ESDU 95010:1999
Computer program for estimation of spanwise loading of wings with camber and twist in subsonic attached flow. Lifting-surface theory (With Appendix A: effect of plain flaps)
Published By | Publication Date | Number of Pages |
ESDU | 1999-03-01 | 52 |
ESDU 95010 introduces two Fortran computer programs, ESDUpacs A9510 and B9510, that use lifting-surface theory based on the Multhopp-Richardson solution. Both programs calculate the distributions of local lift and pitching moment due to incidence, and due to camber and due to twist both at zero incidence. The results may be output as individual components or as total loadings at either a specified incidence or lift coefficient. All loadings, forces and moments output by the programs have been factored by the ratio of the lift-curve slope from the Multhopp-Garner lifting-surface solution to that from the Multhopp-Richardson solution to take advantage of the slightly more accurate solutions provided by the former. The method of rounding adopted at the central leading-edge kink is explained. ESDUpac B9510 extends the method programmed in ESDUpac A9510 to calculate the effect of plain leading-edge flaps and trailing-edge flaps or controls deflected on port and starboard surfaces symmetrically or antisymmetrically through equal or unequal angles. It provides the additional loading distribution due to the flaps, the total additional loading, and the centres of lift and pressure on the two individual half surfaces and on the gross surface. The input to the programs is described and worked examples illustrate the output for each program. The programs are provided on disc in the software volume.