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IEEE 1554 2005


IEEE Recommended Practice for Inertial Sensor Test Equipment, Instrumentation, Data Acquisition, and Analysis

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IEEE 2005 115
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New IEEE Standard – Active. Test equipment, data acquisition equipment, instrumentation, test facilities, and data analysis techniques used in inertial sensor testing are described in this recommended practice.

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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Std 1554™-2005, IEEE Recommended Practice for Inertial Sensor Test Equipment, Instrumentation, Data Acquisition, and Analysis
3 Title page
6 Introduction
Notice to users
7 Participants
13 1. Overview
1.1 Scope
14 1.2 Purpose
2. Normative references
2.1 IEEE standards
15 2.2 ISO standards
2.3 Nuclear radiation test standards
16 3. Test planning
3.1 Classification of tests
3.2 Calibrated parameter characteristics
17 3.3 Test plan outline
3.4 Test station log book
18 4. General equipment
4.1 Calibration of equipment
4.2 Test station power supplies and grounds
4.3 Time and frequency standard
19 4.4 Precision voltage reference
4.5 Voltmeters
4.6 Ammeters and wattmeters
4.7 Resistance references
20 4.8 Magnetic field shielding
4.9 Magnetic field generation and measurement
4.10 Frequency synthesizers
21 4.11 Oscilloscopes
4.12 Spectrum analyzer
4.13 Signal analyzer
4.14 Voltage- or current-to-frequency converters
4.15 Frequency counters
22 4.16 Temperature controllers
4.17 Temperature-monitoring equipment
4.18 Bubble levels and tilt meters
23 4.19 Autocollimator
4.20 Displacement measurement systems
24 4.21 Other general commercial equipment
25 4.22 Specially built equipment
5. Sensor-specific equipment
26 6. Mounting fixture
6.1 Fixture mechanical design
6.2 Thermal control of fixture
6.3 Vibration fixture
27 6.4 Centrifuge fixture
6.5 Radiation test fixture
28 7. Test piers
7.1 Location of test piers
7.2 Vibration environment of test pier
7.3 Tilt and azimuth motion of test pier
29 7.4 Active control of test pad
8. Accelerometer dividing heads (or turntables)
8.1 Use of accelerometer dividing heads
30 8.2 Placement of dividing head
8.3 Thermal control on dividing head
31 8.4 Alignment of dividing head and mounting fixture
8.5 Wiring to dividing head
32 8.6 Rotation of dividing head
8.7 Readout of dividing head angles
33 9. Rate tables
9.1 Use of rate tables
9.2 Single-axis rate table
36 9.3 Two-axis rate table
39 9.4 Three-axis rate tables for inertial sensor assembly (ISA) te
42 10. Vibration and shock equipment
10.1 Use of vibration and shock machines
10.2 Vibrators
46 10.3 Drop shock and hammer shock machines
10.4 Air guns
10.5 Shock and vibration monitors
49 11. Centrifuge
11.1 Use of centrifuges
11.2 Lesser accuracy and high-speed centrifuges
50 11.3 Precision centrifuge
51 11.4 Double turntable centrifuge
11.5 Centrifuge instrumentation
54 11.6 Other rotating inertial sensor test equipment
55 12. Environmental chambers
12.1 Thermal control on a test table, vibrator, or centrifuge
56 12.2 Refrigerated and heated chambers
12.3 Barometric chambers
12.4 Equipment for electromagnetic susceptibility and emissions t
57 12.5 Acoustic absorption and generation
12.6 Other environmental chambers
13. Nuclear radiation effects testing
13.1 Use of nuclear radiation testing
58 13.2 Basis of radiation testing requirements (radiation effects)
59 13.3 TID effects testing
13.4 Ionizing dose rate effects testing
60 13.5 Displacement damage effects testing (neutron and protons)
61 13.6 SEE testing
13.7 TME testing
62 14. Counter and frequency readouts
14.1 Counters and continuous counters
63 14.2 Period readouts
14.3 Frequency readouts
14.4 Phase-locked loops (PLLs)
64 14.5 Other ways of reading out frequency
15. A/D conversion readouts
15.1 Commercial voltmeters
15.2 A/D converters
15.3 Voltage- and current-to-frequency converters
65 16. Temperature monitoring
16.1 General comments
16.2 Calibration of temperature readout
66 16.3 Types of temperature monitors
17. Other monitoring and commanding
17.1 Analog input signals and signal conditioning
17.2 Analog output signals
67 17.3 Asynchronous interfaces
17.4 Digital input and output signals
17.5 Microprocessor interfaces
17.6 IEEE 488 bus
17.7 Other interface buses
68 17.8 Radio telemetry interfaces
18. Computer data acquisition, control, filtering, and storage
18.1 Real-time operation
18.2 Initialization and running of test
70 18.3 Interfaces to computer backplane
18.4 Experiment control and automatic test equipment
18.5 Acquired signals
71 18.6 Event recording
18.7 Real-time digital filtering
74 18.8 Data storage
75 18.9 Data transmission
19. Data analysis
19.1 Data file format
76 19.2 Plots versus time
78 19.3 Plots of one channel versus another
19.4 Polynomial and other linear least-squares-fit residual plots
81 19.5 Power spectral density (PSD)
84 19.6 Allan variance
87 19.7 Noise processes
90 19.8 Time series to verify PSD and Allan variance software
96 19.9 Allan variance autofit procedure
19.10 Regression analysis and cross PSD
97 19.11 Parameter estimation
99 19.12 Analysis of gyroscope and accelerometer drift data
19.13 Analysis of data with varying test conditions
104 19.14 Database of test results
105 20. Geophysics instrumentation
20.1 Gravimeters
106 20.2 Tilt and azimuth motion
20.3 Seismometers
107 20.4 Gyrocompass
20.5 Surveying and global positioning system (GPS) positioning
110 20.6 Star sightings
111 21. Calibration of test equipment and instrumentation
21.1 Site coordinates, gravity, and components of earth’s rotatio
21.2 Time and frequency references
112 21.3 Calibration of electrical equipment
21.4 Calibration of temperature-measuring instrumentation
21.5 Calibration of other equipment
114 Annex A (informative) Bibliography
IEEE 1554 2005