklers.
15-16-610 Retroactivity.
15-16-611 Carbon dioxide extinguishing systems.
15-16-620 Definitions.
388 15-16-630 Classification and rating.
15-16-640 Where required.
15-16-650 Multiple requirements.
389 15-16-660 Installation.
15-16-670 Inspection and tests.
15-16-680 Tags to be attached.
15-16-690 Licensing of servicemen.
15-16-700 Violation Penalty.
15-16-710 Definition of system.
15-16-720 Where standpipe system required.
15-16-730 Other definitions.
390 15-16-740 Permit fees.
15-16-750 Installation certification.
15-16-760 Types of systems.
15-16-770 Sources of water supply.
391 15-16-780 Fire pumps.
15-16-790 Use for other services.
15-16-800 Fire pump requirements.
15-16-810 Pumps supplied from city main.
15-16-820 Fire pump auxiliary equipment.
15-16-830 Pressure-control devices.
392 15-16-840 Pump suction piping.
15-16-850 Requirements for auxiliary drive.
15-16-860 Piping arrangement.
15-16-870 Piping design.
15-16-880 Piping drains.
15-16-890 Risers.
15-16-900 Arrangement of risers.
15-16-910 Location of risers.
393 15-16-920 Size of risers.
15-16-930 Fire department hose connections.
15-16-940 Hose valve design.
15-16-950 Hand hose connections.
15-16-960 Hand hose valve design.
15-16-970 Equipment at hose outlets.
15-16-971 Identification of hose valves.
394 15-16-980 Pressure reducing devices.
15-16-990 Domestic use prohibited.
15-16-1000 Multiple systems.
15-16-1010 Express risers.
15-16-1020 Siamese connections required.
15-16-1030 Check valves for siamese.
15-16-1040 Arrangement of siamese connections.
395 15-16-1050 Valves.
15-16-1060 Reserved.
15-16-1070 Test manifold and wall hydrants.
15-16-1080 Gauges.
15-16-1090 Painting and identification of pipe.
15-16-1100 Protection against freezing.
396 15-16-1110 Dry pipe system.
15-16-1120 Buildings under construction.
15-16-1130 Buildings being demolished.
15-16-1140 Alarms.
15-16-1150 Test method.
397 15-16-1160 Annual test required.
15-16-1170 Inspection.
15-16-1180 Retroactivity.
15-16-1190 Existing buildings.
398 15-16-1200 Definition of system.
15-16-1210 Where required.
15-16-1220 Other definitions.
15-16-1230 Installation certification.
15-16-1240 Classification of systems.
15-16-1250 Class I system.
399 15-16-1260 Class II system.
15-16-1270 Fire detectors, where required.
15-16-1280 Alarm-sounding devices.
15-16-1290 Visual alarms.
15-16-1300 Manual alarm-sending stations.
15-16-1310 Manual alarm-sending stations Penal institutions.
400 15-16-1320 Accessibility of alarm-sending stations.
15-16-1330 Instructions.
15-16-1340 Key-operated alarm-sending stations.
15-16-1350 Type III schools.
15-16-1360 Tests.
15-16-1370 Connecting fire-detection devices to system.
15-16-1380 Zoned systems.
401 15-16-1390 Annunciators Where required.
15-16-1400 Location of annunciators.
15-16-1410 Exit instructions posted for coded systems.
15-16-1420 Trouble signal.
15-16-1430 City fire alarm box, where required.
402 15-16-1440 Connection to city fire alarm box Where required.
15-16-1450 Multiple system connections prohibited.
15-16-1460 Central station service.
15-16-1461 Fire alarms required by Section 13-96-1100.
15-16-1470 Telephone intercom system required in theaters.
15-16-1480 Alarm summons.
15-16-1490 Repairs.
15-16-1500 False alarms.
403 15-16-1510 Approval of plans.
15-16-1520 Conflicting provisions.
15-16-1530 Compartment defined for standard dwelling systems.
15-16-1540 Listing required Exception Testing.
15-16-1550 Permitted water supplies Water quantity.
15-16-1560 Specific requirements.
404 15-16-1570 Positioning Number Piping specifications Water demand.
405 10: Means of Egress
13-56 Classification of Buildings by Occupancy
406 13-56-010 Building classifications Classes designated.
13-56-020 Class A, residential units.
13-56-030 Class A-1, single-family dwelling.
407 13-56-040 Class A-2, multiple dwellings.
13-56-050 Class B, institutional units.
13-56-060 Certain Class B institutional units.
408 13-56-070 Class C, assembly units.
409 13-56-080 Class C-1, large assembly units.
13-56-090 Class C-2, small assembly units.
410 13-56-100 Class C-3, schools.
13-56-110 Class D, open air assembly units.
411 13-56-120 Class E, business units.
13-56-121 [Technology center defined.]
13-56-130 Class F, mercantile units.
13-56-140 Class G, industrial units.
412 13-56-150 Class G-1, low-hazard industrial units.
13-56-160 Class G-2, moderate hazard industrial units.
13-56-170 Class H, storage units.
413 13-56-180 Class H-1, low-hazard storage units.
13-56-190 Class H-2, moderate hazard storage units.
13-56-200 Garages.
13-56-210 Class I, hazardous use units.
13-56-220 Class J, miscellaneous buildings and structures.
414 13-56-230 Mixed occupancy Requirements.
13-56-240 Mixed occupancy Defined.
13-56-250 Auxiliary uses.
415 13-56-260 Mixed occupancy Applicable provisions.
13-56-270 Mixed occupancy Height and area limitations.
13-56-280 Mixed occupancy Fire-resistive separations required.
416 13-56-290 Separation from public spaces below grade.
417 13-56-300 Occupancy content determination.
13-56-310 Assembly units and open air assembly units Occupancy content.
13-56-320 Other occupancies Occupancy contents.
419 13-124 Safeguards During Construction – Building Safety Requirements
420 13-124-010 Construction safeguards Specifications.
13-124-015 Notice of demolition.
421 13-124-020 Construction loads.
13-124-030 Reserved.
13-124-040 Protection of floor openings.
13-124-050 Temporary flooring.
422 13-124-060 Demolition Regulations.
13-124-070 Demolition Notification of commissioner.
13-124-080 Demolition Procedure.
13-124-081 Posting of sign required.
13-124-090 Wrecking operations Time limitations.
13-124-100 Filling and grading of openings.
13-124-110 Debris removal.
423 13-124-120 Temporary structures Reflective material required.
13-124-130 Walkways, barricades and fences Generally.
13-124-140 13-124-170 Reserved.
13-124-180 Walkways and temporary sidewalks Construction requirements.
424 13-124-190 Roofs and skylights of adjoining buildings.
13-124-200 Anchorage of party walls.
13-124-210 Reserved.
13-124-220 Reserved.
13-124-230 Reserved.
13-124-240 Reserved.
13-124-250 Reserved.
13-124-260 Reserved.
13-124-270 Reserved.
13-124-280 Reserved.
13-124-290 Reserved.
13-124-300 Reserved.
425 13-124-310 Guards Required.
13-124-320 Guards Required Where.
13-124-330 Guards Types.
13-124-335 Openings in guards.
13-124-340 Window cleaning devices.
426 13-124-350 Safety glazing materials Required Where.
13-124-360 Safety glazing materials Defined.
13-124-370 Safety glazing materials Standards.
13-124-380 Declaration of policy.
13-124-390 Notice.
13-124-400 Bracing of certain structures required.
427 13-124-410 Liability for violation.
13-124-411 Fencing of certain excavations.
13-124-420 Insurance required.
13-124-430 Commissioner may promulgate rules.
13-124-440 Penalty for violation.
13-124-450 Exemptions.
429 13-160 Exit Requirements
431 13-160-010 General provisions.
13-160-020 Definitions.
432 13-160-030 Exit types Requirements.
13-160-040 Exit types Above or below grade.
13-160-050 Minimum number of exits.
434 13-160-060 Arrangement and location of exits.
13-160-070 Obstructions prohibited.
435 13-160-080 Exits Distance requirements.
13-160-090 Exits in certain units to discharge in line of travel.
13-160-100 Continuous means of exit required.
13-160-110 Travel distance to exits.
13-160-120 Travel distance Defined.
13-160-130 Travel distance Measurement.
13-160-140 Maximum travel distances.
436 13-160-150 Maximum travel distances Permitted increases.
13-160-160 Maximum distance from end of corridor.
13-160-170 Width of exits.
13-160-180 Occupancy content.
13-160-190 Unit of exit width.
13-160-200 Measurement of width.
437 13-160-210 Capacity of exits.
13-160-220 Minimum width of exits.
438 13-160-230 Outside exits.
13-160-240 Doors.
439 13-160-250 Swing of doors Exceptions.
13-160-260 Hardware.
13-160-261 External exit doors Electronic locking system.
440 13-160-269 Electromagnetic locking devices.
441 13-160-270 Revolving doors.
13-160-280 Entrance and vestibule doors for handicapped.
442 13-160-290 Stairways.
13-160-300 Stairways Treads and risers.
13-160-310 Stairways Landings.
13-160-320 Stairways Handrails.
13-160-330 Stairways Construction.
443 13-160-340 Stairways Enclosures.
13-160-350 Stairways Headroom.
13-160-360 Smokeproof towers.
13-160-370 Smokeproof towers Stairway enclosures.
13-160-380 Smokeproof towers Vestibules and balconies.
444 13-160-390 Smokeproof towers Fire shields.
13-160-400 Smokeproof towers Opening protectives.
13-160-410 Smokeproof towers Exterior exits.
13-160-420 Smokeproof towers Interior smoke shafts.
13-160-430 Ramps.
445 13-160-440 Ramps Grades.
13-160-450 Ramps Handrails.
13-160-460 Ramps Nonslip surfaces.
13-160-470 Exterior and interior ramps for handicapped.
13-160-480 Horizontal exits.
13-160-490 Horizontal exits Floor area.
13-160-500 Horizontal exits Doors.
13-160-510 Horizontal exits Bridges and balconies.
446 13-160-520 Escalators.
13-160-530 Escalators Compliance with interior stairway requirements.
13-160-540 Escalators Type.
13-160-550 Escalators Rise.
13-160-560 Escalators Angle of inclination.
13-160-570 Escalators Protection.
13-160-580 Exterior stairs.
13-160-590 Exterior stairs Treads and risers.
13-160-600 Exterior stairs Opening protectives.
13-160-610 Exterior stairs Permanent.
447 13-160-620 Exterior stairs Construction.
13-160-630 Fire escapes.
13-160-640 Fire escapes Stairways.
13-160-650 Fire escapes Other exits.
448 13-160-660 Exit lighting.
13-160-670 Exit lighting Intensity.
13-160-680 Lighting during performances.
13-160-690 Emergency lighting.
13-160-700 Exit, stairway, fire escape and directional signs.
13-160-710 Directional signs Where required.
449 13-160-720 Directional signs Fixture requirements.
13-160-730 Directional signs Illumination.
13-160-740 Directional signs Location.
13-160-750 Directional signs Lettering.
13-160-760 Reserved.
13-160-770 Directional signs Normal illumination defined.
13-160-780 Enforcement of Sections 13-160-710 through 13-160-770.
450 13-160-790 Reserved.
451 11: Accessibility
18-11 Accessibility
467 18-11-1101 General. 18-11-1101.1 Scope.
18-11-1101.1.1 Applicability.
18-11-1101.1.2 Other laws.
18-11-1101.1.3 Regulations.
18-11-1101.2 Referenced standards.
18-11-1101.3 Design.
18-11-1101.3.1 Modifications to ICC/ANSI A117.1.
468 18-11-1102 Definitions. 18-11-1102.1 General.
471 18-11-1103 Scoping Requirements. 18-11-1103.1 Where required.
18-11-1103.1.1 Spaces used for different purposes.
18-11-1103.2 General exceptions.
18-11-1103.2.1 Specific requirements.
18-11-1103.2.2 Existing buildings.
18-11-1103.2.3 Work areas.
18-11-1103.2.4 Detached dwellings and townhouses.
18-11-1103.2.5 Utility buildings.
18-11-1103.2.6 Construction sites.
472 18-11-1103.2.7 Raised areas.
18-11-1103.2.8 Limited access spaces.
18-11-1103.2.9 Equipment spaces.
18-11-1103.2.10 Single occupant structures.
18-11-1103.2.11 Residential occupancy.
18-11-1103.2.12 Day care facilities and business occupancies in a dwelling unit.
18-11-1103.2.13 Fuel-dispensing systems.
18-11-1103.2.14 Recreation facilities.
18-11-1104 Accessible Route. 18-11-1104.1 Site arrival points.
18-11-1104.2 Within a site.
473 18-11-1104.3 Connected spaces.
18-11-1104.4 Multilevel buildings and facilities.
18-11-1104.5 Location.
18-11-1104.6 Protruding objects.
18-11-1104.6.1 Protrusion limits.
474 18-11-1104.6.2 Free-standing objects.
18-11-1104.6.3 Reduced vertical clearance.
18-11-1105 Accessible Entrances. 18-11-1105.1 Required.
18-11-1105.1.1 Public entrances.
18-11-1105.1.2 Based on number of exits.
18-11-1105.1.3 Parking structure entrances.
18-11-1105.1.4 Entrances from tunnels and elevated walkways.
18-11-1105.1.5 Transportation facilities.
18-11-1105.1.5.1 Location.
18-11-1105.1.5.2 Direct connections.
475 18-11-1105.1.6 Tenant spaces.
18-11-1105.1.7 Restricted entrances.
18-11-1105.1.8 Service entrances.
18-11-1105.1.9 Entrances for inmates or detainees.
18-11-1105.1.10 Other entrances.
18-11-1105.2 Dwelling units.
18-11-1105.3 Medical care facilities.
18-11-1105.4 Automatic doors.
18-11-1106 Parking and Passenger Loading Facilities.
476 18-11-1106.1 Required.
18-11-1106.2 Residential occupancies.
477 18-11-1106.3 Medical facilities.
18-11-1106.3.1 Outpatient facilities.
18-11-1106.3.2 Rehabilitation facilities and outpatient physical therapy facilities.
18-11-1106.4 Vertical clearance for vans.
18-11-1106.5 Location and dispersion.
18-11-1106.6 Passenger loading zones.
18-11-1106.6.1 Medical facilities.
18-11-1106.6.2 Valet parking.
478 18-11-1107 Dwelling Units and Sleeping Units. 18-11-1107.1 General.
18-11-1107.1.1 Connected buildings.
18-11-1107.2 Accessible spaces.
18-11-1107.3 Accessible route.
18-11-1107.4 Institutional occupancies.
18-11-1107.4.1 Sheltered care facilities.
479 18-11-1107.4.1.1 Accessible units.
18-11-1107.4.1.2 Type B units.
18-11-1107.4.2 Nursing homes.
18-11-1107.4.2.1 Accessible units.
18-11-1107. Accessible beds.
18-11-1107.4.2.2 Type B units.
18-11-1107.4.3 Hospitals.
480 18-11-1107.4.3.1 Accessible units.
18-11-1107. Accessible beds.
18-11-1107.4.3.2 Type B units.
18-11-1107.4.4 Rehabilitation facilities.
18-11-1107.4.4.1 Accessible beds.
18-11-1107.4.5 Residential restrained care facilities.
18-11-1107.4.5.1 Accessible Units.
18-11-1107.4.5.2 Special holding cells and special housing cells or rooms.
18-11-1107.4.5.3 Medical care facilities.
481 18-11-1107.4.6 Outpatient medical care facilities.
18-11-1107.4.6.1 Accessible beds.
18-11-1107.5 Residential occupancies.
18-11-1107.5.1 Hotels, motels and similar occupancies.
18-11-1107.5.1.1 Accessible units.
18-11-1107. Dispersion.
18-11-1107. Overlap.
18-11-1107. Seats in roll-in showers.
482 18-11-1107.5.1.2 Type B units.
18-11-1107.5.1.3 Accessible beds.
483 18-11-1107. Clear floor area.
18-11-1107.5.1.4 Doors into and within other units.
18-11-1107.5.2 Multiple dwellings.
18-11-1107.5.2.1 Accessible units in boarding houses, dormitories, fraternity houses and sorority houses.
18-11-1107.5.2.2 Type A units.
18-11-1107.5.2.3 Type B units.
18-11-1107.5.2.4 Visual alarms.
484 18-11-1107.5.3 Structures with four or more units.
18-11-1107.5.4 Planned developments.
18-11-1107.5.4.1 Type A units.
485 18-11-1107. Design criteria for attached multi-story single family units with separate means of egress.
18-11-1107. Accessible route to an entrance.
18-11-1107. Entrance.
18-11-1107. Habitable space on entrance level.
18-11-1107. Path of travel.
18-11-1107. Interior doorways.
18-11-1107. Toilet room.
486 18-11-1107. Kitchen.
18-11-1107. Controls.
18-11-1107. Access to other levels.
18-11-1107.5.4.2 Type B units.
18-11-1107.5.4.3 Visitable units.
487 18-11-1107. Accessible route to an entrance.
18-11-1107. Entrance.
18-11-1107. Habitable space on entrance level.
18-11-1107. Path of travel.
18-11-1107. Interior doorways.
18-11-1107. Toilet room.
18-11-1107. Reinforcement.
488 18-11-1107. Controls.
18-11-1107.5.4.4 Visual alarms.
18-11-1107.5.5 Housing owned or financed by a governmental unit and developments with affordable units.
18-11-1107.5.5.1 Type A units.
18-11-1107.5.5.2 Type B units.
18-11-1107.5.5.3 Visitable units.
18-11-1107.5.5.4 Visual alarms.
489 18-11-1107.5.5.5 Dwelling units provided by entities subject to HUD Section 504 regulations.
18-11-1107. Units with mobility features.
490 18-11-1107. Units with communication features.
18-11-1107.5.6 Residential care facilities.
18-11-1107.5.6.1 Accessible units.
18-11-1107.5.6.2 Type A units.
18-11-1107.5.6.3 Type B units.
18-11-1107.5.6.4 Family community homes.
18-11-1107.6 General exceptions.
18-11-1107.6.1 Buildings without elevator service.
18-11-1107.6.1.1 One story with Type B units required.
491 18-11-1107.6.1.2 Additional stories with Type B units.
18-11-1107.6.2 Multistory units.
18-11-1107.6.3 Elevator service to the lowest story with units.
18-11-1107.6.4 Site impracticality.
18-11-1107.6.5 Base flood elevation.
492 18-11-1107.7 Design criteria for Accessible units, Type A units and Type B units.
18-11-1107.7.1 Accessible units.
18-11-1107.7.2 Type A units.
18-11-1107.7.2.1 Accessible route to an entrance.
18-11-1107.7.2.2 Entrance.
18-11-1107.7.2.3 Habitable space on entrance level.
18-11-1107.7.2.4 Toilet rooms.
18-11-1107.7.2.5 Access to other levels.
493 18-11-1107.7.3 Type B Units.
18-11-1108 Specific Occupancies. 18-11-1108.1 General.
18-11-1108.2 Assembly area seating.
18-11-1108.2.1 Services.
18-11-1108.2.2 Wheelchair spaces.
18-11-1108.2.2.1 Number and location.
494 18-11-1108. General seating.
18-11-1108. Luxury boxes, club boxes and suites in arenas, stadiums and grandstands.
18-11-1108. Other boxes.
18-11-1108.2.2.2 Integration.
18-11-1108.2.2.3 Dispersion.
18-11-1108. Horizontal dispersion.
18-11-1108. Vertical dispersion.
18-11-1108.2.2.4 Lines of sight.
495 18-11-1108. Lines of sight over seated spectators.
18-11-1108. Lines of sight over standing spectators.
18-11-1108.2.3 Companion seats.
18-11-1108.2.4 Designated aisle seats.
18-11-1108.2.5 Lawn seating.
18-11-1108.2.6 Public address system.
18-11-1108.2.7 Assistive listening systems.
18-11-1108.2.7.1 Required systems.
496 18-11-1108.2.7.2 Receivers.
18-11-1108.2.8 Dining areas.
18-11-1108.2.8.1 Fixed or built-in seating or tables.
497 18-11-1108.2.8.2 Dining counters.
18-11-1108.2.8.3 Raised platforms.
18-11-1108.2.8.4 Space for vending machines and similar equipment.
18-11-1108.2.9 Recreation facilities.
18-11-1108.2.10 Press boxes.
18-11-1108.3 Self-service storage facilities.
18-11-1108.3.1 Dispersion.
18-11-1108.4 Museums and exhibition areas.
498 18-11-1108.5 Judicial facilities.
18-11-1108.5.1 Courtrooms.
18-11-1108.5.2 Holding cells.
18-11-1108.5.2.1 Central holding cells.
18-11-1108.5.2.2 Court-floor holding cells.
18-11-1108.5.3 Visiting areas.
18-11-1108.5.3.1 Cubicles and counters.
18-11-1108.5.3.2 Partitions.
18-11-1109 Other Features and Facilities. 18-11-1109.1 General.
499 18-11-1109.2 Toilet and bathing facilities.
18-11-1109.2.1 Unisex toilet and bathing rooms.
18-11-1109.2.1.1 Standard.
18-11-1109.2.1.2 Unisex toilet rooms.
18-11-1109.2.1.3 Unisex bathing rooms.
18-11-1109.2.1.4 Location.
500 18-11-1109.2.1.5 Prohibited location.
18-11-1109.2.1.6 Clear floor space.
18-11-1109.2.1.7 Privacy.
18-11-1109.2.2 Water closet compartment.
18-11-1109.2.3 Water temperature.
18-11-1109.2.4 Portable toilet and bathing units.
18-11-1109.3 Sinks.
18-11-1109.4 Kitchens, kitchenettes and wet bars.
18-11-1109.5 Drinking fountains and water coolers.
18-11-1109.5.1 Location on accessible route.
18-11-1109.5.2 Drinking fountains minimum number.
501 18-11-1109.5.3 Water coolers minimum number.
18-11-1109.6 Elevators.
18-11-1109.6.1 Elevator in exempt facility.
18-11-1109.6.2 Rails in elevator cars.
18-11-1109.6.3 Elevator within a dwelling unit.
18-11-1109.7 Lifts.
18-11-1109.8 Storage.
18-11-1109.8.1 Lockers.
502 18-11-1109.8.2 Shelving and display units.
18-11-1109.8.3 Coat hooks and folding shelves.
18-11-1109.9 Detectable warnings.
18-11-1109.9.1 Transit platforms.
18-11-1109.9.2 Stairways.
18-11-1109.9.2.1 Detectable warning standard for stairways.
18-11-1109.9.3 Cross walks.
18-11-1109.9.4 Reflecting pools.
18-11-1109.9.5 Doors to hazardous areas.
503 18-11-1109.10 Assembly area seating.
18-11-1109.11 Seating at tables, counters and work surfaces.
18-11-1109.11.1 Dispersion.
18-11-1109.12 Other service facilities.
18-11-1109.12.1 Dressing, fitting and locker rooms.
18-11-1109.12.2 Check-out aisles.
18-11-1109.12.3 Point of sales and service counters.
18-11-1109.12.4 Food service lines.
504 18-11-1109.12.5 Queue and waiting lines.
18-11-1109.12.6 Saunas and steam rooms.
18-11-1109.12.6.1 Wheelchair turning space.
18-11-1109.12.6.2 Bench.
18-11-1109.12.6.3 Door swing.
18-11-1109.13 Controls operating mechanisms and hardware.
18-11-1109.13.1 Operable windows.
18-11-1109.14 Recreational facilities.
18-11-1109.14.1 Facilities serving a single building.
18-11-1109.14.2 Facilities serving multiple buildings.
505 18-11-1109.14.3 Other occupancies.
18-11-1109.14.4 Campsites.
18-11-1109.15 Laundry equipment.
18-11-1109.16 Automatic teller machines and fare machines.
18-11-1109.17 Accessible means of egress. 18-11-1109.17.1 Exit access.
18-11-1109.17.2 Exceptions to required accessible means of egress.
506 18-11-1110 Signage. 18-11-1110.1 Signs.
18-11-1110.2 Directional signage.
18-11-1110.3 Other signs.
507 18-11-1111 Telephones. 18-11-1111.1 General.
18-11-1111.2 Wheelchair accessible telephones.
18-11-1111.3 Volume controls.
508 18-11-1111.4 TTYs.
18-11-1111.4.1 Bank requirement.
18-11-1111.4.2 Floor requirement.
18-11-1111.4.3 Building requirement.
18-11-1111.4.4 Site requirement.
18-11-1111.4.5 Rest stops, emergency road stops, and service plazas.
18-11-1111.4.6 Hospitals.
18-11-1111.4.7 Transportation facilities.
18-11-1111.4.8 Assembly occupancies and covered malls.
18-11-1111.4.9 Detention and correctional facilities.
18-11-1111.4.10 Signs.
509 18-11-1111.5 Shelves for portable TTYs.
18-11-1111.6 Telephone books.
18-11-1112 Public Rights-of-Way. 18-11-1112.1 Required accessible elements.
18-11-1112.2 Sidewalks.
18-11-1112.2.1 Clear width.
18-11-1112.2.2 Cross slope.
18-11-1112.2.3 Running grade.
18-11-1112.2.4 Surfaces.
18-11-1112.2.5 Gaps at rail crossings.
18-11-1112.3 Protruding objects.
18-11-1112.4 Street crossings.
510 18-11-1112.5 Furniture and fixtures.
18-11-1112.5.1 Clear floor or ground space.
18-11-1112.5.2 Drinking fountains.
18-11-1112.5.3 Public toilet facilities.
18-11-1112.5.4 Public telephones.
18-11-1112.5.5 Tables, counters and work surfaces.
18-11-1112.5.6 Sales and service counters.
18-11-1112.5.7 Benches.
18-11-1112.6 Bus stops and terminals.
18-11-1112.6.1 Bus stop boarding and alighting areas.
18-11-1112.6.1.1 Surface.
18-11-1112.6.1.2 Dimensions.
18-11-1112.6.1.3 Connection.
18-11-1112.6.1.4 Slope.
511 18-11-1112.6.2 Bus shelters.
18-11-1112.6.3 Signs.
18-11-1112.6.4 Bus stop siting.
18-11-1112.7 Waterfront walkways.
18-11-1112.7.1 Pedestrian route.
18-11-1112.7.2 Connection to public way.
18-11-1112.7.3 Connection to facilities.
18-11-1113 Fixed Transportation Facilities and Stations. 18-11-1113.1 General.
18-11-1113.2 New construction.
18-11-1113.2.1 Station entrances.
512 18-11-1113.2.2 Signs.
18-11-1113.2.2.1 Tactile signs.
18-11-1113.2.2.2 Identification signs.
18-11-1113.2.2.3 Routes and destinations.
18-11-1113.2.2.4 Directions and information.
18-11-1113.2.3 Fare machines.
18-11-1113.2.4 Rail-to-platform height.
18-11-1113.2.5 TTYs.
18-11-1113.2.6 Track crossings.
513 18-11-1113.2.7 Public address systems.
18-11-1113.2.8 Clocks.
18-11-1113.2.9 Escalators.
18-11-1113.3 Existing facilities: key stations.
18-11-1113.3.1 Accessible route.
18-11-1113.3.2 Rail-to-platform height.
18-11-1113.3.3 Direct connections.
18-11-1113.4 Existing facilities: alterations.
18-11-1114 Airports.
514 18-11-1114.1 New construction.
18-11-1114.2 TTYs.
18-11-1114.3 Terminal information systems.
18-11-1114.4 Clocks.
18-11-1115 Play Areas. 18-11-1115.1 General.
18-11-1115.2 Ground level play components.
18-11-1115.2.1 General.
18-11-1115.2.2 Additional number and types.
515 18-11-1115.3 Elevated play components.
18-11-1115.4 Accessible routes.
18-11-1115.4.1 Location.
516 18-11-1115.4.2 Protrusions.
18-11-1115.4.3 Clear width.
18-11-1115.4.3.1 Ground level.
18-11-1115.4.3.2 Elevated.
18-11-1115.4.4 Ramp slope and rise.
18-11-1115.4.4.1 Ground level.
18-11-1115.4.4.2 Elevated.
18-11-1115.4.5 Handrails.
18-11-1115.4.5.1 Handrail gripping surface.
18-11-1115.4.5.2 Handrail height.
517 18-11-1115.5 Transfer systems.
18-11-1115.5.1 Transfer platforms.
18-11-1115.5.1.1 Size.
18-11-1115.5.1.2 Height.
18-11-1115.5.1.3 Transfer space.
18-11-1115.5.1.4 Transfer supports.
18-11-1115.5.2 Transfer steps.
18-11-1115.5.2.1 Size.
18-11-1115.5.2.2 Height.
18-11-1115.5.2.3 Transfer supports.
18-11-1115.6 Play components.
18-11-1115.6.1 Maneuvering space.
18-11-1115.6.2 Clear floor or ground space.
18-11-1115.6.3 Height and clearances of play tables.
518 18-11-1115.6.4 Height of entry points and seats.
18-11-1115.6.5 Transfer supports.
18-11-1115.7 Ground surfaces.
18-11-1115.7.1 Standard.
18-11-1115.7.2 Use zones.
18-11-1115.8 Soft contained play structures.
18-11-1115.8.1 Accessible routes to entry points.
18-11-1116 Recreation Facilities. 18-11-1116.1 General.
18-11-1116.2 Amusement rides.
519 18-11-1116.2.1 Alterations to amusement rides.
18-11-1116.2.2 Number required.
18-11-1116.2.3 Accessible route.
18-11-1116.2.4 Load and unload areas.
18-11-1116.2.5 Signage.
18-11-1116.2.6 Amusement rides with a wheelchair spaces.
18-11-1116.2.6.1 Floor or ground surface.
18-11-1116. Slope.
18-11-1116. Gaps.
520 18-11-1116.2.6.2 Clearances.
18-11-1116. Width and length.
18-11-1116. Wheelchair spaces side entry.
18-11-1116. Protrusions in wheelchair spaces.
18-11-1116.2.6.3 Opening.
18-11-1116.2.6.4 Approach.
18-11-1116.2.6.5 Companion seats.
18-11-1116. Shoulder-to-shoulder seating.
18-11-1116.2.7 Amusement ride seats designed for transfer or for use with a transfer device.
18-11-1116.2.7.1 Clear floor or ground space.
18-11-1116.2.7.2 Transfer height.
521 18-11-1116.2.7.3 Transfer entry.
18-11-1116.2.7.4 Wheelchair storage space.
18-11-1116.3 Boating facilities.
18-11-1116.3.1 Accessible route.
18-11-1116.3.2 Boat slips: minimum number.
522 18-11-1116.3.2.1 Dispersion.
18-11-1116.3.3 Boarding piers at boat launch ramps.
18-11-1116.3.3.1 Boarding pier clearances.
18-11-1116.3.4 Accessible boat slips.
18-11-1116.3.4.1 Clearances.
523 18-11-1116.3.4.2 Cleats and other boat securement devices.
18-11-1116.4 Fishing piers and platforms.
18-11-1116.4.1 Accessible route.
18-11-1116.4.2 Railings.
18-11-1116.4.2.1 Edge protection.
18-11-1116.4.2.2 Height.
18-11-1116.4.2.3 Dispersion.
18-11-1116.4.3 Clear floor or ground space.
18-11-1116.4.4 Maneuvering space.
18-11-1116.5 Golf.
524 18-11-1116.5.1 Accessible route golf course.
18-11-1116.5.2 Accessible route driving ranges.
18-11-1116.5.3 Teeing grounds.
18-11-1116.5.3.1 Number required.
18-11-1116.5.3.2 Forward teeing ground.
18-11-1116.5.3.3 Teeing grounds.
18-11-1116.5.4 Teeing stations at driving ranges and practice teeing grounds.
18-11-1116.5.5 Weather shelters.
18-11-1116.5.6 Golf car passage.
18-11-1116.5.6.1 Width.
18-11-1116.5.7 Putting greens.
525 18-11-1116.6 Miniature golf.
18-11-1116.6.1 Accessible holes.
18-11-1116.6.1.1 Minimum number of accessible holes.
18-11-1116.6.1.2 Additional accessible holes.
18-11-1116.6.1.3 Consecutive accessible holes.
18-11-1116.6.2 Accessible route.
18-11-1116.6.3 Start of play areas.
18-11-1116.6.4 Golf club reach range.
18-11-1116.7 Exercise equipment and machines, bowling lanes, and shooting facilities.
526 18-11-1116.7.1 Exercise equipment and machines.
18-11-1116.7.2 Bowling lanes.
18-11-1116.7.3 Shooting facilities.
18-11-1116.7.3.1 Fixed firing position.
18-11-1116.8 Swimming pools, wading pools, and spas.
18-11-1116.8.1 Swimming pools.
18-11-1116.8.2 Wading pools.
18-11-1116.8.3 Spas.
18-11-1116.8.4 Pool lifts.
18-11-1116.8.4.1 Pool lift location.
527 18-11-1116.8.4.2 Seat location.
18-11-1116.8.4.3 Clear deck space.
18-11-1116.8.4.4 Seat height.
18-11-1116.8.4.5 Seat width.
18-11-1116.8.4.6 Footrests and armrests.
18-11-1116.8.4.7 Operation.
18-11-1116.8.4.8 Submerged depth.
18-11-1116.8.4.9 Lifting capacity.
18-11-1116.8.5 Sloped entries.
18-11-1116.8.5.1 Sloped entries.
18-11-1116.8.5.2 Submerged depth.
18-11-1116.8.5.3 Handrails.
528 18-11-1116.8.6 Transfer walls.
18-11-1116.8.6.1 Clear deck space.
18-11-1116.8.6.2 Height.
18-11-1116.8.6.3 Wall depth and length.
18-11-1116.8.6.4 Surface.
18-11-1116.8.6.5 Grab bars.
18-11-1116.8.7 Transfer systems.
18-11-1116.8.7.1 Transfer platform.
18-11-1116.8.7.2 Clear deck space.
18-11-1116.8.7.3 Height.
18-11-1116.8.7.4 Transfer steps.
18-11-1116.8.7.5 Surface.
18-11-1116.8.7.6 Size.
529 18-11-1116.8.7.7 Grab bars.
18-11-1116.8.8 Pool stairs.
18-11-1116.8.8.1 Pool stairs.
18-11-1116.8.8.2 Handrails.
18-11-1116.8.9 Water play components.
18-11-1117 Existing Facilities. 18-11-1117.1 Scope.
18-11-1117.1.1 Maintenance.
18-11-1117.2 Repairs.
18-11-1117.3 Alterations Level 1.
530 18-11-1117.3.1 Extent of application.
18-11-1117.3.2 Tenant finishing work.
18-11-1117.3.3 Scope.
18-11-1117.3.3.1 State-owned facilities.
531 18-11-1117.3.3.2 Non-State-owned facilities cost under $100,000.
18-11-1117.3.3.3 Non-State-owned facilities cost of $100,000 or more.
18-11-1117.3.4 Alterations affecting an area containing a primary function.
18-11-1117.3.5 Specific provisions for alterations.
18-11-1117.3.5.1 Elevators.
18-11-1117.3.5.2 Platform lifts.
532 18-11-1117.3.5.3 Stairs and escalators in existing buildings.
18-11-1117.3.5.4 Ramps.
18-11-1117.3.5.5 Dining areas.
18-11-1117.3.5.6 Performance areas.
18-11-1117.3.5.7 Assembly areas.
18-11-1117.3.5.8 Dwelling or sleeping units.
18-11-1117.3.5.9 Toilet rooms.
18-11-1117.3.5.10 Dressing, fitting and locker rooms.
533 18-11-1117.3.5.11 Check-out aisles.
18-11-1117.3.5.12 Dispersion of seating at fixed or built-in tables, counters, or work surfaces.
18-11-1117.3.5.13 Sales and service counters.
18-11-1117.3.5.14 Thresholds.
18-11-1117.3.5.15 Entrances to tenant spaces.
18-11-1117.3.5.16 Site improvements and exterior facilities.
18-11-1117. Curbs.
18-11-1117. Walks.
18-11-1117. Parking lots.
18-11-1117. Accessible routes.
18-11-1117.3.5.17 Play areas.
18-11-1117.3.5.18 Recreation facilities.
18-11-1117.3.6 Rail transportation facilities.
534 18-11-1117.4 Alterations Level 2.
18-11-1117.5 Alterations Level 3.
18-11-1117.6 Change of occupancy.
18-11-1117.6.1 Accessibility.
18-11-1117.6.2 Technically infeasible.
18-11-1117.7 Additions.
18-11-1117.7.1 Entrances.
18-11-1117.7.2 Accessible route.
535 18-11-1117.7.3 Toilet and bathing facilities.
18-11-1117.7.4 Creation of nonconformity.
18-11-1117.7.5 Type B units.
18-11-1118 Historic Buildings. 18-11-1118.1 Change of occupancy.
18-11-1118.2 Alterations and accessibility.
18-11-1118.2.1 Minimum requirements.
18-11-1118.2.1.1 Compliance with provisions for new construction.
536 18-11-1118.2.1.2 Alternative requirements.
18-11-1118.2.2 Scope.
18-11-1118.2.2.1 All historic buildings alteration costs 15 percent or less.
18-11-1118.2.2.2 Historically interpreted buildings alteration costs 15 percent or more.
18-11-1118. Accessible route to displays.
18-11-1118. Audible and visual information source.
18-11-1118. Location of displays and information.
18-11-1118. Toilet facilities.
18-11-1118. Drinking fountain.
537 18-11-1118. Parking.
18-11-1118. Accessible route from parking.
18-11-1118. Alternative requirements.
18-11-1118.2.2.3 Other historic buildings alteration costs 15 percent or more.
18-11-1118.2.2.4 Additional specific provisions for alterations.
18-11-1118. Stair handrail extensions.
18-11-1118. Elevator door edge.
18-11-1118. Elevator car dimensions.
18-11-1118. Assembly seating dispersion.
18-11-1118.2.2.5 Calculation of reproduction cost.
538 18-11-1118.2.3 Alternative requirements for historic buildings.
18-11-1118.2.3.1 Changes of level.
18-11-1118.2.3.2 Exemptions for controlled access.
18-11-1118.2.3.3 Door hardware and operation exemption.
18-11-1118.2.3.4 Door adapter lever handles.
18-11-1118.2.3.5 Door width.
18-11-1118.2.3.6 Door width alternatives.
539 18-11-1118.2.3.7 Alternative accessible entrance.
18-11-1118.2.3.8 Accessible routes.
18-11-1118.2.3.9 Stair exemption.
540 12: Interior Environment
13-64 Residential Units
541 13-64-010 General requirements.
543 13-64-020 Special enclosures and separations.
13-64-022 Exterior wall standards.
13-64-030 Basement room areas Outside air openings.
13-64-040 Minimum ventilation.
544 13-64-050 Ceiling heights.
13-64-060 Room arrangement.
13-64-070 Requirements for habitable basement rooms.
13-64-080 Private garages.
13-64-090 Stairways.
13-64-100 Permitted housing for elderly persons.
13-64-110 Desk clerk requirements.
13-64-120 Smoke alarms Required in all residential units.*
545 13-64-130 Smoke alarms Location.
13-64-140 Smoke alarms Stairwell installation.
13-64-141 Smoke detection system in lieu of smoke alarms.
13-64-150 Smoke alarms and smoke detectors Standards.
546 13-64-151 Smoke alarms Additional requirements.
13-64-160 Smoke alarms Battery removal violation Penalty.
13-64-170 Smoke detectors Intermediate care facility for developmentally disabled 15 or less.
13-64-180 Smoke alarms Hotels and motels and bed-and-breakfast establishments to provide smoke detectors to serve hearing impair
547 13-64-190 Carbon monoxide detectors Required in residential units.
13-64-200 Carbon monoxide detectors Exemptions.
13-64-210 Carbon monoxide detectors Location.
13-64-220 Carbon monoxide detectors Dwelling units heated by space heaters.
13-64-230 Carbon monoxide detectors Standards Rules.
548 13-64-240 Carbon monoxide detectors Battery removal violation Penalty.
13-64-250 Carbon monoxide detectors Owner’s and tenant’s responsibilities.
13-64-260 Carbon monoxide detectors Required in Class B institutional and Class C assembly units.
549 13-64-270 Carbon monoxide detectors Location; Class B institutional and Class C assembly units.
13-64-280 Carbon monoxide detectors Buildings heated by central fossil fuel powered heating unit.
13-64-290 Fossil fuel defined.
13-64-300 Penalties.
13-64-400 Business live/work units.
551 13-172 Light and Ventilation
13-172-010 Scope.
13-172-020 Buildings on same lot.
13-172-030 Definitions.
552 13-172-060 Light and ventilation required.
13-172-070 Natural light.
553 13-172-080 Artificial light.
13-172-090 Natural ventilation.
13-172-100 Mechanical ventilation.
13-172-110 Ventilation of special spaces.
554 13-172-130 Courts and yards.
13-172-140 Obstruction of courts and yards.
556 13: Energy Efficiency
18-13 Energy Conservation
18-13-100 Referenced codes and standards.
557 18-13-110 Definitions in referenced codes and standards.
18-13-200 Chapter 1 [CE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
18-13-210 Chapter 2 [CE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
558 18-13-220 Chapter 3 [CE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
18-13-230 Chapter 4 [CE] of IECC Adopted with modification.
560 18-13-240 Chapter 5 [CE] of IECC Adopted with modification.
562 18-13-250 Chapter 6 [CE] of IECC Adopted without modification.
18-13-300 Chapter 1 [RE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
563 18-13-310 Chapter 2 [RE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
18-13-320 Chapter 3 [RE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
564 18-13-330 Chapter 4 [RE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
570 18-13-340 Chapter 5 [RE] of IECC Adopted with modifications.
571 18-13-350 Chapter 6 [RE] of IECC Adopted without modification.
572 15: Roof Assemblies and Rooftop Structures
15-8 Fire Resistive Requirements
574 15-8-010 Fire walls.
15-8-020 Definition.
15-8-030 Construction.
15-8-040 Offset construction.
15-8-050 Parapets.
15-8-060 Openings.
575 15-8-070 Exterior walls Requirements.
15-8-080 Exterior walls Construction.
15-8-081 Exterior insulating and finish systems.
15-8-082 Test data required.
15-8-083 Multistory buildings.
15-8-084 Required fastening.
15-8-085 Labeling.
576 15-8-086 Moisture control.
15-8-090 Sloping walls.
15-8-100 Parapets.
15-8-110 Protection of openings.
577 15-8-120 Protection of stairs, shafts and vertical openings.
15-8-130 Enclosure partitions.
15-8-140 Stairway enclosures.
578 15-8-150 Elevator and escalator enclosures.
15-8-160 Enclosure of pipe shafts and ducts.
15-8-170 Enclosure of wells and chutes.
579 15-8-180 Protection of openings.
15-8-190 Enclosure of heating plants and boiler rooms.
580 15-8-200 Protection not required.
15-8-210 Two-hour protection required.
15-8-220 One-hour protection required.
15-8-230 Protection of openings.
15-8-240 Other enclosures and separations.
581 15-8-250 Partitions.
15-8-260 Fire-resistive requirements.
15-8-270 Subdividing partitions.
15-8-280 Exterior trim.
582 15-8-290 Definition.
15-8-300 Cornices, gutters and leaders.
15-8-310 Balconies and bay windows.
15-8-320 Porches.
15-8-321 Decks.
583 15-8-322 Rooftop decks.
15-8-323 Weather-protected entries.
15-8-324 Open stairs.
584 15-8-325 Reserved.
15-8-326 Pergolas, trellises, arbors, and privacy screens.
15-8-330 Roof coverings.
15-8-340 Classification.
15-8-350 Materials.
15-8-360 Use.
585 15-8-370 Interior wall and ceiling finish and trim.
15-8-380 Interior wall and ceiling finishes.
15-8-390 Interior trim.
15-8-400 Classification of materials.
586 15-8-410 General requirements.
15-8-420 Requirements for interior wall and ceiling finish.
15-8-430 Interior trim.
587 15-8-440 Floor coverings.
15-8-450 Flooring.
15-8-460 Sleepers.
15-8-470 Insulation.
15-8-480 Fire-resistive or noncombustible construction.
15-8-490 Heavy timber construction.
588 15-8-500 Stairways and exitways.
15-8-510 Roof structures.
15-8-520 Skylights and monitors.
15-8-530 Penthouses.
15-8-540 Mansard and sloping roofs.
15-8-550 Towers.
589 15-8-560 Miscellaneous roof structures.
15-8-570 Firestopping.
15-8-580 Materials.
15-8-590 Walls and partitions.
15-8-600 Roof spaces.
15-8-610 Stairs.
15-8-620 Floors and roofs.
15-8-630 Chimneys.
590 15-8-640 Pipes and shafts.
15-8-660 Air intakes in courts and yards.
591 16: Structural Design
13-52 Minimum Design Loads
592 13-52-010 Generally.
13-52-020 Resource document.
13-52-030 Permit drawings.
13-52-040 General structural integrity.
13-52-050 Additions to existing structures.
13-52-060 Load tests.
13-52-070 Floor loads.
593 13-52-080 Dead loads.
13-52-090 Live loads.
596 13-52-100 Thrusts on handrails and guards.
597 13-52-110 Thrust on passenger vehicle railings.
13-52-120 Provision for partitions.
13-52-130 Concentrated loads.
13-52-140 Accessible roof-supporting members.
598 13-52-150 Live loads not specified.
13-52-160 Partial loading.
13-52-170 Impact loading.
13-52-180 Special loading.
13-52-190 Posting of floor loads.
599 13-52-200 Restriction on loading.
13-52-210 Reduction in live loads.
600 13-52-220 Roof loads.
13-52-230 Minimum roof live loads.
13-52-240 Special purpose roofs.
13-52-250 Nonload bearing partitions and suspended ceilings.
13-52-260 Ponding loads.
13-52-270 Rain loads.
601 13-52-280 Snow loads.
602 13-52-290 Lateral loads.
13-52-300 General lateral loads.
13-52-310 Minimum wind design pressures Buildings and portions thereof and other structures.
604 13-52-320 Interior non-load bearing partitions.
13-52-330 Tornados.
605 13-52-340 Earthquakes.
13-52-350 Soil and hydrostatic pressure.
13-52-360 Pressure on basement walls.
13-52-370 Uplift on floors.
13-52-380 Other loads.
606 16-6 Flood Control
16-6-010 Definitions.
607 16-6-020 Compliance with chapter.
608 16-6-030 Review of applications.
16-6-040 Additional information required.
16-6-050 Preventing increased flood heights and resulting damage.
609 16-6-060 Protection of buildings.
16-6-070 Means of protection.
610 16-6-075 Subdivision and other development requirements.
611 16-6-080 Duties of issuing departments.
16-6-090 Duties of the building commissioner.
16-6-100 Duties of the commissioner of buildings.
612 16-6-105 Reserved.
16-6-110 Work performed by city.
16-6-120 General considerations.
16-6-130 Variances.
613 16-6-140 Review of elevations.
16-6-150 Penalties.
16-6-160 Other restrictions on land use.
16-6-170 Disclaimer of liability.
614 17: Special Inspections and Tests
13-120 Materials, Methods and Tests
13-120-010 Scope.
13-120-020 Used materials.
13-120-030 Classification of construction materials.
13-120-040 Controlled materials.
615 13-120-050 Ordinary materials.
13-120-060 Accepted engineering practice.
13-120-070 Adopted standards.
618 13-120-080 Tests.
13-120-090 Test specimens.
13-120-100 Tests of materials.
13-120-110 Tests of structural assemblies.
619 13-120-120 Conditions of acceptance.
13-120-130 Workmanship test.
13-120-140 Prefabricated construction.
620 13-120-150 Exterior wall materials.
13-120-160 Welded construction.
621 18: Soils and Foundations
13-132 Foundations
622 13-132-010 General requirements.
13-132-020 Bearing values of soils, borings and tests.
13-132-030 Classification of subsurface materials.
623 13-132-040 Soil investigation.
13-132-050 Borings.
13-132-060 Soil bearing values.
624 13-132-070 Field loading tests.
625 13-132-080 Footings Requirements.
13-132-090 Footings Proportion.
13-132-100 Footings Depth requirements.
13-132-110 Footings Construction.
626 13-132-120 Pile foundations General requirements.
13-132-130 Allowable loads on piles.
13-132-140 Pile loads determined by driving formula.
627 13-132-150 Pile loads determined by load tests.
13-132-160 Load tests on piles.
13-132-170 Allowable pile loads Special considerations.
628 13-132-180 Timber piles Requirements.
13-132-190 Timber piles Construction requirements.
13-132-200 Cut-off of untreated piles.
13-132-210 Treated piles.
13-132-220 Precast concrete piles Compliance.
13-132-230 Precast concrete piles Construction.
13-132-240 Precast concrete piles Handling and driving.
13-132-250 Cast-in-place concrete piles Compliance.
13-132-260 Cast-in-place concrete piles Construction.
629 13-132-270 Cast-in-place concrete piles Allowable stresses.
13-132-280 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles.
13-132-290 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles Construction.
13-132-300 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles Allowable stresses.
13-132-310 Concrete-filled steel pipe piles Durability.
13-132-320 Rolled structural steel piles.
13-132-330 Rolled structural steel piles Construction.
630 13-132-340 Rolled structural steel piles Splices.
13-132-350 Rolled structural steel piles Allowable stresses.
13-132-360 Rolled structural steel piles Durability.
13-132-370 Special type piles.
13-132-380 Foundation caissons.
13-132-390 Foundation caissons Allowable loads and stresses.
13-132-400 Foundation caissons Concrete stresses.
631 13-132-410 Foundation caissons Steel casings.
13-132-420 Foundation caissons Inspection and testing.
13-132-430 Foundation caissons Tolerance.
632 13-132-440 Foundation caissons Construction methods.
13-132-450 Foundation caissons Safety requirements.
13-132-460 Special type caissons.
633 19: Concrete
13-136 Concrete Construction
13-136-010 Standards.
13-136-020 Exceptions.
634 13-136-030 Standards.
13-136-040 Exceptions, supplement, additions and corrections.
636 20: Aluminum
13-148 Steel and Metal Construction
13-148-010 Structural steel construction Standards.
13-148-020 Cold-formed structural steel members.
637 13-148-030 Steel joist construction.
13-148-040 Lightweight metal alloys.
13-148-050 Cast iron Compliance.
13-148-060 Cast iron Material.
13-148-070 Cast iron Thickness of metal.
13-148-080 Cast iron Limitations of use.
13-148-090 Cast iron Splicing.
638 13-148-100 Steel deck construction.
13-148-110 Mechanical conveyor systems Conformance requirements.
639 21: Masonry
13-140 Masonry Construction
13-140-010 Ordinary masonry.
13-140-020 Definitions.
640 13-140-030 Masonry design Exceptions.
13-140-040 Masonry units Standards.
13-140-050 Concrete masonry units Standards.
641 13-140-060 Clay and shale masonry units Standards.
13-140-070 Stone masonry units Standards.
13-140-080 Engineered concrete masonry Reinforcement.
13-140-090 Definition of “with inspection”.
13-140-100 Stress limitations based upon net section.
642 13-140-110 Strength of engineered masonry.
13-140-120 Minimum thickness.
13-140-130 Grout placement in engineered brick masonry.
13-140-140 Grout placement in engineered concrete masonry.
643 13-140-150 Minimum temperature to be maintained.
13-140-160 Resistance to progressive failure.
13-140-170 Interior non-load-bearing partitions.
644 22: Steel
13-148 Steel and Metal Construction
13-148-010 Structural steel construction Standards.
13-148-020 Cold-formed structural steel members.
645 13-148-030 Steel joist construction.
13-148-040 Lightweight metal alloys.
13-148-050 Cast iron Compliance.
13-148-060 Cast iron Material.
13-148-070 Cast iron Thickness of metal.
13-148-080 Cast iron Limitations of use.
13-148-090 Cast iron Splicing.
646 13-148-100 Steel deck construction.
13-148-110 Mechanical conveyor systems Conformance requirements.
647 23: Wood
13-144 Wood Construction
13-144-010 General.
13-144-020 Material.
13-144-030 Heavy timber.
13-144-040 Plywood and structural use panels.
648 13-144-050 Particleboard.
13-144-060 Metal plate connections.
13-144-070 Treated wood.
13-144-080 Ventilation.
649 25: Gypsum Board and Plaster
13-120 Materials, Methods and Tests
13-120-010 Scope.
13-120-020 Used materials.
13-120-030 Classification of construction materials.
13-120-040 Controlled materials.
650 13-120-050 Ordinary materials.
13-120-060 Accepted engineering practice.
13-120-070 Adopted standards.
653 13-120-080 Tests.
13-120-090 Test specimens.
13-120-100 Tests of materials.
13-120-110 Tests of structural assemblies.
654 13-120-120 Conditions of acceptance.
13-120-130 Workmanship test.
13-120-140 Prefabricated construction.
655 13-120-150 Exterior wall materials.
13-120-160 Welded construction.
656 26: Plastic
15-12 Fire-Resistive Materials and Construction
657 15-12-010 Scope.
15-12-020 Performance standards.
15-12-030 Use of combustibles.
15-12-040 Definitions.
15-12-050 Accepted engineering practice.
658 15-12-060 Fire tests for building materials and construction.
15-12-070 Opening protective assemblies Doors and shutters.
15-12-080 Opening protective assemblies Defined.
15-12-090 Test procedure.
659 15-12-100 Test assemblies.
15-12-110 Classification of doors and shutters.
15-12-120 Maximum size of doors and shutters.
661 15-12-130 Approved protective assemblies.
15-12-140 Identification.
15-12-150 Installation.
15-12-160 Opening protective assemblies Windows.
15-12-170 Definition.
15-12-180 Test procedure.
15-12-190 Test assemblies.
15-12-200 Conditions of acceptance.
662 15-12-210 Hollow metal windows.
15-12-220 Solid section windows.
15-12-230 Other windows.
15-12-240 Approved protective assemblies.
15-12-250 Identification.
663 15-12-260 Roof coverings.
15-12-270 Class A roof coverings.
15-12-280 Class B roof coverings.
15-12-290 Class C roof coverings.
15-12-300 Approved roof coverings.
15-12-310 Identification.
15-12-320 Interior wall and ceiling finish, floor covering, and trim.
15-12-330 Test procedure.
15-12-340 Classification Interior wall, ceiling finish and trim.
664 15-12-344 Classification Interior floor coverings.
15-12-346 Classification Materials used as floor coverings.
15-12-350 Foam plastic insulation.
666 27: Electrical
Title 14E: Electrical Code
14E-1-010 Adoption of the National Electrical Code by reference.
14E-1-020 Citations.
667 14E-1-090 Introduction.
14E-1-100 Definitions.
668 14E-1-110 Requirements for electrical installations.
669 14E-2-200 Use and identification of grounded conductors.
14E-2-210 Branch circuits.
671 14E-2-215 Feeders.
672 14E-2-220 Branch circuits, feeders, and service calculations.
14E-2-225 Outside branch circuits and feeders.
675 14E-2-230 Services.
677 14E-2-240 Overcurrent protection.
14E-2-250 Grounding and bonding.
680 14E-2-280 Surge arresters, over 1,000 volts.
14E-2-285 Surge protective devices (SPDs), 1,000 volts or less.
682 14E-3-300 General requirements for wiring methods and materials.
683 14E-3-310 Conductors for general wiring.
14E-3-312 Cabinets, cutout boxes, and meter socket enclosures.
14E-3-314 Outlets, device, pull and junction boxes, conduit bodies; fittings; and handhole enclosures.
14E-3-320 Armored cable: Type AC.
684 14E-3-322 Flat cable assemblies: Type FC.
14E-3-324 Flat conductor cable: Type FCC.
14E-3-326 Integrated gas spacer cable: Type IGS.
14E-3-328 Medium voltage cable: Type MV.
14E-3-330 Metal-clad cable: Type MC.
685 14E-3-332 Mineral-insulated, metal-sheathed cable: Type MI.
14E-3-334 Nonmetallic-sheathed cable: Types NM, NMC, and NMS.
14E-3-336 Power and control tray cable: Type TC.
14E-3-338 Service-entrance cable: Type SE and USE.
686 14E-3-340 Underground feeder and branch-circuit cable: Type UF.
14E-3-342 Intermediate metal conduit: Type IMC.
14E-3-344 Rigid metal conduit: Type RMC.
687 14E-3-348 Flexible metal conduit: Type FMC.
14E-3-350 Liquidtight flexible metal conduit: Type LFMC.
14E-3-352 Rigid polyvinyl chloride conduit: Type PVC.
688 14E-3-353 High density polyethylene conduit: Type HDPE conduit.
14E-3-354 Nonmetallic underground conduit with conductors: Type NUCC.
14E-3-355 Reinforced thermosetting resin conduit: Type RTRC.
14E-3-356 Liquidtight flexible nonmetallic conduit: Type LFNC.
689 14E-3-358 Electrical metallic tubing: Type EMT.
14E-3-360 Flexible metallic tubing: Type FMT.
14E-3-362 Electrical nonmetallic tubing: Type ENT.
14E-3-366 Metallic auxiliary gutters.
14E-3-368 Busways.
690 14E-3-370 Cablebus.
14E-3-372 Cellular concrete floor raceways.
14E-3-374 Cellular metal floor raceways.
14E-3-376 Metal wireways.
14E-3-378 Nonmetallic wireways.
14E-3-380 Multi-outlet assembly.
14E-3-382 Nonmetallic extensions.
14E-3-384 Strut-type channel raceway.
691 14E-3-386 Surface metal raceways.
14E-3-388 Surface nonmetallic raceways.
14E-3-390 Underfloor raceways.
14E-3-392 Cable trays.
692 14E-3-393 Low-voltage suspended ceiling power distribution systems.
14E-3-394 Concealed knob-and-tube wiring.
14E-3-396 Messenger-supported wiring.
14E-3-398 Open wiring on insulators.
14E-3-399 Outdoor overhead conductors over 1,000 volts.
693 14E-4-400 Flexible cords and cables.
14E-4-402 Fixture wires.
14E-4-404 Switches.
14E-4-406 Receptacles, cord connectors, and attachment plugs (caps).
14E-4-408 Switchboard, switchgear, and panelboards.
695 14E-4-409 Industrial control panels.
14E-4-410 Luminaires, lampholders, and lamps.
14E-4-411 Low voltage lighting.
696 14E-4-422 Appliances.
14E-4-424 Fixed electric space-heating equipment.
14E-4-425 Fixed resistance and electrode industrial process heating equipment.
14E-4-426 Fixed outdoor electric de-icing and snow-melting equipment.
14E-4-427 Fixed electric heating equipment for pipeline and vessels.
14E-4-430 Motors, motor circuits, and controllers.
14E-4-440 Air-conditioning and refrigeration equipment.
14E-4-445 Generators.
14E-4-450 Transformers and transformer vaults (including secondary ties).
697 14E-4-455 Phase converters.
14E-4-460 Capacitors.
14E-4-470 Resistors and reactors.
14E-4-480 Storage batteries.
14E-4-490 Equipment over 1,000 volts, nominal.
698 14E-5-500 Hazardous (classified) locations, classes I, II, and III, divisions 1 and 2.
14E-5-501 Class I locations.
699 14E-5-502 Class II locations.
700 14E-5-503 Class III locations.
14E-5-504 Intrinsically safe systems.
14E-5-505 Zone 0, 1, and 2 locations.
701 14E-5-506 Zone 20, 21, and 22 locations for combustible dusts or ignitable fibers/flyings,
14E-5-510 Hazardous (classified) locations Specific.
14E-5-511 Commercial garages, repair and storage.
14E-5-513 Aircraft hangars.
14E-5-514 Motor fuel dispensing facilities.
14E-5-515 Bulk storage plants.
702 14E-5-516 Spray application, dipping, coating, and printing processes using flammable or combustible materials.
14E-5-517 Health care facilities.
715 14E-5-518 Assembly occupancies.
14E-5-520 Theaters, audience areas of motion picture and television studios, and similar locations.
14E-5-522 Control systems for permanent amusement attractions.
14E-5-525 Carnivals, circuses, fairs, and similar events.
14E-5-530 Motion picture and television studios and similar locations.
14E-5-540 Motion picture projection rooms.
716 14E-5-545 Manufactured buildings.
14E-5-547 Agricultural buildings.
14E-5-550 Mobile homes, manufactured homes, and mobile home parks.
718 14E-5-551 Recreational vehicles and recreational vehicle parks.
14E-5-552 Park trailers.
720 14E-5-553 Floating buildings.
14E-5-555 Marinas and boatyards.
14E-5-560 Residential occupancies.
729 14E-5-570 Requirements for existing dwelling-type occupancies not exceeding four stories in height.
732 14E-5-590 Temporary installations.
735 14E-6-600 Electric signs and outline lighting.
743 14E-6-604 Manufactured wiring systems.
14E-6-605 Office furnishings.
744 14E-6-610 Cranes and hoists.
14E-6-620 Elevators, dumbwaiters, escalators, moving walks, platform lifts, and stairway chairlifts.
746 14E-6-625 Electric vehicle charging systems.
14E-6-626 Electrified truck parking spaces.
747 14E-6-630 Electric welders.
14E-6-640 Audio signal processing, amplification, and reproduction equipment.
14E-6-645 Information technology equipment.
748 14E-6-646 Modular data centers.
14E-6-647 Sensitive electronic equipment.
14E-6-650 Pipe organs.
14E-6-660 X-ray equipment.
14E-6-665 Induction and dielectric heating equipment.
14E-6-668 Electrolytic cells.
14E-6-669 Electroplating.
14E-6-670 Industrial machinery.
14E-6-675 Electrically driven or controlled irrigation machines.
749 14E-6-680 Swimming pools, fountains, and similar installation.
14E-6-682 Natural and artificially made bodies of water.
14E-6-685 Integrated electrical systems.
14E-6-690 Solar photovoltaic (PV) systems.
14E-6-691 Large-scale photovoltaic (PV) electric power production facility.
14E-6-692 Fuel cell systems.
14E-6-694 Wind electric systems.
14E-6-695 Fire pumps.
752 14E-7-700 Emergency systems.
768 14E-7-701 Legally required standby generator systems.
769 14E-7-702 Optional standby systems.
770 14E-7-705 Interconnected electric power production sources.
14E-7-706 Energy storage systems.
14E-7-708 Critical operations power systems (COPS).
14E-7-710 Stand-alone system.
14E-7-712 Direct current microgrids.
14E-7-720 Circuits and equipment operating at less than 50 volts.
14E-7-725 Class 1, class 2, and class 3 remotecontrol, signaling, and power-limited circuits.
773 14E-7-727 Instrumentation tray cable: Type ITC.
14E-7-728 Fire-resistive cable systems.
14E-7-750 Energy management systems.
14E-7-760 Fire alarm systems.
780 14E-7-770 Optical fiber cables and raceways.
784 14E-8-800 Communications circuits.
792 14E-8-810 Radio and television equipment.
14E-8-820 Community antenna television and radio distribution systems.
796 14E-8-830 Network-powered broadband communications systems.
799 14E-8-840 Premises-powered broadband communications systems.
800 14E-9-001 Percent of cross section of conduit and tubing for conductors and cables.
14E-9-002 Radius of conduit and tubing bends.
14E-9-004 Dimension and percent area of conduit and tubing.
14E-9-005 Dimensions of insulated conductors and fixture wires and compact copper and aluminum building wire nominal dimensions
801 14E-9-008 Conductor properties.
14E-9-009 Alternating-current resistance and reactance for 600-volt cables, 3-phase, 60 Hz, 75°C (167°F) Three single conductors
14E-9-010 Conductor stranding.
14E-9-011 Class 2 and class 3 power source limitations.
14E-9-012 PLFA power source limitations.
14E-10-010 Informative annexes.
813 28: Mechanical Systems
18-28 Mechanical Systems
844 18-28-101 General. 18-28-101.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-101.2 Scope.
18-28-101.2.1 Appendices.
18-28-101.3 Intent.
18-28-101.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-102 Applicability. 18-28-102.1 General.
18-28-102.2 Existing installations.
18-28-102.3 Maintenance.
18-28-102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs.
18-28-102.5 Change in occupancy.
18-28-102.6 Deliberately omitted.
845 18-28-102.7 Moved buildings.
18-28-102.8 Referenced chapters and standards.
18-28-102.9 Requirements not covered by this chapter.
18-28-103 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-104 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-105 Testing. 18-28-105.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-105.2
18-28-106 Permits. 18-28-106.1 When required.
18-28-106.1.1 Work without a permit.
18-28-107 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-108 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-109 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-201 General. 18-28-201.1 Scope.
846 18-28-201.2 Interchangeability.
18-28-201.3 Terms defined in other codes.
18-28-201.4 Terms not defined.
18-28-202 General definitions.
858 18-28-301 General. 18-28-301.1 Scope.
859 18-28-301.2 Energy utilization.
18-28-301.3 Listed and labeled.
18-28-301.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-301.5 Label information.
18-28-301.6 Conflicts.
18-28-301.7 Electrical.
18-28-301.8 Plumbing connections.
18-28-301.9 Fuel types.
18-28-301.10 Vibration isolation.
860 18-28-301.11 Repair.
18-28-301.12 Wind resistance.
18-28-301.13 Flood hazard.
18-28-301.14 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-302 Protection of Structure. 18-28-302.1 Penetrations of floor/ceiling assemblies and f
18-28-303 Equipment and Appliance Location. 18-28-303.1 General.
18-28-303.2 Hazardous locations.
18-28-304 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-305 Piping Support. 18-28-305.1 General.
18-28-305.2 Materials.
18-28-305.3 Structural attachment.
18-28-305.4 Interval of support.
861 18-28-305.5 Sway bracing.
18-28-306 Access and Service Space. 18-28-306.1 Refer to Article.
18-28-306.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-306.3 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-306.4 Deliberately omitted.
862 18-28-306.5 Equipment and appliances on roofs or elevated structures.
18-28-306.6 Sloped roofs.
18-28-307 Condensate Disposal. 18-28-307.1 Fuel-burning appliances.
18-28-307.2 Evaporators and cooling coils.
18-28-307.2.1 Condensate disposal.
18-28-307.2.1.1 French drain.
18-28-307.2.2 Drain pipe materials and sizes.
18-28-307.2.3 Auxiliary drain pans.
863 18-28-307.2.4 Secondary drain system.
18-28-307.2.5 Traps.
18-28-308 Clearance Reduction. 18-28-308.1 Scope.
18-28-308.2 Listed appliances and equipment.
18-28-308.3 Protective assembly construction and installation.
18-28-308.4 Allowable reduction.
18-28-308.5 Labeled assemblies.
18-28-308.6 Reduction table.
865 18-28-308.7 Solid fuel-burning appliances.
18-28-308.8 Masonry chimneys.
18-28-308.9 Chimney connector pass-throughs.
18-28-308.10 Masonry fireplaces.
18-28-308.11 Kitchen exhaust ducts.
18-28-309 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-310 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-311 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-312 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-401 General. 18-28-401.1 Scope.
18-28-401.2 Ventilation required.
18-28-401.3 When required.
18-28-401.4 Method of producing ventilation.
866 18-28-401.5 Ventilation openings.
18-28-401.5.1 Area of the openings.
18-28-401.5.1.1 Windows.
18-28-401.5.1.2 Skylights.
18-28-401.5.1.3 Transoms.
18-28-401.5.1.4 Auxiliary ventilating openings.
18-28-401.5.1.5 Relief openings.
18-28-401.5.1.6 Air quantities.
18-28-401.5.1.7 Damper.
18-28-401.5.2 Opening location.
867 18-28-401.5.3 Points of exhaust discharge.
18-28-401.6 Outdoor air opening and protection.
868 18-28-401.7 Additional ventilation.
18-28-402 Natural Ventilation. 18-28-402.1 Natural ventilation.
18-28-403 Mechanical Ventilation. 18-28-403.1 Source of air supply.
18-28-403.1.1 Air reduction to actual load.
18-28-403.1.2 Demand ventilation.
18-28-403.1.3 Systems with water economizers.
869 18-28-403.2 Structural requirements of a mechanical system.
18-28-403.3 Ventilation requirements.
18-28-403.3.2 Refrigerated rooms.
18-28-403.3.3 Dangerous or noxious contaminants.
18-28-403.3.4 Total air supply.
18-28-403.3.5 Air filter requirements.
18-28-403.3.6 Pedestrian passage way.
870 18-28-403.3.7 Air-to-air heat recovery and air energy transfer equipment.
18-28-403.3.7.1 Materials and media.
18-28-403.3.7.2 Direct exposure of heat transfer media.
18-28-403.3.8 Outside air requirements.
876 18-28-403.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-403.5 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-403.6 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-403.7 Deliberately o
877 18-28-403.10 Garages.
18-28-403.11 Multi-purpose rooms.
18-28-403.12 Partitions.
18-28-403.13 Public garages.
18-28-403.14 Compliance.
18-28-403.15 Miscellaneous spaces.
878 18-28-404 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-405 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-406 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-501 General. 18-28-501.1 Scope.
18-28-501.2 Independent system required.
18-28-501.3 Outdoor discharge.
18-28-501.4 Pressure equalization.
18-28-501.5 Ducts.
18-28-502 Required Systems. 18-28-502.1 General.
18-28-502.1.1 Exhaust location.
18-28-502.1.2 Fuel-dispensing areas.
879 18-28-502.1.3 Equipment, appliance and service rooms.
18-28-502.1.4 Hazardous exhaust.
18-28-502.2 Aircraft fueling and defueling.
18-28-502.3 Battery-charging areas.
18-28-502.4 Stationary lead-acid battery systems.
18-28-502.4.1 Hydrogen limit.
18-28-502.4.2 Ventilation rate.
18-28-502.5 Dry cleaning plants.
18-28-502.5.1 Type II systems.
18-28-502.5.2 Type IV and V systems.
880 18-28-502.5.3 Spotting and pretreating.
18-28-502.6 Application of flammable finishes.
18-28-502.6.1 During construction.
18-28-502.6.2 Limited spraying spaces.
18-28-502.6.3 Spraying areas.
18-28-502.6.3.1 Operation.
18-28-502.6.3.2 Recirculation.
18-28-502.6.3.3 Air velocity.
18-28-502.6.3.4 Ventilation obstruction.
881 18-28-502.6.3.5 Independent ducts.
18-28-502.6.3.6 Termination point.
18-28-502.6.3.7 Fan motors and belts.
18-28-502.6.4 Dipping operations.
18-28-502.6.5 Electrostatic apparatus.
18-28-502.6.6 Powder coating.
18-28-502.6.7 Floor resurfacing operations.
18-28-502.7 Hazardous materials general requirements.
882 18-28-502.7.1 Storage in excess of the maximum allowable quantities.
18-28-502.7.1.1 System requirements.
18-28-502.7.2 Gas rooms, exhausted enclosures and gas cabinets.
18-28-502.7.3 Indoor dispensing and use.
18-28-502.7.4 Indoor dispensing and use point sources.
18-28-502.7.5 Closed systems.
18-28-502.8 Hazardous materials requirements for specific materials.
883 18-28-502.8.1 Compressed gases medical gas systems.
18-28-502.8.2 Corrosives.
18-28-502.8.3 Cryogenics.
18-28-502.8.4 Explosives.
18-28-502.8.5 Flammable and combustible liquids.
18-28-502.8.5.1 Vaults.
18-28-502.8.5.2 Storage rooms and warehouses.
18-28-502.8.5.3 Cleaning machines.
18-28-502.8.5.4 Use, dispensing and mixing.
884 18-28-502.8.5.5 Bulk plants or terminals.
18-28-502. General.
18-28-502. Basements and pits.
18-28-502. Dispensing of Class I liquids.
18-28-502.8.6 Highly toxic and toxic liquids.
18-28-502.8.6.1 Treatment system.
18-28-502.8.6.2 Open and closed systems.
18-28-502.8.7 High toxic and toxic compressed any quantity.
18-28-502.8.7.1 Gas cabinets.
18-28-502.8.7.2 Exhausted enclosures.
885 18-28-502.8.8 Highly toxic and toxic compressed gases quantities exceeding the maximum allowable per control area.
18-28-502.8.8.1 Ventilated areas.
18-28-502.8.8.2 Local exhaust for portable tanks.
18-28-502.8.8.3 Piping and controls stationary tanks.
18-28-502.8.8.4 Gas rooms.
18-28-502.8.8.5 Treatment system.
18-28-502.8.8.6 Process equipment.
18-28-502.8.9 Ozone gas generators.
18-28-502.8.10 LP-gas distribution facilities.
18-28-502.8.10.1 Portable container use.
886 18-28-502.8.11 Silane gas.
18-28-502.9 Hazardous production materials (HPM).
18-28-502.9.1 Where required.
18-28-502.9.2 Penetrations.
18-28-502.9.3 Treatment systems.
18-28-502.10 Motion picture projectors.
18-28-502.10.1 Projectors with an exhaust discharge.
18-28-502.10.2 Projectors without exhaust connection.
887 18-28-502.11 Organic coating processes.
18-28-502.12 Public garages.
18-28-502.13 Motor vehicle operation.
18-28-502.14 Repair garages.
18-28-502.15 Repair garages for natural gasand hydrogen-fueled vehicles.
18-28-502.15.1 Design.
18-28-502.15.2 Operation.
888 18-28-502.16 Tire rebuilding or recapping.
18-28-502.16.1 Buffing machines.
18-28-502.17 Specific rooms.
18-28-503 Motors and Fans. 18-28-503.1 General.
18-28-503.2 Fans.
18-28-503.3 Equipment and appliances identification plate.
18-28-503.4 Corrosion-resistant fans.
18-28-504 Clothes Dryer Exhaust. 18-28-504.1 Installation.
18-28-504.2 Exhaust penetrations.
18-28-504.3 Cleanout.
889 18-28-504.4 Exhaust installation.
18-28-504.5 Makeup air.
18-28-504.6 Domestic clothes dryer ducts.
18-28-504.6.1 Maximum length.
18-28-504.6.2 Rough-in required.
18-28-504.7 Commercial clothes dryers.
18-28-505 Domestic Kitchen Exhaust Equipment. 18-28-505.1 Domestic systems.
18-28-506 Commercial Kitchen Grease Ducts and Exhaust Equipment. 18-28-506.1 General.
890 18-28-506.2 Corrosion protection.
18-28-506.3 Ducts serving Type I hoods.
18-28-506.3.1 Exhaust fans.
18-28-506.3.1.1 Fan motor.
18-28-506.3.2 Grease duct materials.
18-28-506.3.3 Joints, seams and penetrations of grease ducts.
18-28-506.3.3.1 Duct joint types.
18-28-506.3.3.2 Duct-to-hood joints.
18-28-506.3.3.3 Duct-to-exhaust fan connections.
891 18-28-506.3.3.4 Vibration isolation.
18-28-506.3.4 Grease duct supports.
18-28-506.3.5 Air velocity.
18-28-506.3.6 Separation of grease duct system.
18-28-506.3.7 Clearances.
18-28-506.3.8 Prevention of grease accumulation.
18-28-506.3.9 Cleanouts and other openings.
18-28-506.3.9.1 Personnel entry.
892 18-28-506.3.10 Horizontal cleanouts.
18-28-506.3.11 Duct enclosure.
18-28-506.3.12 Fire-resistive access opening.
18-28-506.3.13 Type I exhaust outlets.
18-28-506.3.13.1 Termination above the roof.
18-28-506.3.13.2 Termination through an exterior wall.
18-28-506.3.13.3 Termination location.
893 18-28-506.4 Ducts serving Type II hoods.
18-28-506.4.1 Type II exhaust outlets.
18-28-506.4.2 Ducts.
18-28-507 Commercial Kitchen Hoods. 18-28-507.1 General.
18-28-507.2 Where required.
18-28-507.2.1 Type I and Type II hoods.
18-28-507.2.2 Domestic cooking appliances used for commercial purposes.
18-28-507.2.3 Solid fuel.
18-28-507.3 Fuel-burning appliances.
894 18-28-507.4 Type I materials.
18-28-507.5 Type II hood materials.
18-28-507.6 Supports.
18-28-507.7 Hood joints, seams and penetrations.
18-28-507.7.1 Type I hoods.
18-28-507.7.2 Type II hoods.
18-28-507.8 Cleaning and grease gutters.
18-28-507.9 Clearances for Type I hood.
18-28-507.10 Hoods penetrating a ceiling.
18-28-507.11 Grease filters.
895 18-28-507.11.1 Criteria.
18-28-507.11.2 Mounting position.
18-28-507.12 Canopy size and location.
18-28-507.13 Capacity of hoods.
18-28-507.13.1 Solid fuel-burning cooking appliances.
896 18-28-507.13.2 High temperature.
18-28-507.13.3 Medium temperature.
18-28-507.13.4 Low temperature.
18-28-507.14 Noncanopy size and location.
18-28-507.15 Capacity for noncanopy hoods.
897 18-28-507.16 Exhaust outlets.
18-28-507.17 Performance test.
18-28-508 Commercial Kitchen Makeup Air. 18-28-508.1 Makeup air.
18-28-508.1.1 Makeup air temperature.
18-28-508.2 Compensating hoods.
18-28-509 Fire Suppression Systems. 18-28-509.1 Where required.
18-28-510 Hazardous Exhaust Systems. 18-28-510.1 General.
18-28-510.2 Where required.
898 18-28-510.2.1 Lumber yards and woodworking facilities.
18-28-510.2.2 Combustible fibers.
18-28-510.3 Design and operation.
18-28-510.4 Independent system.
18-28-510.5 Design.
18-28-510.5.1 Balancing.
18-28-510.5.2 Emission control.
18-28-510.5.3 Hoods required.
18-28-510.5.4 Contaminant capture and dilution.
18-28-510.5.5 Makeup air.
899 18-28-510.5.6 Clearances.
18-28-510.5.7 Ducts.
18-28-510.6 Penetrations.
18-28-510.7 Suppression required.
18-28-510.8 Duct construction.
18-28-510.8.1 Duct joints.
18-28-510.8.2 Clearance to combustibles.
900 18-28-510.8.3 Explosion relief.
18-28-510.9 Supports.
18-28-511 Dust, Stock and Refuse Conveying Systems. 18-28-511.1 Dust, stock and refuse conveying systems.
18-28-511.1.1 Collectors and separators.
18-28-511.1.2 Discharge pipe.
18-28-511.1.3 Conveying system exhaust discharge.
18-28-511.1.4 Spark protection.
18-28-511.1.5 Explosion relief vents.
901 18-28-511.1.5.1 Screens.
18-28-511.1.5.2 Hoods.
18-28-511.2 Exhaust outlets.
902 18-28-512 Subslab Soil Exhaust Systems. 18-28-512.1 General.
18-28-512.2 Materials.
18-28-512.3 Grade.
18-28-512.4 Termination.
18-28-512.5 Identification.
18-28-513 Smoke Control Systems. 18-28-513.1
18-28-513.2 through 18-28-513.20.3 Deliberately omitted.
18-28-601 General. 18-28-601.1 Scope.
903 18-28-601.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-601.3 Contamination prevention.
18-28-602 Plenums. 18-28-602.1 General.
18-28-602.1.1 Technology centers.
18-28-602.2 Construction.
18-28-602.2.1 Materials exposed within plenums.
18-28-602.3 Stud cavity and joist space plenums.
904 18-28-602.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-603 Duct Construction and Installation. 18-28-603.1 General.
18-28-603.2 Duct classification.
18-28-603.3 Metallic ducts.
18-28-603.4 Deliberately omitted.
905 18-28-603.4.1 Gypsum ducts.
18-28-603.5 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-603.5.1 Flexible air ducts.
18-28-603.5.1.1 Duct length.
18-28-603.5.2 Flexible air connectors.
18-28-603.6 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-603.7 Underground ducts.
18-28-603.7.1 Slope.
18-28-603.7.2 Sealing.
18-28-603.8 Joints and connections.
18-28-603.9 Supports.
18-28-603.10 Furnace connections.
18-28-603.11 Condensation.
18-28-603.12 Locations.
18-28-603.13 Mechanical protection.
906 18-28-603.14 Weather protection.
18-28-603.15 Registers, grilles and diffusers.
18-28-603.15.1 Floor registers.
18-28-604 Insulation. 18-28-604.1 General.
18-28-604.2 Surface temperature.
18-28-604.3 Covering and linings.
18-28-604.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-604.5 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-604.6 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-604.7 Identification
18-28-604.8 Lining installation.
18-28-604.9 Thermal continuity.
907 18-28-604.10 Service openings.
18-28-604.11 Vapor retarders.
18-28-604.12 Weatherproof barriers.
18-28-604.13 Internal insulation.
18-28-605 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-606 Smoke Detection Systems Control. 18-28-606.1 Control.
18-28-606.2 Where required.
18-28-606.2.1 Return air systems.
18-28-606.2.2 Common supply and return air systems.
18-28-606.2.3 Return air risers.
908 18-28-606.3 Installation.
18-28-606.4 Controls operation.
18-28-606.4.1 Connection to fire alarm system.
18-28-607 Ducts and Air Transfer Openings.
18-28-701 General. 18-28-701.1 Scope.
18-28-701.2 Combustion and dilution air required.
18-28-701.3 Circulation of air.
18-28-701.4 Crawl space and attic space.
909 18-28-701.4.1 Crawl space.
18-28-701.4.2 Attic space.
18-28-701.5 Prohibited sources.
18-28-702 Air Requirements for Equipment Located in Unconfined Spaces. 18-28-702.1 Unconfined spaces.
18-28-703 Air Requirements for Equipment Located in Confined Spaces. 18-28-703.1 Confined spaces.
910 18-28-703.2 Indoor air.
18-28-703.3 Outdoor air.
18-28-704 Deliberately Omitted. 18-28-705 Engineered Installations. 18-28-705.1
18-28-706 Forced Combustion Air Supply. 18-28-706.1 Mechanical combustion air supply for oil-fired appliances.
911 18-28-706.2 Mechanical combustion air supply for gas-fired appliances.
18-28-707 Direct Connection. 18-28-707.1 General.
18-28-708 Combustion Air Ducts. 18-28-708.1 General.
18-28-709 Opening Obstructions. 18-28-709.1 General.
18-28-709.2 Dampered openings.
912 18-28-710 Opening Location and Protection. 18-28-710.1 General.
18-28-711 Carbon Monoxide Detectors. 18-28-711.1 Carbon monoxide alarms.
18-28-801 General. 18-28-801.1 Scope.
18-28-801.2 General.
18-28-801.2.1 Oil-fired appliances.
18-28-801.3 Masonry chimneys
18-28-801.4 Positive flow.
18-28-801.5 Design.
18-28-801.6 Minimum size of chimney or vent.
18-28-801.7 Solid fuel appliance flues.
18-28-801.8 Abandoned inlet openings.
18-28-801.9 Positive pressure.
18-28-801.10 Connection to fireplace.
913 18-28-801.10.1 Closure and access.
18-28-801.10.2 Connection to factory-built fireplace flue.
18-28-801.10.3 Connection to masonry fireplace flue.
18-28-801.11 Multiple solid fuel prohibited.
18-28-801.12 Chimney entrance.
18-28-801.13 Cleanouts.
18-28-801.14 Connections to exhauster.
18-28-801.15 Fuel-fired appliances.
18-28-801.16 Flue lining.
18-28-801.16.1 Residential and low-heat appliances (general).
914 18-28-801.17 Space around lining.
18-28-801.18 Existing chimneys and vents.
18-28-801.18.1 Size.
18-28-801.18.2 Flue passageways.
18-28-801.18.3 Cleanout.
18-28-801.18.4 Clearances.
18-28-801.19 Multistory prohibited.
18-28-802 Vents. 18-28-802.1 General.
18-28-802.2 Vent application.
915 18-28-802.3 Installation.
18-28-802.4 Vent termination caps required.
18-28-802.5 Type L vent terminations.
18-28-802.6 Minimum vent heights.
18-28-802.7 Support of vents.
18-28-802.8 Installation shield.
18-28-803 Connectors. 18-28-803.1 Connectors required.
18-28-803.2 Location.
18-28-803.3 Size.
916 18-28-803.4 Branch connectors.
18-28-803.5 Manual dampers.
18-28-803.6 Automatic dampers.
18-28-803.7 Connectors serving two or more appliances.
18-28-803.8 Vent connector construction.
18-28-803.9 Chimney connector construction.
917 18-28-803.10 Installation.
18-28-803.10.1 Supports and joints.
18-28-803.10.2 Length.
18-28-803.10.3 Connection.
18-28-803.10.4 Connector pass-through.
918 18-28-803.10.5 Pitch.
18-28-803.10.6 Clearances.
919 18-28-804 Direct-Vent, Integral Vent, Mechanical Vent and Ventilation/Exhaust Hood Venting. 18-28-804.1 Direct-vent terminations
18-28-804.2 Appliances with integral vents.
18-28-804.2.1 Terminal clearances.
18-28-804.3 Mechanical draft systems.
18-28-804.3.1 Forced draft systems.
18-28-804.3.2 Automatic shutoff.
920 18-28-804.3.3 Termination.
18-28-804.3.4 Horizontal terminations.
18-28-804.3.5 Vertical terminations.
18-28-804.3.6 Exhauster connections.
18-28-804.3.7 Exhauster sizing.
18-28-805 Factory Built Chimneys. 18-28-805.1 Listing.
18-28-805.2 Solid fuel appliances.
921 18-28-805.3 Factory-built fireplaces.
18-28-805.4 Support.
18-28-805.5 Medium-heat appliances.
18-28-805.6 Decorative shrouds.
18-28-806 Metal Chimneys. 18-28-806.1 General.
18-28-807 Engine Generator Exhaust Systems. 18-28-807.1.
18-28-807.2 Exhaust systems termination.
922 18-28-901 General. 18-28-901.1 Scope.
18-28-901.2 General.
18-28-901.3 Hazardous locations.
18-28-901.4 Fireplace accessories.
18-28-901.5 Installation in private garages.
18-28-901.6 Borrowed light concept.
923 18-28-902 Masonry Fireplaces. 18-28-902.1 General.
18-28-902.2 Masonry fireplaces utilizing wood or other solid fuels.
18-28-902.3 Gas-fired log lighters. 18-28-902.3.1 Approval and installation.
18-28-902.3.2 Prohibited installations.
18-28-902.3.3 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-903 Factory-Built Fireplaces. 18-28-903.1 General.
18-28-903.1.1 Additional combustion air.
18-28-903.1.2 Direct vent fireplaces.
18-28-903.1.3 Vented gas fireplaces (not including direct vent) located in habitable rooms (not including bathrooms and sleeping
18-28-903.1.4 Vented gas fireplaces (not including direct vent) located in bathrooms and sleeping rooms.
18-28-903.1.5 Unvented gas fireplaces.
924 18-28-903.2 Hearth extensions.
18-28-903.3 Unvented gas log heaters.
18-28-903.3.1 Decorative appliances for installation in vented fireplaces. 18-28-903.3.1.1 Prohibited installations.
18-28-903.3.1.2 Installation.
925 18-28-903.3.1.4.
18-28-903.3.1.5 Fireplace screens.
18-28-903.3.2 Gas-fired log lighters. 18-28-903.3.2.1 Approval and installation.
18-28-903.3.2.2 Prohibited installations.
18-28-903.3.2.3 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-904 Pellet Fuel-Burning Appliances. 18-28-904.1 General.
18-28-905 Fireplace Stoves and Room Heaters. 18-28-905.1 General.
18-28-905.1.1 Additional combustion air.
18-28-905.1.2 Direct vent gas room heaters.
18-28-905.1.3 Unvented gas room heaters.
926 18-28-905.2 Connection fireplace.
18-28-906 Factory-Built Barbecue Appliances. 18-28-906.1 General.
18-28-906.2 Natural gas barbecue grills located on balconies of multi-family buildings.
18-28-907 Incinerators and Crematories. 18-28-907.1 General.
18-28-908 Cooling Towers, Evaporative Condensers and Fluid Coolers. 18-28-908.1 General.
18-28-908.2 Access.
18-28-908.3 Location.
18-28-908.4 Support and anchorage.
927 18-28-908.5 Water supply.
18-28-908.6 Drainage.
18-28-908.7 Refrigerants and hazardous fluids.
18-28-909 Vented Wall Furnaces. 18-28-909.1 General.
18-28-909.2 Location.
18-28-909.3 Door swing.
18-28-909.4 Ducts prohibited.
18-28-909.5 Manual shutoff valve.
18-28-909.6 Access.
18-28-909.7 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-909.8 Gas-fired vented wall furnaces.
18-28-909.9 Gas-fired direct-vent wall furnaces.
928 18-28-910 Floor Furnaces. 18-28-910.1 General.
18-28-910.2 Placement.
18-28-910.3 Bracing.
18-28-910.4 Clearance.
18-28-911 Duct Furnaces. 18-28-911.1 General.
18-28-911.2 Gas-fired duct furnaces. 18-28-911.2.1 Clearances.
18-28-911.2.2 Erection of equipment.
18-28-911.2.3 Access panels.
18-28-911.2.4 Location of draft hood and controls.
18-28-911.2.5 Circulating air.
929 18-28-911.2.6 Duct furnaces used with refrigeration systems.
18-28-912 Infrared Radiant Heaters. 18-28-912.1 Support.
18-28-912.2 Clearances.
18-28-912.3 Installation in commercial garages. 18-28-912.3.1 Parking structures.
18-28-912.3.2 Repair garages.
18-28-912.3.3 Installation in aircraft hangars.
930 18-28-913 Clothes Dryers. 18-28-913.1 General.
18-28-913.2 Exhaust required.
18-28-913.3 Clearances.
18-28-914 Sauna Heaters. 18-28-914.1 Location and protection.
18-28-914.1.1 Guards.
18-28-914.2 Installation.
18-28-914.2.1 Combustion and dilution air intakes.
18-28-914.2.2 Combustion and ventilation air.
18-28-914.3 Access.
18-28-914.4 Heat and time controls.
18-28-914.4.1 Timers.
18-28-914.5 Sauna room.
931 18-28-914.5.1 Warning notice.
18-28-915 Engine and Gas Turbine-Powered Equipment and Appliances. 18-28-915.1 General.
18-28-916 Pool and Spa Heaters. 18-28-916.1 General.
18-28-916.2 Gas-fired pool heaters. 18-28-916.2.1 Location.
18-28-916.2.2 Clearance.
18-28-916.2.3 Temperatureor pressure-limiting devices. 18-28-916.2.3.1.
18-28-916.2.3.2 Bypass valves.
18-28-916.2.3.3 Venting.
18-28-917 Cooking Appliances. 18-28-917.1 Cooking appliances.
932 18-28-917.2 Prohibited location.
18-28-917.3 Domestic appliances.
18-28-917.4 Gas-fired food service equipment, floor-mounted. 18-28-917.4.1 Clearance for listed equipment.
18-28-917.4.2 Clearance for unlisted equipment.
18-28-917.4.3 Mounting on combustible floor. 18-28-917.4.3.1
933 18-28-917.4.4 Mounting on noncombustible floor.
18-28-917.4.5 Combustible material adjacent to cooking top.
18-28-917.4.6 For use with casters.
18-28-917.4.7 Level installation.
18-28-917.4.8 Ventilation.
18-28-917.5 Gas-fired food service equipment counter appliances. 18-28-917.5.1 Vertical clearance.
18-28-917.5.2 Clearance for listed appliances.
18-28-917.5.3 Clearance for unlisted appliances.
18-28-917.5.4 Mounting of unlisted appliances.
18-28-917.6 Gas-fired hot plates. 18-28-917.6.1
934 18-28-917.6.3.
18-28-917.7 Gas-fired household cooking appliances. 18-28-917.7.1 Floor-mounted units. 18-28-917.7.1.1 Clearance from combustibl
18-28-917.7.1.2 Vertical clearance above cooking top.
18-28-917.7.1.3 Level installation.
18-28-917.7.2 Built-in units. 18-28-917.7.2.1 Installation.
18-28-917.7.2.2 Vertical clearance.
935 18-28-917.7.2.3 Horizontal clearance.
18-28-917.7.2.4 Level installation.
18-28-917.8 Gas-fired open-top broiler units. 18-28-917.8.1 Listed units.
18-28-917.8.2 Unlisted units.
18-28-917.8.3 Protection above domestic units.
18-28-917.8.4 Commercial units.
18-28-918 Forced-Air Warm-Air Furnaces. 18-28-918.1 Forced-air furnaces.
18-28-918.2 Minimum duct sizes.
18-28-918.3 Heat pumps.
936 18-28-918.4 Dampers.
18-28-918.5 Circulating air ducts for forced-air warm-air furnaces.
18-28-918.6 Prohibited sources.
18-28-918.7 Outside opening protection.
18-28-918.8 Return-air limitation.
18-28-918.9 Gas-fired forced-air, warm-air furnaces. 18-28-918.9.1 General.
937 18-28-918.9.3 Clearance. 18-28-918.9.3.1.
18-28-918.9.4 Assembly and installation.
18-28-918.9.5 Combustion and circulating air. 18-28-918.9.5.1.
18-28-918.9.6 Furnace plenums and air ducts. 18-28-918.9.6.1.
938 18-28-918.10 Gas-fired horizontal furnaces above dropped ceilings.
18-28-918.11 Gas-fired furnaces located above bathrooms, toilet rooms or bedrooms.
18-28-919 Conversion Burners. 18-28-919.1 Conversion burners.
18-28-920 Unit Heaters. 18-28-920.1 General.
18-28-920.2 Support.
18-28-920.3 Ductwork.
18-28-920.4 Gas-fired unit heaters.
939 18-28-920.4.1 Support.
18-28-920.4.2 Clearance. 18-28-920.4.2.1 Suspended-type unit heaters.
18-28-920.4.2.2 Floor-mounted-type unit heaters.
18-28-920.4.3 Combustion and circulating air.
18-28-920.4.4 Ductwork.
18-28-920.4.5 Installation in commercial garages. 18-28-920.4.5.1 Parking structures.
18-28-920.4.5.2 Repair garages.
940 18-28-920.4.6 Installation in aircraft hangars.
18-28-921 Vented Room Heaters. 18-28-921.1 General.
18-28-922 Kerosene and Oil-Fired Stoves. 18-28-922.1 General.
18-28-923 Small Ceramic Kilns. 18-28-923.1 General.
18-28-923.1.1 Installation.
18-28-924 Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plants. 18-28-924.1 General.
18-28-924.2 Natural gas energized fuel cell power plants.
18-28-925 Gas-Fired Air Conditioners. 18-28-925.1 Independent gas piping.
18-28-925.2 Connection of gas engine-powered air conditioners.
18-28-925.3 Clearances for indoor installation.
18-28-925.4 Assembly and installation.
941 18-28-925.5 Furnace plenums and air ducts.
18-28-926 Non-Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Industrial Air Heaters. 18-28-926.1 Application.
18-28-926.2 Prohibited installations. 18-28-926.2.1
18-28-926.3 Installation.
18-28-926.4 Clearance from combustible materials.
18-28-926.5 Air supply.
18-28-926.6 Atmospheric vents or gas reliefs or bleeds.
942 18-28-926.7 Relief openings.
18-28-926.8 Purging.
18-28-927 Recirculating Direct Gas-Fired Industrial Air Heaters. 18-28-927.1 Application.
18-28-927.2 Prohibited installations. 18-28-927.2.1
18-28-927.3 Installation.
18-28-927.4 Clearance from combustible materials.
18-28-927.5 Air supply.
943 18-28-927.6 Atmospheric vents, gas reliefs, or bleeds.
18-28-927.7 Relief openings.
18-28-927.8 Purging.
18-28-928 Gas-Fired Illuminating Appliances. 18-28-928.1 Clearances for listed appliances.
18-28-928.2 Clearances for unlisted appliances. 18-28-928.2.1 Enclosed type.
18-28-928.2.2 Open-flame type.
944 18-28-928.3 Mounting on buildings.
18-28-928.4 Mounting on posts.
18-28-928.5 Gas appliance pressure regulators.
18-28-929 Appliances for Installation in Manufactured Housing. 18-28-929.1
18-28-1001 General. 18-28-1001.1 Scope.
18-28-1002 Water Heaters. 18-28-1002.1 General.
945 18-28-1003 Unfired Pressure Vessels. 18-28-1003.1 General.
18-28-1003.2 Piping.
18-28-1003.3 Welding.
18-28-1004 Boilers. 18-28-1004.1 Standards.
18-28-1004.1.1 Non-boiler external piping.
18-28-1004.2 Installation.
18-28-1004.3 Working clearance.
946 18-28-1004.3.1 Top clearance.
18-28-1004.4 Mounting.
18-28-1004.5 Floors.
18-28-1004.6 Boiler rooms and enclosures.
18-28-1004.7 Operating adjustments and instructions.
18-28-1004.8 Stationary Engineers and Boiler Tenders.
18-28-1005 Boiler Connections. 18-28-1005.1 Valves.
18-28-1005.2 Potable water supply.
947 18-28-1006 Safety and Pressure Relief Valves and Controls. 18-28-1006.1 Safety valve for steam boilers.
18-28-1006.2 Safety relief valves for hot water boilers.
18-28-1006.3 Pressure relief for pressure vessels.
18-28-1006.4 Approval of safety and safety relief valves.
18-28-1006.5 Installation.
18-28-1006.6 Safety and relief valve discharge.
18-28-1006.7 Boiler safety devices.
18-28-1006.8 Electrical requirements.
18-28-1007 Boiler Low-Water Cutoff. 18-28-1007.1 General.
18-28-1007.2 Operation.
18-28-1008 Steam Blowoff Valve. 18-28-1008.1 General.
948 18-28-1008.2 Discharge.
18-28-1009 Hot Water Boiler Expansion Tank. 18-28-1009.1 Where required.
18-28-1009.2 Closed-type expansion tanks.
18-28-1009.3 Open-type expansion tanks.
18-28-1010 Gauges. 18-28-1010.1 Hot water boiler gauges.
18-28-1010.2 Steam boiler gauges.
18-28-1010.2.1 Water-gauge glass.
18-28-1011 Tests. 18-28-1011.1 Tests.
18-28-1011.2 Test gauges.
18-28-1012 Vessel Repair.
949 18-28-1012.1 Qualification.
18-28-1012.2 Repair.
18-28-1012.3 High pressure boiler inspection and repair.
18-28-1013 Carbon Monoxide Detector. 18-28-1013.1
18-28-1101 General. 18-28-1101.1 Scope.
18-28-1101.2 Standards for Pressure Vessels.
18-28-1101.3 Protection.
18-28-1101.4 Fuel gas connection.
18-28-1101.5 Signage General.
950 18-28-1101.6 Condensate disposal.
18-28-1101.7 General.
18-28-1101.8 Ammonia dump valve.
951 18-28-1101.9 Maintenance.
18-28-1101.10 Location of condensing unit.
18-28-1101.11 Stairways and exitways.
18-28-1101.12 General limitations.
18-28-1101.13 Refrigerant discharge.
18-28-1101.14 Safety equipment.
18-28-1101.15 Recirculation of water used for cooling purposes.
18-28-1102 System Requirements.
952 18-28-1102.1 General.
18-28-1102.2 Refrigerants.
18-28-1102.2.1 Mixing.
18-28-1102.3 Pressure relief.
18-28-1102.3.1 Discharge piping.
18-28-1102.3.2 Sizing.
18-28-1103 Refrigeration System Classification. 18-28-1103.1 Refrigerant classification.
955 18-28-1103.2 Occupancy classification.
18-28-1103.2.1 Institutional systems general.
18-28-1103.2.2 Industrial systems general.
18-28-1103.2.3 Commercial systems general.
18-28-1103.2.4 Multiple dwelling systems general.
18-28-1103.3 System classification.
18-28-1103.3.1 Low-probability systems.
18-28-1103.3.2 High-probability systems.
18-28-1104 System Application Requirements.
956 18-28-1104.1 General.
18-28-1104.2 Machine room.
18-28-1104.2.1 Institutional occupancies.
18-28-1104.2.2 Industrial occupancies and refrigerated rooms.
957 18-28-1104.2.3 Multiple dwelling location provisions.
18-28-1104.3 Refrigerant restrictions.
18-28-1104.3.1 Air-conditioning for human comfort.
18-28-1104.3.2 Nonindustrial occupancies.
18-28-1104.3.3 All occupancies.
18-28-1104.3.4 Protection from refrigerant decomposition.
18-28-1104.4. 18-28-1104.4.1 Nonconnecting spaces.
18-28-1104.4.2 Ventilated spaces.
18-28-1104.4.3 Closures.
958 18-28-1104.4.4 Plenums.
18-28-1104.4.5 Supply and return ducts.
18-28-1105 Machinery Room General Requirements. 18-28-1105.1 Access.
18-28-1105.2 Dimensions.
18-28-1105.3 Doors.
18-28-1105.4 Openings.
18-28-1105.5 Refrigerant detector.
959 18-28-1105.6 Tests.
18-28-1105.7 Fuel-burning appliance.
18-28-1105.8 Ventilation.
18-28-1105.8.1 Discharge location.
18-28-1105.8.2 Make-up air.
18-28-1105.8.3 Quantity Normal ventilation.
960 18-28-1105.8.4 Quantity Emergency conditions.
18-28-1105.9 Termination of relief devices.
18-28-1105.10 Ammonia discharge.
18-28-1105.11 Safety equipment.
18-28-1106 Machinery Room Special Requirements. 18-28-1106.1 General.
18-28-1106.2 Elevated temperature.
18-28-1106.3 Construction requirements.
18-28-1106.4 Opening protectives.
961 18-28-1106.5 Pipe penetrations.
18-28-1106.6 Deliberately omitted. 18-28-1106.7 Egress.
18-28-1106.8 Ammonia room ventilation.
18-28-1106.9 Flammable refrigerants.
18-28-1106.10 Remote controls.
18-28-1106.10.1 Refrigeration system.
18-28-1106.10.2 Ventilation system.
18-28-1106.11 Fireman’s dump system.
18-28-1106.12 Hand-operated emergency valves.
962 18-28-1106.12.1 Hand-operated emergency valve discharge Group 1 refrigerants.
18-28-1106.13 Provisions for discharge of refrigerants.
18-28-1107 Refrigerant Piping. 18-28-1107.1 General.
18-28-1107.2 Pipe enclosures.
18-28-1107.2.1 Location prohibition.
963 18-28-1107.3 Condensation.
18-28-1107.3.1 Cooling coil condensation requirements.
18-28-1107.4 Materials for refrigerants pipe and tubing.
18-28-1107.4.1 Steel pipe.
18-28-1107.4.2 Copper and brass pipe.
18-28-1107.4.3 Copper tube.
18-28-1107.4.4 Copper tube joints.
18-28-1107.4.5 Aluminum tube.
18-28-1107.5 Joints and refrigerant-containing parts in air ducts.
18-28-1107.6 Exposure of refrigerant pipe joints.
18-28-1107.7 Stop valves.
964 18-28-1107.7.1 Liquid receivers.
18-28-1107.7.2 Copper tubing.
18-28-1107.7.3 Identification.
18-28-1108 Field Test. 18-28-1108.1 General.
965 18-28-1200 General. 18-28-1201.1 Scope.
18-28-1201.2 Pipe sizing.
18-28-1202 Material. 18-28-1202.1 Piping.
18-28-1202.2 Used materials.
18-28-1202.3 Material rating.
18-28-1202.4 Piping materials standards.
966 18-28-1202.5 Pipe fittings.
18-28-1202.6 Valves.
18-28-1202.7 Flexible connectors, expansion and vibration compensators.
18-28-1203 Joints and Connections. 18-28-1203.1 Approval.
967 18-28-1203.1.1 Joints between different piping materials.
18-28-1203.2 Preparation of pipe ends.
18-28-1203.3 Joint preparation and installation.
18-28-1203.3.1 Brazed joints.
18-28-1203.3.2 Mechanical joints.
18-28-1203.3.3 Soldered joints.
18-28-1203.3.4 Solvent-cemented joints.
18-28-1203.3.5 Threaded joints.
18-28-1203.3.6 Welded joints.
18-28-1203.3.7 Grooved and shouldered joints.
18-28-1203.4 ABS plastic pipe.
18-28-1203.5 Brass pipe.
968 18-28-1203.6 Brass tubing.
18-28-1203.7 Copper or copper-alloy pipe.
18-28-1203.8 Copper or copper-alloy tubing.
18-28-1203.8.1 Flared joints.
18-28-1203.9 CPVC plastic pipe.
18-28-1203.10 Polybutylene plastic pipe and tubing.
18-28-1203.10.1 Heat-fusion joints.
18-28-1203.11 Cross-linked polyethylene (PEX) plastic tubing.
18-28-1203.11.1 Compression-type fittings.
18-28-1203.11.2 Plastic-to-metal connections.
18-28-1203.12 PVC plastic pipe.
18-28-1203.13 Steel pipe.
18-28-1203.14 Steel tubing.
18-28-1204 Pipe Insulation. 18-28-1204.1 Insulation characteristics.
969 18-28-1204.2 Required thickness.
18-28-1205 Valves. 18-28-1205.1 Where required.
18-28-1205.1.1 Heat exchangers.
18-28-1205.1.2 Central systems.
18-28-1205.1.3 Pressure vessels.
18-28-1205.1.4 Pressure-reducing valves.
18-28-1205.1.5 Equipment and appliances.
18-28-1205.1.6 Expansion tanks.
18-28-1205.2 Reduced pressure.
18-28-1206 Piping Installation. 18-28-1206.1 General.
18-28-1206.1.1 Prohibited tee applications.
18-28-1206.2 System drain down.
18-28-1206.3 Protection of potable water.
970 18-28-1206.4 Pipe penetrations.
18-28-1206.5 Clearance to combustibles.
18-28-1206.6 Contact with building material.
18-28-1206.7 Water hammer.
18-28-1206.8 Steam piping pitch.
18-28-1206.9 Strains and stresses.
18-28-1206.9.1 Flood hazard.
18-28-1206.10 Pipe support.
18-28-1206.11 Condensation.
18-28-1207 Transfer Fluid. 18-28-1207.1 Flash point.
18-28-1207.2 Makeup water.
18-28-1208 Tests. 18-28-1208.1 General.
18-28-1209 Embedded Piping.
971 18-28-1209.1 Materials.
18-28-1209.2 Pressurizing during installation.
18-28-1209.3 Embedded joints.
18-28-1209.3.1 Steel pipe joints.
18-28-1209.3.2 Copper tubing joints.
18-28-1209.3.3 Polybutylene joints.
18-28-1209.4 Not embedded related piping.
18-28-1301 General. 18-28-1301.1 Scope.
18-28-1301.2 Storage systems.
18-28-1301.3 Fuel type.
18-28-1301.4 Fuel tanks, piping and valves.
18-28-1302 Material. 18-28-1302.1 General.
972 18-28-1302.2 Rated for system.
18-28-1302.3 Storage tanks.
18-28-1302.4 Pipe standards.
18-28-1302.5 Nonmetallic pipe.
18-28-1302.6 Fittings and valves.
973 18-28-1302.7 Bending of pipe.
18-28-1302.8 Pumps.
18-28-1302.9 Flexible connectors and hoses.
18-28-1303 Joints and Connections. 18-28-1303.1 Approval.
18-28-1303.1.1 Joints between different piping materials.
18-28-1303.2 Preparation of pipe ends.
18-28-1303.3 Joint preparation and installation.
18-28-1303.3.1 Brazed joints.
18-28-1303.3.2 Mechanical joints.
18-28-1303.3.3 Threaded joints.
18-28-1303.3.4 Welded joints.
18-28-1303.4 Brass pipe.
18-28-1303.5 Brass tubing.
18-28-1303.6 Copper or copper-alloy pipe.
974 18-28-1303.7 Copper or copper-alloy tubing.
18-28-1303.8 Nonmetallic pipe.
18-28-1303.9 Steel pipe.
18-28-1303.9.1 Mechanical joints.
18-28-1303.10 Steel tubing.
18-28-1303.11 Piping protection.
18-28-1304 Piping Support. 18-28-1304.1 General.
18-28-1305 Fuel Oil System Installation. 18-28-1305.1 Size.
18-28-1305.2 Protection of pipe, equipment and appliances.
18-28-1305.2.1 Flood hazard.
18-28-1305.3 Supply piping.
18-28-1305.4 Return piping.
18-28-1305.5 System pressure.
975 18-28-1305.6 Fill piping.
18-28-1305.7 Vent piping.
18-28-1306 Oil Gauging. 18-28-1306.1 Level indication.
18-28-1306.2 Test wells.
18-28-1306.3 Inside tanks.
18-28-1306.4 Gauging devices.
18-28-1306.5 Gauge glass.
18-28-1307 Fuel Oil Valves. 18-28-1307.1 Building shutoff.
18-28-1307.2 Appliance shutoff.
18-28-1307.3 Pump relief valve.
976 18-28-1307.4 Fuel-oil heater relief valve.
18-28-1307.5 Relief valve operation.
18-28-1308 Testing. 18-28-1308.1 Testing required.
18-28-1401 General.*
18-28-1501 General. 18-28-1501.1 Scope.
18-28-1501.2 Potable water supply.
18-28-1501.3 Heat exchangers.
18-28-1501.4 Solar energy equipment and appliances.
977 18-28-1501.5 Ducts.
18-28-1502 Installation. 18-28-1502.1 Access.
18-28-1502.2 Controlling condensation.
18-28-1502.3 Roof-mounted collectors.
18-28-1502.3.1 Collectors mounted above the roof.
18-28-1502.4 Equipment.
18-28-1502.4.1 Pressure and temperature.
18-28-1502.4.2 Vacuum.
18-28-1502.4.3 Protection from freezing.
18-28-1502.4.4 Expansion tanks.
18-28-1502.5 Roof penetrations.
18-28-1502.6 Filtering.
18-28-1503 Heat Transfer Fluids. 18-28-1503.1 Flash point.
978 18-28-1503.2 Flammable gases and liquids.
18-28-1504 Materials. 18-28-1504.1 Collectors.
18-28-1504.2 Thermal storage units.
979 29: Plumbing Systems
18-29 Plumbing
1009 18-29-101 General. 18-29-101.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-101.2 Scope.
18-29-101.2.1 Department of Water Management requirements.
18-29-101.2.2 Department of Water Management requirements.
18-29-101.3 Intent
18-29-101.4 Deliberately omitted.
1010 18-29-102 Applicability. 18-29-102.1 General.
18-29-102.2 Existing installations.
18-29-102.3 Maintenance.
18-29-102.4 Additions, alterations or repairs.
18-29-102.5 Change in occupancy.
18-29-102.6 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-102.7 Moved buildings.
18-29-102.8 Referenced codes and standards.
18-29-102.9 Requirements not covered by chapter.
18-29-103 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-104 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-105 Approval. 18-29-105.1 Modifications.
1011 18-29-105.2 Alternative materials, methods and equipment.
18-29-105.3 Required testing.
18-29-105.3.1 Test methods.
18-29-105.3.2 Testing agency.
18-29-105.3.3 Test reports.
18-29-105.4 Alternative engineered design.
18-29-105.4.1 Design criteria.
18-29-105.4.2 Submittal.
18-29-105.4.3 Technical data.
18-29-105.4.4 Construction documents.
1012 18-29-105.4.5 Design approval.
18-29-105.4.6 Inspection and testing.
18-29-105.5 Material and equipment reuse.
18-29-106 Permits. 18-29-106.1 Permits.
18-29-106.2 License required.
18-29-107 Fines.
1013 18-29-201 General. 18-29-201.1 Scope.
18-29-201.2 Interchangeability.
18-29-201.3 Terms defined in other articles.
18-29-201.4 Terms not defined.
18-29-202 General definitions.
1024 18-29-301 General. 18-29-301.1 Scope.
18-29-301.1.1 New occupancy.
18-29-301.1.2 Age of building.
18-29-301.2 System installation.
18-29-301.3 Connections to drainage system.
1025 18-29-301.4 Connections to water supply.
18-29-301.5 Pipe, tube and fitting sizes.
18-29-301.6 Prohibited locations.
18-29-302 Exclusion of Materials Detrimental to the Sewer System. 18-29-302.1 Detrimental or dangerous materials.
18-29-302.2 Industrial wastes.
18-29-303 Materials. 18-29-303.1 Identification.
18-29-303.2 Installation of materials.
18-29-303.3 Plastic pipe, fittings and components.
18-29-303.4 Labeling.
18-29-303.4.1 Testing.
1026 18-29-303.4.2 Inspection and identification.
18-29-303.4.2.1 Independent.
18-29-303.4.2.2 Equipment.
18-29-303.4.2.3 Personnel.
18-29-304 Rodent-Proofing. 18-29-304.1 General.
18-29-304.2 Strainer plates.
18-29-304.3 Meter boxes.
18-29-304.4 Openings for pipes.
18-29-305 Protection of Pipes and Plumbing System Components. 18-29-305.1 Corrosion.
18-29-305.2 Breakage.
18-29-305.3 Stress and strain.
1027 18-29-305.4 Sleeves.
18-29-305.5 Pipes through or under footings or foundation walls.
18-29-305.6 Freezing.
18-29-305.6.1 Sewer depth.
18-29-305.6.2 Water main depth.
18-29-305.7 Waterproofing of openings.
18-29-305.8 Protection against physical damage.
18-29-305.9 Protection of components of plumbing system.
18-29-306 Trenching, Excavation and Backfill. 18-29-306.1 Support of piping.
18-29-306.2 Trenching and bedding.
18-29-306.2.1 Overexcavation.
1028 18-29-306.2.2 Rock removal.
18-29-306.2.3 Soft loadbearing materials.
18-29-306.3 Backfilling.
18-29-306.4 Tunneling.
18-29-306.5 Violations Penalties.
18-29-307 Structural Safety. 18-29-307.1 General.
18-29-307.2 Cutting, notching or boring of holes.
18-29-307.3 Penetrations of floor-ceiling assemblies and fire-resistance-rated assemblies.
18-29-307.4 Trench location.
18-29-308 Piping Support. 18-29-308.1 General.
18-29-308.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-308.3 Materials.
1029 18-29-308.4 Structural attachment.
18-29-308.5 Interval of support.
18-29-308.6 Sway bracing.
18-29-308.7 Anchorage.
18-29-308.7.1 Location.
18-29-308.8 Expansion joint fittings.
18-29-308.8.1 Vertical expansion.
1030 18-29-308.9 Stacks.
18-29-308.10 Parallel water distribution systems.
18-29-309 Floodproofing. 18-29-309.1 General.
18-29-309.1.1 Base flood elevation.
18-29-309.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-310 Washroom and Toilet Room Requirements. 18-29-310.1 Ventilation.
18-29-310.2 Location of fixtures and piping.
18-29-310.3 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-310.4 Water closet compartment.
18-29-311 Toilet Facilities for Workers. 18-29-311.1 General; Workmen’s temporary closets.
18-29-312 Tests and Inspections. 18-29-312.1 Required tests.
1031 18-29-312.2 Drainage and vent water test.
18-29-312.3 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-312.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-312.5 Water supply system test.
18-29-312.6 Gravity sewer test.
18-29-312.7 Forced sewer test.
18-29-312.8 Storm drainage system test.
18-29-312.9 Cross connection control device inspections.
1032 18-29-401 General. 18-29-401.1 Scope.
18-29-401.2 Prohibited fixtures and connections.
18-29-401.3 Water conservation.
18-29-401.4 Separate toilet room.
18-29-401.5 WaterSense labeled fixtures and irrigation controllers.
18-29-402 Fixture Materials. 18-29-402.1 Quality of fixtures.
18-29-402.1.1 Used fixtures.
18-29-402.2 Materials for specialty fixtures.
1033 18-29-402.3 Sheet copper.
18-29-402.4 Sheet lead.
18-29-402.5 Fixture strainer.
18-29-402.6 Fixture overflow.
18-29-403 Minimum Plumbing Facilities. 18-29-403.1 Minimum number of fixtures.
1036 18-29-403.2 Separate facilities.
1037 18-29-403.3 Number of occupants for both genders.
18-29-403.4 Location of employee toilet facilities in occupancies other than assembly or mercantile.
18-29-403.5 Toilet facilities in mercantile and assembly occupancies.
18-29-403.6 Customer facilities.
18-29-403.6.1 Pay facilities.
18-29-403.6.1.1 Included buildings.
18-29-403.7 Drinking fountains.
1038 18-29-403.8 Multiple dwellings.
18-29-403.9 Kitchens.
18-29-404 Accessible Plumbing Facilities. 18-29-404.1 Where required.
18-29-405 Installation of Fixtures. 18-29-405.1 Water supply protection.
18-29-405.2 Access for cleaning.
18-29-405.2.1 Toilet room construction.
18-29-405.2.2 Day care centers.
18-29-405.3 Setting.
18-29-405.3.1 Water closets, lavatories and bidets.
18-29-405.3.2 Urinals.
1039 18-29-405.4 Floor and wall drainage connections.
18-29-405.4.1 Floor flanges.
18-29-405.4.1.1 Hard lead floor flanges.
18-29-405.4.2 Securing floor outlet fixtures.
18-29-405.4.3 Securing wall-hung water closet bowls.
18-29-405.5 Water-tight joints.
18-29-405.6 Plumbing in mental health centers.
18-29-405.7 Design of overflows.
18-29-405.7.1 Connection of overflows.
1040 18-29-405.8 Access to concealed connections.
18-29-406 Automatic Clothes Washers. 18-29-406.1 Approval.
18-29-406.2 Water connection.
18-29-406.3 Waste connection.
18-29-407 Bathtubs. 18-29-407.1 Approval.
18-29-407.2 Bathtub waste outlets.
18-29-407.3 Glazing.
18-29-408 Bidets. 18-29-408.1 Approval.
18-29-408.2 Water connection.
18-29-409 Dishwashing Machines. 18-29-409.1 Approval.
18-29-409.2 Water connection.
18-29-409.2.1 Water supply connection.
1041 18-29-409.2.2 Hot water.
18-29-409.3 Waste connection.
18-29-409.3.1 Commercial dishwashers.
18-29-410 Drinking Fountains. 18-29-410.1 Approval.
18-29-410.2 Prohibited location.
18-29-411 Emergency Showers and Eyewash Stations. 18-29-411.1 Water connection.
18-29-411.2 Waste connection.
18-29-412 Floor Drains. 18-29-412.1 Approval.
18-29-412.2 Floor drain trap and strainer.
18-29-412.3 Size of floor drains.
18-29-412.4 Required location and construction.
18-29-412.4.1 Underground floor drains.
1042 18-29-412.4.2 Sanitary waste drain.
18-29-412.4.3 Masonry or concrete floor.
18-29-412.4.4 Hospitals and nursing homes.
18-29-412.4.5 Public laundries and multiple-family dwellings.
18-29-412.4.6 Size.
18-29-412.4.7 Accessibility.
18-29-412.4.8 Provision for evaporation.
18-29-412.4.9 Floor drains in food establishments.
18-29-413 Food Waste Grinder Units. 18-29-413.1 Approval.
18-29-413.2 Domestic food waste grinder waste outlets.
18-29-413.3 Commercial food waste grinder waste outlets.
1043 18-29-413.4 Water supply required.
18-29-414 Garbage Can Washers. 18-29-414.1 Water connection.
18-29-414.2 Waste connection.
18-29-415 Laundry Trays. 18-29-415.1 Approval.
18-29-415.2 Waste outlet.
18-29-416 Lavatories. 18-29-416.1 Approval.
18-29-416.2 Cultured marble lavatories.
18-29-416.3 Lavatory waste outlets.
18-29-417 Showers. 18-29-417.1 Approval.
18-29-417.2 Water supply riser.
18-29-417.3 Shower waste outlet.
18-29-417.4 Shower compartments.
1044 18-29-417.4.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-417.4.2 Wall area.
18-29-417.4.3 Shower installation.
18-29-417.4.4 Water temperature safety.
18-29-417.4.5 Dimensions.
18-29-417.4.6 Materials.
18-29-417.4.7 Public or institution showers.
18-29-417.5 Shower floor or receptors.
18-29-417.5.1 Support.
18-29-417.5.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-417.6 Glazing.
1045 18-29-418 Sinks. 18-29-418.1 Approval.
18-29-418.2 Sink waste outlets.
18-29-418.2.1 Facilities with no range oven.
18-29-419 Urinals. 18-29-419.1 Approval.
18-29-419.2 Substitution for water closets.
18-29-419.3 Urinals for public or employee toilet facilities.
18-29-419.4 Surrounding material.
18-29-420 Water Closets. 18-29-420.1 Approval.
18-29-420.2 Water closets for public or employee toilet facilities.
18-29-420.3 Water closet seats.
18-29-420.4 Water closet connections.
1046 18-29-420.5 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-420.6 Chemical closets.
18-29-420.7 Temporary toilet facilities.
18-29-421 Whirlpool Bathtubs. 18-29-421.1 Approval.
18-29-421.2 Installation.
18-29-421.3 Drain.
18-29-421.4 Suction fittings.
18-29-422 Health Care Fixtures and Equipment. 18-29-422.1 Scope.
18-29-422.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-422.3 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-422.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-422.5 Deliberately o
1047 18-29-422.9.1 Sterilizer piping.
18-29-422.9.2 Steam supply.
18-29-422.9.3 Steam condensate return.
18-29-422.9.4 Condensers.
18-29-422.10 Special elevations.
18-29-423 Specialty Plumbing Fixtures. 18-29-423.1 Water connections.
18-29-423.2 Approval.
18-29-424 Faucets and Other Fixture Fittings. 18-29-424.1 Approval.
18-29-424.2 Hose spray.
18-29-424.3 Hand showers.
18-29-424.4 Shower valves.
18-29-425 Flushing Devices for Water Closets and Urinals.
1048 18-29-425.1 Flushing devices required.
18-29-425.1.1 Separate for each fixture.
18-29-425.2 Flushometer valves and tanks.
18-29-425.3 Flush tanks.
18-29-425.3.1 Ball cocks.
18-29-425.3.2 Overflows in flush tanks.
18-29-425.3.3 Sheet copper.
18-29-425.3.4 Access required.
18-29-425.4 Flush pipes and fittings.
18-29-501 General. 18-29-501.1 Scope.
18-29-501.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-501.3 Drain valves.
1049 18-29-501.4 Location for access.
18-29-501.5 Water heater labeling.
18-29-501.6 Tankless water heaters.
18-29-501.6.1 Coils.
18-29-501.7 Pressure marking of storage tanks.
18-29-501.8 Temperature controls.
18-29-501.8.1 Instantaneous water heaters.
18-29-501.9 Heat exchangers.
1050 18-29-502 Installation. 18-29-502.1 General.
18-29-502.2 Water heaters installed in non-private garages.
18-29-502.3 Rooms used as a plenum.
18-29-502.4 Prohibited location.
18-29-502.5 Water heaters installed in closets accessed through sleeping rooms or bathrooms.
18-29-502.6 Water heaters installed in attics, basements or other areas.
18-29-503 Connections. 18-29-503.1 Cold water line valve.
18-29-503.1.1 Shutoff valves.
1051 18-29-503.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-504 Safety Devices. 18-29-504.1 Antisiphon devices.
18-29-504.2 Vacuum relief valve.
18-29-504.3 Energy cutoff device.
18-29-504.4 Shutdown.
18-29-504.5 Relief valve.
18-29-504.5.1 Installation.
18-29-504.6 Relief valve approval.
18-29-504.7 Relief outlet waste.
18-29-504.7.1 Discharge.
1052 18-29-504.7.2 Location.
18-29-504.7.3 Materials.
18-29-504.8 Required pan.
18-29-504.8.1 Pan size and drain.
18-29-504.8.2 Pan drain termination.
18-29-505 Insulation. 18-29-505.1 Unfired vessel insulation.
18-29-601 General. 18-29-601.1 Scope.
18-29-601.2 Inspections and notices.
1053 18-29-601.3 Access for inspections.
18-29-601.4 Solar energy utilization.
18-29-602 Water Required. 18-29-602.1 General.
18-29-602.1.1 Obligations of water consumers.
18-29-602.2 Potable water required.
18-29-602.3 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-602.4 Reserve water supply.
1054 18-29-602.4.1 Installation of line valves or taps.
18-29-602.4.2 Dual meter settings.
18-29-603 Water Service. 18-29-603.1 Size of water service pipe.
18-29-603.1.1 Size and meter spreader connection.
18-29-603.1.2 Sizing of connections.
18-29-603.1.3 Permits to install water supply in buildings.
18-29-603.2 Separation of water service and building sewer/drain.
18-29-603.2.1 Water supply systems installed near a sewer structure.
1055 18-29-603.2.2 Reserved.
18-29-603.2.3 Backfill.
18-29-603.3 Metered service.
1056 18-29-603.3.1 Authority.
18-29-603.3.2 Connection to metered service.
18-29-603.3.3 Licensed and bonded contractor.
18-29-603.3.4 Location.
18-29-603.3.5 Construction of meter vaults.
1057 18-29-603.3.6 Installation of taps.
18-29-603.3.7 Plans accompany permit application.
18-29-603.3.8 Notification of wrecking buildings for terminating water service.
18-29-604 Design of Building Water Distribution System. 18-29-604.1 General.
18-29-604.2 System interconnection.
1058 18-29-604.3 Water distribution system design criteria.
18-29-604.4 Maximum flow and water consumption.
1059 18-29-604.4.1 Deliberately omitted.*
18-29-604.4.2 Water closets.
18-29-604.5 Size of fixture supply.
1060 18-29-604.5.1 Minimum size.
18-29-604.6 Variable street pressures.
18-29-604.7 Inadequate water pressure.
18-29-604.8 Water pressure reducing valve or regulator.
18-29-604.8.1 Valve design.
18-29-604.8.2 Repair and removal.
1061 18-29-604.9 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-604.10 Size of water supply pipes.
18-29-604.10.1 Minimum sizes of branch distributing pipes for fixtures and appliances.
18-29-604.10.1.1 Demand load.
18-29-604.10.1.2 Size of piping.
18-29-604.10.1.3 Available pressure.
18-29-604.10.2 Procedures for calculating sizing.
18-29-604.11 Air chambers required.
18-29-604.11.1 Size of air chamber.
18-29-605 Materials, Joints and Connections. 18-29-605.1 Water compatibility.
18-29-605.2 Soil and ground water.
1062 18-29-605.3 Lead content of water supply pipe and fittings.
18-29-605.4 Water service pipe.
18-29-605.4.1 Materials for supply pipes and fittings.
18-29-605.5 Water distribution pipe.
1063 18-29-605.6 Fittings.
18-29-605.7 Valves.
18-29-605.8 Manufactured pipe nipples.
18-29-605.9 Prohibited joints and connections.
1064 18-29-605.10 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.11 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.12 Brass.
18-29-605.12.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-605.12.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.12.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.12.4 Welded joints.
18-29-605.13 Gray iron and ductile iron joints.
18-29-605.14 Copper pipe.
18-29-605.14.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.14.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.14.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-605.15 Copper tubing.
18-29-605.15.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-605.15.2 Flared joints.
18-29-605.15.3 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.15.4 Soldered joints.
1065 18-29-605.16 CPVC plastic.
18-29-605.16.1 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.16.2 Solvent cementing.
18-29-605.16.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.17 Steel.
18-29-605.17.1 Threaded joints.
18-29-605.17.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-605.18 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.19 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.20 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-605.21 Joints bet
18-29-605.21.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
18-29-605.22 Protection for pipes and fixtures.
18-29-605.23 Hydrants and non-freeze hydrants protection.
18-29-605.24 Water supply pipe protection.
1066 18-29-605.25 Refrigerant condensers.
18-29-605.26 Dead-ends prohibited.
18-29-605.27 Air conditioning and refrigeration systems.
18-29-605.28 Permissible exceptions.
18-29-606 Installation of the Building Water Distribution System. 18-29-606.1 Location of full-open valves.
18-29-606.2 Location of shutoff valves.
18-29-606.3 Access to valves.
1067 18-29-606.4 Valve identification.
18-29-606.5 Water pressure booster systems.
18-29-606.5.1 Hydropneumatic system, booster pump system, gravity tank.
18-29-606.5.1.1 Requirements.
18-29-606. Pressure relief valve.
18-29-606. Compression tank.
18-29-606. Sludge drain pipe.
18-29-606.5.1.2 Booster pump system.
18-29-606. Gravity tanks.
18-29-606. Total pressure.
18-29-606. Low pressure cutoff.
18-29-606.5.2 Surge tank for pumps.
1068 18-29-606.5.3 Check valves required.
18-29-606.5.3.1 Approval required.
18-29-606.5.4 Equipment required for tanks receiving city water.
18-29-606.5.4.1 Sludge drain pipe.
18-29-606.5.4.2 Size.
18-29-606.5.4.3 Covers and support.
18-29-606.5.5 Recycling system for vehicle wash installations.
18-29-606.5.6 Potable water inlet control and location.
18-29-606.5.7 Tank drain pipes.
18-29-606.5.8 Prohibited location of potable supply tanks.
1069 18-29-606.5.9 Pressure relief valve requirements.
18-29-606.5.10 Pressure relief valves for hydropneumatic tanks.
18-29-606.6 Test of distribution pipes.
18-29-607 Hot Water Supply System. 18-29-607.1 Where required.
18-29-607.1.1 Water temperature.
18-29-607.1.2 Shower compartments and showerbath combinations.
18-29-607.1.2.1 Mixed water temperature.
18-29-607.2 Heated plumbing circulating system.
18-29-607.2.1 Return piping.
1070 18-29-607.2.1A Piping insulation.
18-29-607.2.2 Pump operation.
18-29-607.3 Thermal expansion control.
18-29-607.3.1 Pressure reducing valve.
18-29-607.3.2 Backflow prevention device or check valve.
18-29-607.4 Hot water supply to fixtures.
18-29-607.5 Expansion joints.
1071 18-29-607.6 Prohibited connections.
18-29-608 Protection of Potable Water Supply. 18-29-608.1 General.
1073 18-29-608.2 Plumbing fixtures.
18-29-608.3 Water supply pipes.
18-29-608.3.1 Special equipment, water supply protection.
18-29-608.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-608.5 Secondary water.
18-29-608.6 Prohibited use of secondary water.
18-29-608.6.1 Private water supplies.
18-29-608.7 Stop-and-waste valves prohibited.
1074 18-29-608.8 Identification of potable and nonpotable water.
18-29-608.9 Re-utilization prohibited.
18-29-608.10 Reuse of piping.
18-29-608.11 Painting of water tanks.
18-29-608.12 Pumps and other appliances.
18-29-608.13 Backflow protection.
18-29-608.13.1 Air gap.
18-29-608.13.2 Reduced pressure principle backflow preventers.
18-29-608.13.3 Backflow preventer with intermediate atmospheric vent.
18-29-608.13.4 Barometric loop.
18-29-608.13.5 Atmospheric-type vacuum breakers.
18-29-608.13.6 Double check-valve assemblies.
18-29-608.14 Location of backflow preventers.
1075 18-29-608.15 Protection of potable water outlets.
1076 18-29-608.16 Connections to the potable water system.
18-29-608.16.1 Beverage carbonator.
18-29-608.16.1.1 Backflow preventer.
18-29-608.16.2 High-pressure steam boilers.
18-29-608.16.3 Connections to automatic fire sprinkler systems and standpipe systems.
18-29-608.16.4 Fire protection equipment, risers, standpipes, tanks to be drained and flushed.
18-29-608.16.5 Fire-extinguishing equipment cross-connection.
18-29-608.16.5.1 Prohibitions.
1077 18-29-608.16.6 Chemical or petroleum pressure vessels.
18-29-608.16.6.1 Chemical or petroleum pressure vessels.
18-29-608.16.6.2 Water flushing or cooling.
18-29-608.16.6.3 Chemical, contaminated water, or sewage lines or vessels.
18-29-608.16.7 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-608.16.8 Portable cleaning equipment.
18-29-608.16.9 Dental pump equipment.
18-29-608.17 Private water supplies.
18-29-608.17.1 Well locations.
1078 18-29-608.17.1.1 Distances.
18-29-608.17.1.2 Direct connections.
18-29-609 Health Care Plumbing. 18-29-609.1 General.
18-29-609.1.1 Where required.
18-29-609.2 Water service.
18-29-609.3 Hot water.
18-29-609.4 Vacuum breaker installation.
18-29-609.5 Prohibited water closet and clinical sink supply.
18-29-609.6 Clinical, hydrotherapeutic and radiological equipment.
18-29-609.7 Condensate drain trap seal.
1079 18-29-609.8 Valve leakage diverter.
18-29-610 Disinfection of Potable Water System. 18-29-610.1 Scope.
18-29-611 Water Treatment Units. 18-29-611.1 Design.
18-29-611.2 Reverse osmosis systems.
18-29-701 General. 18-29-701.1 Scope.
18-29-701.2 Sewer required.
18-29-701.3 Separate building sewer connection.
18-29-701.4 Sewage treatment.
1080 18-29-701.5 Damage to drainage system or public sewer.
18-29-701.6 Tests.
18-29-701.7 Connections.
18-29-701.8 Notification of wrecking buildings and sealing or abandoning sewer facilities.
18-29-702 Materials. 18-29-702.1 Above-ground sanitary drainage and vent pipe.
1081 18-29-702.2 Underground building drainage and vent pipe.
1082 18-29-702.3 Building sewer pipe.
1083 18-29-702.4 Fittings.
18-29-702.5 Chemical waste system.
1084 18-29-702.5.1 Glass pipe.
18-29-702.5.1.1 Padding.
18-29-702.5.1.2 Thickness.
18-29-702.5.1.3 Buried pipe.
18-29-702.6 Safe pan material and construction.
18-29-702.6.1 Material.
18-29-702.6.2 Construction.
18-29-703 Building Sewer. 18-29-703.1 Building sewers, building drains or drainage systems installed near the water pipes and wa
1085 18-29-703.2 Drainage pipe in filled ground.
18-29-703.3 Sanitary and storm sewers.
18-29-703.3.1 Combined sewers.
18-29-703.4 Existing building sewers and drains.
18-29-703.4.1 Inspection of existing underground building sewers for drain and reuse.
18-29-704 Drainage Piping and Installation. 18-29-704.1 Slope of horizontal drainage piping.
18-29-704.2 Change in size.
18-29-704.3 Connections to offsets and bases of stacks.
1086 18-29-704.4 Future fixtures.
18-29-704.5 Dead ends.
18-29-704.5.1 Freezing.
18-29-704.5.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-705 Joints. 18-29-705.1 General.
18-29-705.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-705.3 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-705.4 Brass.
18-29-705.4.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.4.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.4.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.4.4 Welded joints.
18-29-705.5 Cast iron.
18-29-705.5.1 Caulked joints.
18-29-705.5.2 Compression gasket joints.
18-29-705.5.3 Mechanical joint coupling.
1087 18-29-705.6 Concrete joints.
18-29-705.7 Copper pipe.
18-29-705.7.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.7.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.7.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-705.7.4 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.7.5 Welded joints.
18-29-705.8 Copper tubing.
18-29-705.8.1 Brazed joints.
18-29-705.8.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.8.3 Soldered joints.
18-29-705.9 Borosilicate glass joints.
18-29-705.9.1 Caulked joints.
1088 18-29-705.10 Steel.
18-29-705.10.1 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.10.2 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.11 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-705.12 PVC plastic.
18-29-705.12.1 Mechanical joints.
18-29-705.12.2 Solvent cementing.
18-29-705.12.3 Threaded joints.
18-29-705.13 Vitrified clay.
18-29-705.14 Joints between different materials.
18-29-705.14.1 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to cast-iron hub pipe.
18-29-705.14.2 Copper or copper-alloy tubing to galvanized steel pipe.
18-29-705.14.3 Cast-iron pipe to galvanized steel or brass pipe.
18-29-705.14.4 Plastic pipe or tubing to other piping material.
1089 18-29-705.14.5 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-705.14.6 Borosilicate glass to other materials.
18-29-705.15 Drainage slip joints.
18-29-705.16 Caulking ferrules.
18-29-705.17 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-706 Connections Between Drainage Piping And Fixtures. 18-29-706.1 Connections and chang
18-29-706.2 Obstructions.
18-29-706.3 Installation of fittings.
1090 18-29-707 Prohibited Joints and Connections. 18-29-707.1 Prohibited joints.
18-29-708 Cleanouts. 18-29-708.1 Scope.
18-29-708.2 Cleanout plugs.
18-29-708.3 Where required.
1091 18-29-708.3.1 Horizontal drains within buildings.
18-29-708.3.2 Building sewers.
18-29-708.3.3 Changes of direction.
18-29-708.3.4 Base of stack.
18-29-708.3.5 Building drain and building sewer junction.
18-29-708.3.6 Manholes.
18-29-708.4 Concealed piping.
18-29-708.5 Opening direction.
18-29-708.6 Prohibited installation.
18-29-708.7 Minimum size.
18-29-708.8 Pipes 8 inches and larger.
1092 18-29-708.9 Clearances.
18-29-708.10 Access.
18-29-709 Fixture Units. 18-29-709.1 Values for fixtures.
1093 18-29-709.2 Fixtures not listed in Table 18-29-709.1.
18-29-709.3 Values for continuous flow.
18-29-709.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-709.5 Values for indirect waste receptor.
1094 18-29-710 Drainage System Sizing. 18-29-710.1 Maximum fixture unit load.
18-29-710.1.1 Maximum fixture units.
18-29-710.1.2 Minimum size.
18-29-710.1.3 Horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-710.1.4 Vertical stack offsets.
18-29-710.2 Future fixtures.
18-29-710.3 Underground drainage piping.
1095 18-29-711 Offsets in Drainage Piping in Buildings of Five Stories or More. 18-29-711.1 Horizontal branch connections above or be
1096 18-29-711.1.1 Omission of vents for vertical stack offsets.
18-29-711.2 Horizontal branch connections to horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3 Horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3.1 Omission of vents for horizontal stack offsets.
18-29-711.3.2 Suds pressure zones.
18-29-711.3.2.1 Height.
18-29-711.3.2.2 Upstream.
18-29-711.3.2.3 Downstream.
18-29-711.4 Offsets below lowest branch.
18-29-712 Sumps and Ejectors. 18-29-712.1 Building drains below sewer.
1097 18-29-712.2 Check and gate valve required.
18-29-712.3 Sump design.
18-29-712.3.1 Sump pump.
18-29-712.3.2 Sump pit.
18-29-712.3.3 Discharge piping.
18-29-712.3.4 Maximum effluent level.
18-29-712.3.5 Ejector connection to the drainage system.
18-29-712.4 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors.
18-29-712.4.1 Capacity.
1098 18-29-712.4.2 Duplex equipment required.
18-29-713 Health Care Plumbing. 18-29-713.1 Scope.
18-29-713.2 Bedpan washers and clinical sinks.
18-29-713.3 Indirect waste.
18-29-713.4 Vacuum system station.
18-29-713.5 Bottle system.
18-29-713.6 Central disposal system equipment.
18-29-713.7 Central vacuum or disposal systems.
18-29-713.7.1 Piping.
1099 18-29-713.7.2 Velocity.
18-29-713.8 Vent connections prohibited.
18-29-713.9 Local vents and stacks for bedpan washers.
18-29-713.9.1 Multiple installations.
18-29-713.9.2 Trap required.
18-29-713.9.3 Trap seal maintenance.
18-29-713.10 Sterilizer vents and stacks.
18-29-713.10.1 Drainage.
18-29-713.11 Sterilizer vent stack sizes.
18-29-713.11.1 Bedpan steamers.
1100 18-29-713.11.2 Boiling-type sterilizers.
18-29-713.11.3 Pressure sterilizers.
1101 18-29-713.11.4 Pressure instrument washer sterilizer sizes.
18-29-714 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-715 Backwater Valves. 18-29-715.1 Sewage backflow.
18-29-715.2 Fixture branches.
18-29-715.3 Material.
18-29-715.4 Seal.
18-29-715.5 Diameter.
18-29-715.6 Location.
18-29-716 Flood Control. 18-29-716.1 Flood control devices.
18-29-716.2 Flood control systems.
1102 18-29-801 General. 18-29-801.1 Scope.
18-29-801.2 Protection.
18-29-802 Indirect Wastes. 18-29-802.1 Where required.
18-29-802.1.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-802.1.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-802.1.3 Potable clear-water waste.
18-29-802.1.4 Nonpotable clear-water waste.
18-29-802.1.5 Waste piping.
18-29-802.1.6 Dishwashing machine.
18-29-802.1.7 Sinks.
1103 18-29-802.2 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-802.3 Waste receptors.
18-29-802.3.1 Open hub waste receptors.
18-29-802.4 Standpipes.
18-29-803 Special Wastes. 18-29-803.1 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-803.2 Neutralizing device required for corrosive wastes.
18-29-803.3 System design.
18-29-803.4 Volatile wastes.
18-29-804 Materials, Joints and Connections. 18-29-804.1 General.
18-29-804.2 Acid waste piping material.
18-29-805 Waste Water Control. 18-29-805.1 Preliminary treatment.
1104 18-29-805.1.1 Approval.
18-29-805.2 Prohibited wastes.
18-29-805.2.1 Maximum concentration.
18-29-805.2.2 Types of discharge.
1105 18-29-805.3 Discharges of clean waters.
18-29-805.4 Manholes.
18-29-805.4.1 Use and permit.
18-29-805.5 Gauging and sampling.
18-29-805.5.1 Legal or financial obligation.
18-29-805.6 Sampling methods.
1106 18-29-805.7 Analyses.
18-29-805.7.1 Preliminary treatment.
18-29-805.7.2 Written approval.
18-29-901 General. 18-29-901.1 Scope.
18-29-901.2 Trap seal protection.
18-29-901.2.1 Venting required.
18-29-901.3 Chemical waste vent system.
18-29-901.4 Use limitations.
18-29-901.5 Tests.
18-29-901.6 Protection from freezing.
18-29-902 Materials. 18-29-902.1 Vents.
1107 18-29-902.2 Sheet copper.
18-29-902.3 Sheet lead.
18-29-903 Vent Stacks and Stack Vents. 18-29-903.1 Main vent required.
18-29-903.2 Vent stack required.
18-29-903.3 Vent termination.
18-29-903.4 Vent connection at base.
18-29-903.5 Vent headers.
18-29-904 Vent Terminals. 18-29-904.1 Roof extension.
18-29-904.2 Frost closure.
18-29-904.3 Flashings.
1108 18-29-904.4 Prohibited use.
18-29-904.5 Location of vent terminal.
18-29-904.6 Extension through the wall.
18-29-905 Vent Connections and Grades. 18-29-905.1 Connection.
18-29-905.2 Grade.
18-29-905.3 Vent connection to drainage system.
18-29-905.4 Vertical rise of vent.
18-29-905.5 Height above fixtures.
18-29-905.6 Side inlet.
18-29-905.7 Vent for future fixtures.
18-29-906 Fixture Vents. 18-29-906.1 Distance of trap from vent.
1109 18-29-906.2 Venting of fixture drains.
18-29-906.3 Crown vent.
18-29-907 Individual Vent. 18-29-907.1 Individual vent permitted.
18-29-908 Common Vent. 18-29-908.1 Individual vent as common vent.
18-29-908.2 Connection at the same level.
18-29-908.3 Connection of different levels.
18-29-909 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-910 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-911 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-912 Combination Drain and
18-29-912.2 Waste piping and trap.
18-29-912.2.1 Branches.
1110 18-29-912.2.2 Sinks, lavatories, and other fixtures.
18-29-912.2.3 Long mains.
18-29-912.2.4 Floor drains.
18-29-912.3 Size.
18-29-913 Island Fixture Venting. 18-29-913.1 Limitation.
18-29-913.2 Vent connection.
18-29-913.3 Vent installation below the fixture flood level rim.
1111 18-29-914 Relief Vents Stacks of More Than 10 Branch Intervals. 18-29-914.1 Where required.
18-29-914.2 Size and connection.
18-29-915 Vents for Stack Offsets. 18-29-915.1 Vent for horizontal offset of drainage stack.
18-29-915.2 Upper section.
18-29-915.3 Lower section.
18-29-916 Vent Pipe Sizing. 18-29-916.1 Size of stack vents and vent stacks.
1113 18-29-916.2 Other vents.
18-29-916.3 Required sizes of vents.
18-29-916.4 Multiple branch vents.
18-29-916.4.1 Multiple branch vents exceeding 40 feet.
18-29-916.5 Sump vents.
18-29-916.5.1 Sewage pumps and sewage ejectors other than pneumatic.
1114 18-29-916.5.2 Pneumatic sewage ejectors.
18-29-917 Vents Not Required. 18-29-917.1 Not required.
18-29-918 Deliberately omitted.
18-29-1001 General. 18-29-1001.1 Scope.
18-29-1002 Trap Requirements. 18-29-1002.1 Fixture traps.
1115 18-29-1002.1.1 Open plumbing.
18-29-1002.1.2 Traps underground.
18-29-1002.1.3 Animal facilities and barn drainage.
18-29-1002.1.4 Basement floor drains.
18-29-1002.1.5 Backwater valves.
18-29-1002.2 Design of traps.
18-29-1002.3 Prohibited traps.
18-29-1002.4 Trap seals.
18-29-1002.5 Size of fixture traps.
1116 18-29-1002.6 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-1002.7 Trap setting and protection.
18-29-1002.8 Recess for trap connection.
18-29-1002.9 Acid-resisting traps.
18-29-1002.10 Plumbing in mental health centers.
18-29-1003 Interceptors and Separators. 18-29-1003.1 Interceptors required.
18-29-1003.1.1 Interceptors not required.
18-29-1003.2 Size, type and location to be approved.
18-29-1003.3 Grease interceptor or catch basin.
18-29-1003.3.1 Where required.
18-29-1003.3.2 Grease, fats and oils.
1117 18-29-1003.3.3 Grease interceptors and discharge.
18-29-1003.3.4 Construction materials.
18-29-1003.3.5 Types.
18-29-1003.3.6 Grease trap capacity.
18-29-1003.3.7 Rate of flow controls.
18-29-1003.3.8 Efficiency of interceptors.
1118 18-29-1003.4 Grease catch basins outside.
18-29-1003.4.1 Basin cover.
18-29-1003.5 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-1003.6 Volatile waste separator.
18-29-1003.6.1 Garages.
18-29-1003.7 Separation of liquids.
18-29-1003.7.1 General design requirements.
18-29-1003.7.2 Garage and service stations.
18-29-1003.8 Sand interceptors in commercial establishments.
1119 18-29-1003.9 Laundries.
18-29-1003.10 Bottling establishments.
18-29-1003.11 Slaughterhouses.
18-29-1003.12 Venting of interceptors and separators.
18-29-1003.13 Access and maintenance of interceptors and separators.
18-29-1004 Materials, Joints and Connections. 18-29-1004.1 General.
18-29-1101 General. 18-29-1101.1 Scope.
18-29-1101.2 Where required.
18-29-1101.2.1 Roof drainage and downspouts.
1120 18-29-1101.2.2 Drainage of areas and yards.
18-29-1101.2.3 Storm runoff.
18-29-1101.3 Prohibited drainage.
18-29-1101.4 Tests.
18-29-1101.5 Continuous flow.
18-29-1101.6 Fittings and connections.
18-29-1101.7 Roof design.
1121 18-29-1101.8 Cleanouts required.
18-29-1101.9 Backwater valves.
18-29-1102 Materials. 18-29-1102.1 General.
18-29-1102.2 Inside storm drainage conductors.
18-29-1102.3 Underground building storm drain pipe.
18-29-1102.4 Building storm sewer standards.
18-29-1102.5 Subsoil drain pipe.
1122 18-29-1102.6 Roof drains.
18-29-1102.7 Fittings.
18-29-1103 Traps. 18-29-1103.1 Main trap.
18-29-1103.2 Material.
18-29-1103.3 Size.
18-29-1103.4 Cleanout.
18-29-1104 Conductors and Connections. 18-29-1104.1 Prohibited use.
18-29-1104.1.1 District sewer lines.
18-29-1104.2 Combining storm with sanitary drainage.
18-29-1104.2.1 Separate sewer systems.
18-29-1104.3 Floor drains.
1123 18-29-1105 Roof Drains. 18-29-1105.1 Strainers.
18-29-1105.2 Flat decks.
18-29-1105.3 Roof drain flashing.
18-29-1105.4 Maximum area.
18-29-1106 Size of Conductors, Leaders and Storm Drains. 18-29-1106.1 General.
18-29-1106.2 Vertical conductors and leaders.
1124 18-29-1106.3 Building storm drains and sewers.
18-29-1106.4 Vertical walls.
18-29-1106.5 Parapet wall scupper location.
18-29-1106.6 Size of roof gutters.
1125 18-29-1107 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-1108 Combined Sanitary and Storm System. 18-29-1108.1 Size of combined drains and sewers.
1126 18-29-1109 Values for Continuous Flow. 18-29-1109.1 Equivalent roof area.
18-29-1110 Controlled Flow Roof Drain Systems. 18-29-1110.1 General.
18-29-1110.1.1 Design.
1128 18-29-1110.2 Control devices.
18-29-1110.3 Installation.
1129 18-29-1110.4 Minimum number of roof drains.
18-29-1111 Sumps. 18-29-1111.1 Subsoil drains.
18-29-1111.2 Building subdrains.
18-29-1111.3 Pumping system.
18-29-1111.3.1 Pump capacity and head.
18-29-1111.3.2 Construction.
18-29-1111.3.3 Electrical.
18-29-1111.3.4 Piping.
18-29-1200 General. 18-29-1200.1 Scope.
18-29-1200.2 Definition nonprivate swimming pool.
1130 18-29-1200.3 Definition private swimming pool.
18-29-1201 Nonprivate Swimming Pools Generally.
18-29-1201.1 Scope.
18-29-1201.2 Prohibited locations.
18-29-1201.3 Permit requirements.
18-29-1202 Construction. 18-29-1202.1 Nonprivate swimming pools.
18-29-1202.2 Recirculation inlets.
1131 18-29-1202.3 Outlets.
18-29-1202.4 Hose connections.
18-29-1202.5 Overflow gutters.
1132 18-29-1202.6 Equipment for removal of sediment.
18-29-1202.7 Recirculation system.
18-29-1202.7.1 Turnover of pool contents.
18-29-1202.8 Equipment required.
18-29-1202.9 Strainer required.
1133 18-29-1202.10 Disinfection equipment.
18-29-1202.11 Chemical equipment.
18-29-1202.11.1 Coagulant solutions.
18-29-1202.12 Filtration equipment.
18-29-1202.12.1 Filter area.
18-29-1202.12.2 Underdrain system size.
18-29-1202.12.3 Filter sand depth.
18-29-1202.12.4 Loss-of-head gauges.
1134 18-29-1202.12.5 Proper design.
18-29-1202.12.6 Pressure sand filter system provisions.
18-29-1202.12.7 Filter media other than sand.
18-29-1202.12.8 Sight glass.
18-29-1202.12.9 Filter piping arrangement.
18-29-1202.13 Make-up water.
18-29-1202.14 Sewage or waste water.
1135 18-29-1202.15 Cleanouts.
18-29-1202.16 Accessibility.
18-29-1202.17 Hydrogen-ion concentration.
18-29-1202.18 Disinfectant residuals.
18-29-1203 Additional Facilities Required. 18-29-1203.1 Equipment room location and drainage.
18-29-1203.2 Dressing room drainage.
1136 18-29-1203.3 Shower facilities.
18-29-1203.4 Toilet facilities.
18-29-1203.4.1 Inside dry.
18-29-1203.4.2 Inside wet.
18-29-1203.4.3 Fixtures.
18-29-1203.4.3.1 Smaller pools.
1137 18-29-1203.4.3.2 Larger pools.
18-29-1203.4.4 Deliberately omitted. 18-29-1203.4.5 Backsiphonage.
18-29-1203.4.6 Cleaning.
18-29-1203.4.7 Splashing.
18-29-1203.4.8 Floors.
18-29-1203.4.9 Hose bibs.
18-29-1203.4.10 Discharge.
18-29-1203.5 Subsurface drainage.
18-29-1203.6 Drinking fountains.
1138 18-29-1203.7 Bathhouse facilities at apartment pools.
18-29-1203.7.1 Where required.
18-29-1203.7.2 Outdoor pools.
18-29-1203.7.3 Indoor pools.
1139 18-29-1204 Private Swimming Pools. 18-29-1204.1 Location.
18-29-1204.1.1 District limitations.
18-29-1204.1.2 Distance from property line.
18-29-1204.2 Permit required.
18-29-1204.3 Drawings, plans and permits.
18-29-1204.3.1 Presentation, examination and approval.
18-29-1204.3.2 Scale and dimensions of plan.
18-29-1204.3.3 Restrictions prior to issuance of permit.
18-29-1204.3.4 Deviation from plans.
18-29-1204.4 Recirculation pools.
1140 18-29-1204.5 Materials.
18-29-1204.6 Structural design.
18-29-1204.7 Walk areas.
18-29-1204.8 Fences.
18-29-1204.9 Steps or ladders.
18-29-1204.10 Overflow gutters.
18-29-1204.11 Water supply.
18-29-1204.12 Inlets.
1141 18-29-1204.12.1 Water recirculation system inlets.
18-29-1204.12.2 Makeup water.
18-29-1204.12.3 Water systems construction conformance.
18-29-1204.13 Outlets.
18-29-1204.13.1 Water recirculation system outlets.
18-29-1204.13.2 Drainage system.
18-29-1204.13.3 Drain water discharge.
18-29-1204.14 Recirculation system and appurtenances.
18-29-1204.14.1 Required apparatuses.
18-29-1204.14.2 Water volume turnover.
1142 18-29-1204.14.3 Pump capacity.
18-29-1204.14.4 Backwash filter rate.
18-29-1204.14.5 Hair and lint strainer.
18-29-1204.14.6 Pressure filters.
18-29-1204.14.7 Disinfection equipment.
18-29-1204.14.8 Gaseous chlorination systems.
18-29-1204.15 Electrical installations.
18-29-1204.16 Maintenance.
18-29-1204.17 Inspection.
1161 30: Elevators and Conveying Systems
Title 14C: Conveyance Device Code
1162 14C-1-101 General. 14C-1-101.1 Title.
14C-1-101.2 Scope.
14C-1-101.3 Intent.
14C-1-101.4 Responsibility.
14C-1-102 Applicability. 14C-1-102.1 General.
1163 14C-1-102.2 Existing installations.
14C-1-103 Inspections. 14C-1-103.1 General.
14C-1-103.2 Duty to allow inspection.
14C-1-103.3 Submission of required documents.
14C-1-103.4 Permit inspections.
14C-1-104 Certificate of compliance. 14C-1-104.1 General.
1164 14C-1-104.2 Posting. 14C-1-104.2.1 Elevators.
14C-1-104.2.2 Conveyance devices other than elevators.
14C-1-104.3 Forgery, alteration, or defacement. 14C-1-104.3.1 Prohibition.
14C-1-104.3.2 Duty to report.
14C-1-104.3.3 Penalty.
14C-1-105 Reserved. 14C-1-106 Unsafe conditions. 14C-1-106.1 Duty to report.
14C-1-106.2 Authority to prohibit operation.
14C-1-106.2.1 Notice.
14C-1-106.2.2 Duration.
14C-1-106.2.3 Violation prohibited.
1165 14C-1-106.2.4 Penalty.
14C-1-107 Mandatory incident reporting. 14C-1-107.1 Serious incidents.
14C-1-107.2 Elevator entrapment.
14C-2-201 General. 14C-2-201.1 Scope.
1166 14C-2-201.2 Terms defined in other titles.
14C-2-202 General definitions.
14C-3-0.1 Adoption of the Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators by reference.
1167 14C-3-0.2 Citations.
14C-3-1.0 General.
14C-3-2.0 Electric elevators.
1168 14C-3-3.0 Hydraulic elevators.
14C-3-4.0 Elevators with other types of driving machines.
14C-3-5.0 Special application elevators.
14C-3-6.0 Escalators and moving walks.
14C-3-7.0 Dumbwaiters and material lifts.
14C-3-8.0 General requirements.
1170 14C-3-9.0 Reference codes, standards, and specifications.
14C-3-10.0 Appendices.
14C-4-0.1 Adoption of the Safety Code for Existing Elevators and Escalators by reference.
1171 14C-4-0.2 Citations.
14C-4-1.0 General.
14C-4-2.0 Hoistways and related construction for electric elevators.
14C-4-3.0 Machinery and equipment for electric elevators.
1172 14C-4-4.0 Hydraulic elevators.
14C-4-5.0 Escalators.
14C-4-6.0 Dumbwaiters.
14C-4-7.0 Hand elevators.
14C-4-8.0 Sidewalk elevators.
14C-4-9.0 Moving walks.
14C-4-10.0 Private residence elevators.
14C-4-11.0 Appendices.
1173 14C-5-0.1 Adoption of the Performance-Based Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators by reference.
14C-5-0.2 Citations.
14C-5-0.3 Additional procedural requirements for approval.
14C-5-1.0 General.
14C-5-2.0 Safety requirements.
14C-5-3.0 Global essential safety requirements.
14C-5-4.0 Safety parameters.
14C-5-5.0 Reference codes and standards.
14C-5-6.0 Appendices.
14C-6-010 Adoption of the Safety Standard for Platform Lifts and Stairway Chairlifts by reference.
1174 14C-7-010 Scope.
14C-7-020 Reserved. 14C-7-030 Existing installations.
14C-7-040 Definitions.
1175 14C-7-050 Reserved. 14C-7-060 Equipment General design requirements.
14C-7-070 Electrical control equipment General design requirements.
14C-7-080 Safety switches General design requirements.
14C-7-090 Installation requirements.
1176 14C-7-100 User and use requirements.
14C-7-110 Safety-related control devices.
14C-7-120 Warning labels, alarm systems and signs.
14C-7-130 Vehicle size and weight Requirements and prohibitions.
1177 14C-7-140 Maintenance.
14C-7-150 Installation Permit and plans required.
14C-7-160 Qualified personnel Requirements.
1178 14C-8-010 Elevators of special character.
14C-8-020 Permit and inspection requirements.
14C-9-010 Window washer power-operated platforms of a permanent type.
1181 14C-10-010 Personnel hoists and employee elevators on construction sites.
14C-10-011 Personnel hoists and employee elevators on construction sites Additional requirements.
14C-10-020 Material hoists.
14C-10-021 Material hoists Additional requirements.
14C-10-030 Belt manlifts.
14C-10-040 Conveyors and related equipment.
14C-10-041 Conveyors and related equipment Additional requirements.
1182 14C-10-050 Industrial scissor lifts.
14C-10-060 Adjustable loading platforms.
14C-11-010 Standards.
1183 14C-11-020 Pit requirements.
14C-11-030 Ferris wheels.
14C-11-040 Roller coasters.
14C-11-050 Lighting requirements.
14C-11-060 Safety test.
1184 32: Encroachments into the Public Right-of-Way
10-20 Work on and Under Public Ways
1186 10-20-010 Reserved.
10-20-020 Reserved.
10-20-030 Reserved.
10-20-040 Reserved.
10-20-050 Reserved.
10-20-100 License.
10-20-105 License application.
1187 10-20-110 License renewal.
10-20-115 Insurance required for license.
10-20-120 Letter of credit required for license.
1188 10-20-125 Letter of credit Conditions for draw.
10-20-130 License suspension.
1189 10-20-135 License revocation.
10-20-140 Suspension or revocation Procedure and scope.
10-20-145 License violations Penalty.
10-20-150 Permit Fees Issuance.
1191 10-20-155 Pavement restoration.
10-20-160 Tearing up public ways.
1192 10-20-165 Definitions.
10-20-200 Tunneling Permit.
10-20-205 Underground work in streets to be improved.
1193 10-20-210 Construction of conduit system.
10-20-215 Plans for conduit system.
10-20-220 Materials and cost of conduit system.
1194 10-20-225 Violation Penalty.
10-20-300 Board of local improvements authorization.
10-20-305 Notice.
10-20-390 Definitions.
10-20-400 Supervision.
10-20-405 Use of public way permit required.
1195 10-20-410 Permit application Insurance required.
10-20-415 Application Insurance Notice Appeal.
1196 10-20-420 Permit classes and fees.
1197 10-20-425 Plans and specifications.
10-20-430 Commercial driveway permits.
10-20-435 Alley access to parking structure permitted when.
10-20-440 Construction.
1198 10-20-442 Driveways rendered unusable Removal and restoration.
10-20-445 Permits Revocation.
1199 10-20-447 Reserved.
10-20-450 Violation Penalty.
10-20-500 Curb alignment.
10-20-505 Construction specifications.
10-20-510 Nonstandard surface material.
1200 10-20-515 Nameplates.
10-20-520 Sidewalk line.
10-20-525 Curbing.
1201 10-20-530 Width of sidewalk.
10-20-535 Level of sidewalk.
10-20-540 Grade.
10-20-545 Sidewalk ramps.
1202 10-20-550 Slope.
10-20-555 Violation Penalty.
10-20-600 Barricade for new pavement.
10-20-605 Barricade of street openings and obstructions.
10-20-610 Warning lights.
1203 10-20-615 Liability for damages.
10-20-700 Definition.
10-20-705 License and permit required.
10-20-710 Specifications and plans.
10-20-715 Violation Penalty.
10-20-800 Violation Penalty.
10-20-805 Enforcement of provisions.
1204 10-20-810 Authority to cite.
10-20-815 License and permit not exclusive.
10-20-820 Permittee responsible for agent.
1205 10-21 Chicago Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Ordinance
1206 10-21-010 Title.
10-21-020 Definitions.
1207 10-21-030 Powers of the Commissioner; Rules.
10-21-040 Membership in DIGGER.
10-21-050 Excavation and demolition requirements.
1209 10-21-060 Facility marking requirements.
1210 10-21-070 Third-party violations.
10-21-080 Damage to underground facilities.
10-21-090 Liability or financial responsibility.
1211 10-21-100 Limitation on liability.
10-21-110 Penalties.
1212 10-21-120 Emergency telephone system outages; reimbursement.
10-21-130 Chicago Underground Facilities Damage Prevention Fund.
10-21-210 One-Call Adjudicatory Process.
10-21-220 Powers and duties of the Commissioner.
10-21-230 Evaluation panel.
1213 10-21-240 Administrative law officers.
10-21-270 Inspection; Administrative notice of violation; Pre-payment.
1214 10-21-280 Notice.
10-21-290 Recommendation, decision, and request for review.
1215 10-21-300 Subpoenas.
10-21-310 Review hearings.
1216 10-21-320 Default.
10-21-330 Petition to vacate default order.
10-21-340 Violations of orders.
1217 10-21-350 Review under the Administrative Review Law.
10-21-360 Enforcement.
10-21-370 Interest.
10-21-380 Fines payable to the Department of Finance.
1218 10-24 Signs Extending Over and Upon Certain Public Property
10-24-010 Permit required.
10-24-020 Construction.
10-24-030 Alteration.
10-24-040 Restrictions.
1219 10-24-050 Removal.
10-24-060 Violation Penalty.
1220 10-28 Structures On and Under Public Ways
1225 10-28-010 Permission required.
1226 10-28-015 Public way use permits Application and issuance.
1228 10-28-017 Public way use permit Fees.
1229 10-28-020 Reserved.
10-28-030 Unlawful to place ice or snow on public way.
10-28-040 Building upon public ways.
10-28-045 Installation of street furniture.
1230 10-28-046 Installation of city digital signs.
10-28-050 Maintenance of stands.
10-28-060 A produce stand on the public way program.
1232 10-28-064 Advertising signs.
10-28-066 Advertising sign Defined.
10-28-070 Storage of goods on public ways.
1233 10-28-075 Reserved.
10-28-080 Abandonment of shopping carts prohibited.
10-28-090 Removal from premises prohibited.
10-28-100 Ordinance to be posted.
10-28-110 Violation Penalty.
10-28-120 Police enforcement.
10-28-130 Permit required.
1234 10-28-135 Expiration of permit.
10-28-140 Permit provisions.
10-28-150 Application for permit.
10-28-160 Notice to alderman.
1236 10-28-165 Permit fee Renewal.
1237 10-28-170 Construction and maintenance.
10-28-180 Limitation on use.
10-28-185 Erection Location.
1238 10-28-190 Revocation of permit.
1239 10-28-191 Enforcement authority.
10-28-192 Severability.
10-28-194 Reserved.
10-28-196 Reserved.
10-28-200 Reserved.
10-28-210 Reserved.
10-28-220 Reserved.
10-28-230 Reserved.
1240 10-28-240 Canopies and marquees Conditions of permit and construction Clearance.
10-28-250 Reserved.
10-28-260 Reserved.
10-28-265 Placement of pay telephones in public way.
1242 10-28-270 Reserved.
10-28-280 Awnings construction Maintenance.
10-28-281 Definitions.
10-28-281.1 Public protection measures.
10-28-281.2 Permit required.
1243 10-28-281.3 Permit fees.
1245 10-28-281.4 Prohibited uses of traffic and curb lanes.
1246 10-28-281.5 Penalties.
10-28-281.6 Protection required.
10-28-281.7 Fences and barricades.
10-28-281.8 Aprons.
1247 10-28-282 Submission of plans.
10-28-283 General requirements.
1248 10-28-284 Closure of sidewalks and bicycle lanes.
10-28-285 Sidewalks Damage deposit required.
1249 10-28-286 Violation Penalty.
10-28-290 Erection of lamppost.
10-28-300 Acceptance of posts.
10-28-310 Removal of streetlamps.
10-28-320 Shadings of streetlamps.
10-28-330 Lighting or extinguishing lamps.
10-28-340 Injuring or obstructing lampposts and lamps.
1250 10-28-350 Violation Penalty.
10-28-440 Permit required.
10-28-450 Permit required.
1251 10-28-460 Reserved.
10-28-470 Reserved.
10-28-480 Interference with sewers or water pipes.
10-28-490 Reserved.
10-28-500 Conveyance of premises.
1252 10-28-510 Cancellation of previous permit.
10-28-520 Covers over openings.
10-28-530 Structural safety.
10-28-540 Care of sidewalks.
1253 10-28-550 Cesspool and explosives under sidewalk.
10-28-560 Liability for damages.
10-28-570 Revocation of permits.
10-28-575 Vault space.
10-28-580 Reserved.
1254 10-28-640 Definitions.
10-28-650 Permitted when Contract awards.
1255 10-28-660 Permit Application Conditions.
10-28-670 Location.
1256 10-28-675 Restricted zones Designated.
1270 10-28-680 Standards and specifications.
1271 10-28-690 Adoption of orders, rules and regulations.
10-28-700 Removal of benches.
10-28-710 Benches without advertising Benches prohibited when.
10-28-720 Illegal benches Removal and storage fee Disposal Notice.
1272 10-28-730 Termination of contract.
10-28-740 Violation Penalty.
10-28-750 Definitions.
10-28-755 Newsracks permitted on public ways.
10-28-760 Newsracks Installation; maintenance.
1273 10-28-765 Newsracks weighted for stability and safety.
10-28-770 Coin slots; height requirements; etc.
10-28-775 Advertising signs on newsracks prohibited.
1274 10-28-781 Multiple newsrack area.
1275 10-28-785 Notice of violations.
1276 10-28-790 Penalty for violation.
10-28-791 Defined.
10-28-792 Permit required.
10-28-793 Permit Application.
1277 10-28-794 Permit Liability insurance.
10-28-795 Revocation of permit.
10-28-796 Violation Penalty.
10-28-797 Severability.
1278 10-28-798 Enforcement authority.
10-28-799 Dumpsters/roll off boxes on the public way.
1281 10-28-800 Definitions.
10-28-805 Permit required for sidewalk café.
10-28-810 Permit application and approval procedure.
1282 10-28-815 Insurance required.
10-28-820 Review of application.
10-28-825 Compliance with plan and other components of application.
1283 10-28-830 Permit Assignment or transfer prohibited.
10-28-835 Permit for one retail food establishment only.
10-28-840 Permit for food and alcoholic beverage service only.
10-28-845 Operational conditions.
10-28-850 Alcoholic beverage service Requirements.
10-28-855 Compliance with code and rules and regulations required.
1284 10-28-860 Promulgation of regulations; force and effect.
10-28-865 Hearings.
10-28-870 Enforcement.
10-28-875 Violation Penalties.
1285 10-28-880 Violation Permit revocation.
10-28-885 Severability.
10-28-990 Violation Penalty.
10-28-1000 Pilot program.
10-28-1010 Definitions.
1286 10-28-1020 Permit required for curbside cafe.
10-28-1030 Permit application and approval procedure.
10-28-1040 Insurance required.
10-28-1050 Review of application.
1287 10-28-1060 Compliance with plan and other components of application.
10-28-1070 Permit Assignment or transfer prohibited.
10-28-1080 Restrictions on issuance of a permit.
1288 10-28-1090 Operational conditions.
10-28-1100 Alcoholic beverage service Requirements.
10-28-1110 Compliance with code and regulations required.
10-28-1120 Promulgation of regulations; force and effect.
10-28-1130 Enforcement.
1289 10-28-1140 Violation Penalties.
10-28-1150 Violation Permit revocation.
10-28-1160 Sunset.
1290 10-29 Wires, Pipes, Cables and Conduits On, Under, or Over Public Property
10-29-010 Definitions.
10-29-020 Permit required for installation.
10-29-030 Conditions for granting permit.
10-29-040 Permit fee.
1291 10-29-050 Effect of chapter on franchises and permit requirements.
10-29-060 Commissioner authorized to establish additional regulations.
1292 10-29-070 Violation Penalty.
1294 10-30 Telecommunications Equipment On, Over or Under Public Ways
10-30-010 Definitions.
10-30-020 Permit required.
10-30-030 Notice.
1295 10-30-040 Permit fees; security; compensation for use of other property.
10-30-050 Rules and regulations.
1296 10-30-060 Violation Penalty Revocation Removal.
1297 10-32 Trees, Plants and Shrubs
10-32-010 Definitions.
1298 10-32-020 Authority of commissioner.
10-32-030 Authority of deputy commissioner.
1299 10-32-040 Trees, shrubs or other plant materials Public nuisance.
10-32-050 Care of parkway.
10-32-060 Permit required.
10-32-070 Application for permit.
10-32-080 Issuance of permit.
1300 10-32-090 Permit fee.
10-32-100 Contents of permit.
10-32-110 Attaching material to tree.
10-32-120 Protection of trees during building operations.
10-32-130 Removal of protective device.
10-32-140 Placing substance on parkways.
1301 10-32-150 Work to be performed according to permit.
10-32-160 Parkway tree as city property.
10-32-170 Causing injury to public tree or shrub.
10-32-180 Organized athletic activity on parkway.
10-32-190 Violation Penalty.
10-32-200 Replacement or removal of damaged tree or shrub.
10-32-210 Use of fines to defray expenses.
10-32-220 Required parkway trees Planting standards.
1302 10-32-230 Required parkway trees Review and inspection.
10-32-240 Required parkway trees City planting.
1303 10-32-250 Severability.
1304 13-128 Use of Public Property
13-128-010 Temporary use of streets and alleys Permits.
13-128-020 Occupancy limitations.
13-128-030 Extent of occupation.
13-128-040 Temporary usage Obstructions prohibited.
1305 13-128-050 Alley roadway to be maintained.
13-128-060 Restoration of public property upon completion of construction required.
13-128-061 Removal of traffic control device.
13-128-070 Bond required.
13-128-080 Permanent occupancy of public property.
13-128-090 Foundations.
1306 13-128-100 Cornices, belt courses and similar projections.
13-128-110 Wheel guards.
13-128-120 Marquees and canopies.
13-128-130 Signs.
13-128-140 Sub-sidewalk space.
13-128-150 Fire escapes.
13-128-160 Zoning requirements.
1307 33: Safeguards During Construction
13-34 Scaffolding
13-34-010 Definitions.
13-34-020 Scaffolding General requirements.
13-34-030 Scaffolding Permit required.
1308 13-34-040 Scaffolding permit Training and insurance required.
13-34-050 Rulemaking authority.
1309 13-34-060 Penalty for violation.
1310 13-124 Safeguards During Construction – Building Safety Requirements
1311 13-124-010 Construction safeguards Specifications.
13-124-015 Notice of demolition.
1312 13-124-020 Construction loads.
13-124-030 Reserved.
13-124-040 Protection of floor openings.
13-124-050 Temporary flooring.
1313 13-124-060 Demolition Regulations.
13-124-070 Demolition Notification of commissioner.
13-124-080 Demolition Procedure.
13-124-081 Posting of sign required.
13-124-090 Wrecking operations Time limitations.
13-124-100 Filling and grading of openings.
13-124-110 Debris removal.
1314 13-124-120 Temporary structures Reflective material required.
13-124-130 Walkways, barricades and fences Generally.
13-124-140 13-124-170 Reserved.
13-124-180 Walkways and temporary sidewalks Construction requirements.
1315 13-124-190 Roofs and skylights of adjoining buildings.
13-124-200 Anchorage of party walls.
13-124-210 Reserved.
13-124-220 Reserved.
13-124-230 Reserved.
13-124-240 Reserved.
13-124-250 Reserved.
13-124-260 Reserved.
13-124-270 Reserved.
13-124-280 Reserved.
13-124-290 Reserved.
13-124-300 Reserved.
1316 13-124-310 Guards Required.
13-124-320 Guards Required Where.
13-124-330 Guards Types.
13-124-335 Openings in guards.
13-124-340 Window cleaning devices.
1317 13-124-350 Safety glazing materials Required Where.
13-124-360 Safety glazing materials Defined.
13-124-370 Safety glazing materials Standards.
13-124-380 Declaration of policy.
13-124-390 Notice.
13-124-400 Bracing of certain structures required.
1318 13-124-410 Liability for violation.
13-124-411 Fencing of certain excavations.
13-124-420 Insurance required.
13-124-430 Commissioner may promulgate rules.
13-124-440 Penalty for violation.
13-124-450 Exemptions.
1320 34: Existing Buildings
13-200 Rehabilitation Code
1321 13-200-010 Statement of purpose.
13-200-020 Purpose of code.
13-200-030 Provisions governing structures not specified in this chapter.
1322 13-200-040 Zoning, fire district restrictions and location limitations.
13-200-050 Increase in height or area Where prohibited.
13-200-060 Types of structures not permitted Exceptions.
1323 13-200-070 Type IV construction Location on lot.
13-200-080 Type II construction Location on lot.
13-200-090 Building projections.
13-200-100 Historic preservation.
1324 13-200-110 Commission on Chicago historical and architectural landmarks.
13-200-120 Change of occupancy.
13-200-130 Occupancy separations.
13-200-140 Structural load stress.
13-200-150 Change of commercial unit to residential use.
13-200-160 Requirements for change to residential occupancy.
1325 13-200-170 Requirements for a change of occupancy to any other than residential.
13-200-180 Equal or lesser hazard requirements.
1326 13-200-190 Increase in one hazard index number.
13-200-200 Increase of two or more hazard index numbers.
13-200-210 Increase in number of dwelling units.
13-200-220 Definition of legally established dwelling unit.
13-200-230 Increase in one additional dwelling unit.
1327 13-200-240 Increase of two or more dwelling units.
13-200-250 Additions.
1328 13-200-260 Porches and decks.
13-200-270 Dormers.
13-200-280 Skylights.
1329 13-200-290 Utilization of existing space within residential buildings.
13-200-300 Alterations and repairs.
13-200-310 Building over 80 feet in height.
13-200-320 Assembly occupancy alterations.
1330 13-200-330 Exit requirements.
13-200-340 Fire escapes Repairs.
13-200-350 Fire escapes Removal.
13-200-360 Existing interior exit stairways.
1331 13-200-370 Heat, light and ventilation requirements.
13-200-380 Natural light and ventilation.
13-200-390 Existing mechanical ventilation supply, return and exhaust systems.
13-200-400 Handicapped accessibility.
13-200-410 State of Illinois accessibility standards Applicability.
13-200-420 Provisions for buildings being remodeled.
1333 13-200-430 Handicapped accessibility provisions Where applicable.
13-200-440 Archaic materials.
13-200-450 Moving buildings.
13-200-460 Plumbing requirements.
13-200-470 Electrical requirements.
1334 13-200-480 Alteration, remodeling or repairs less than 60 percent of structure Wiring standards.
1335 13-196 Existing Buildings – Minimum Requirements
1337 13-196-010 Application.
1338 13-196-020 Occupancy.
13-196-030 Structural stability.
13-196-031 Maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures Definitions.
1339 13-196-032 Maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures Application.
13-196-033 Maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures Critical examinations.
13-196-034 Maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures Ongoing inspection and repair program.
13-196-035 Maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures Reporting.
1340 13-196-036 Maintenance of exterior walls Retention of records at the building.
13-196-036.5 Reserved.
13-196-037 Maintenance of exterior walls and enclosures Unsafe exterior walls and enclosures.
13-196-038 Rules and regulations.
1341 13-196-038.5 Reserved.
13-196-039 Fines and penalties.
13-196-040 Floor loading.
13-196-050 Exit requirements.
13-196-060 Exits Generally.
13-196-070 Exits Types.
1342 13-196-080 Passageways and exits to be unobstructed.
13-196-084 Stairwell re-entry in existing buildings.
13-196-085 Stairwell identification.
1343 13-196-086 Area of rescue assistance identification.
13-196-090 Exit, stairway, fire escape and directional signs.
13-196-100 Smoke alarms Where required.
13-196-110 Smoke alarms Installation near sleeping rooms and in living levels.
13-196-120 Smoke alarms Interior stairwell installation.
13-196-130 Smoke alarms Standards.
13-196-140 Smoke alarms Owner/tenant responsibilities.
1344 13-196-150 Smoke alarms Unlawful acts.
13-196-160 Reserved.
13-196-165 Carbon monoxide detectors.
13-196-170 Self-closing devices required for corridor doors.
13-196-180 Sprinkler systems Where required.
13-196-190 Standpipe systems Where required.
1345 13-196-200 Standard fire alarm system requirements.
1346 13-196-203 Life safety data sheet Required.
13-196-204 Voice communication systems in existing buildings.
1347 13-196-205 Automatic sprinkler system installation in existing high-rise buildings.
1348 13-196-206 Life safety evaluation of existing highrise buildings.
1350 13-196-207 Materials and installation standards for retrofit fire protection systems.
13-196-208 Smokeproof towers in existing highrise buildings Fire shields.
1351 13-196-209 High-rise buildings Stairways Doors Frames.
13-196-210 High rise fire systems Hotels.
1352 13-196-220 Class II standard fire alarm systems.
13-196-230 Floor area and height.
13-196-240 Automatic fire detectors Where required.
13-196-250 Permitted omission of sprinklers, heat and smoke detectors.
1353 13-196-260 Fire extinguishers.
13-196-270 Elevator recall.
13-196-271 Continued operation.
13-196-280 Reserved.
13-196-290 Pre-ordinance hotels.
13-196-300 Institutional units.
1354 13-196-310 Roominghouses.
13-196-320 Roominghouses Sanitary facilities.
13-196-330 Roominghouses Responsibility of operator.
13-196-340 Minimum requirements for residential buildings General.
13-196-350 Residential buildings Water closet.
13-196-360 Residential buildings Lavatory.
1355 13-196-370 Residential buildings Bathtub or shower.
13-196-380 Residential buildings Limitations on sharing sanitary facilities.
13-196-390 Residential buildings Kitchen sink.
13-196-400 Residential buildings Heating facilities.
13-196-410 Residential buildings Heat to be furnished.
13-196-420 Residential buildings Cold and hot water lines.
13-196-430 Residential buildings Hot water to be furnished.
1356 13-196-440 Gas-fired appliances.
13-196-450 Residential buildings Hall and stairway lighting.
13-196-460 Residential buildings Storage beneath stairways.
13-196-470 Residential buildings Space, use and location Applicability of provisions.
13-196-480 Residential buildings Space requirements.
13-196-490 Residential buildings Space requirements Sleeping rooms.
13-196-500 Residential buildings Access to water closets.
13-196-510 Residential buildings Ceiling heights.
1357 13-196-520 Residential buildings Basement units.
13-196-530 Residential buildings Foundations, exterior walls and roofs Maintenance.
13-196-540 Residential buildings Floors, interior walls and ceilings Maintenance.
13-196-550 Residential buildings Windows, doors and hatchways Maintenance.
1358 13-196-560 Residential buildings Screens.
13-196-570 Residential buildings Stairways and porches Maintenance.
13-196-580 Residential buildings Basements and cellars Maintenance.
1359 13-196-590 Residential buildings Facilities, equipment, chimneys Maintenance.
13-196-600 Residential buildings Lot grading and drainage.
13-196-610 Residential buildings Responsibilities of owners and occupants General.
13-196-620 Residential buildings Responsibilities of occupants.
13-196-630 Residential buildings Responsibilities of owner or operator.
1360 13-196-640 Residential buildings Liability to city.
13-196-641 Application of certain sections.
13-196-650 Pre-ordinance conversion to existing buildings Applicability.
13-196-660 Conversion of pre-ordinance buildings Height limits.
13-196-670 Stairwells.
13-196-680 Corridors.
1361 13-196-690 Dwelling separations.
13-196-700 Partitions.
13-196-710 Basement ceiling construction.
13-196-720 Heating plants.
13-196-730 Light and ventilation.
13-196-740 One additional dwelling unit over original allowed Conditions.
1362 13-196-750 Heat required.
13-196-760 Endangering health of employees.
1363 35: Referenced Standards
13-120 Materials, Methods and Tests
13-120-010 Scope.
13-120-020 Used materials.
13-120-030 Classification of construction materials.
13-120-040 Controlled materials.
1364 13-120-050 Ordinary materials.
13-120-060 Accepted engineering practice.
13-120-070 Adopted standards.
1367 13-120-080 Tests.
13-120-090 Test specimens.
13-120-100 Tests of materials.
13-120-110 Tests of structural assemblies.
1368 13-120-120 Conditions of acceptance.
13-120-130 Workmanship test.
13-120-140 Prefabricated construction.
1369 13-120-150 Exterior wall materials.
13-120-160 Welded construction.
1370 18-36 Referenced Standards
18-36-010 Reference standards.
IL ChicagoBuildingCode 2018