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BSI 20/30415946 DC:2020 Edition


BS 0. A standard for standards. Principles of standardization

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BSI 2020 42
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PDF Pages PDF Title
1 30415946_Form 36.PDF
3 30415946_Text.pdf
7 1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
3.1 amendment
3.2 British Standard (BS)
3.3 BSI Board
3.4 CEN/CENELEC enquiry
8 3.4 CEN/CENELEC enquiry
3.5 chair
3.6 committee
3.6.1 technical committee (TC)
3.6.2 subcommittee (SC)
3.6.3 UK mirror committee
3.7 committee member
3.8 common modification
3.9 compliance
3.10 conflict of interest
3.11 conflicting national standard
3.12 conformity
3.13 consensus
9 3.14 consumer
3.15 corrigendum
3.16 decision-making process
3.17 delegate (n.)
3.18 draft for public comment (DPC
3.19 draft
3.20 European standard (EN)
3.21 expert
3.22 formal vote
3.23 informative
3.24 international standard
3.25 intellectual property rights (IPR)
10 3.25 intellectual property rights (IPR)
3.26 nominating organization
3.27 normative
3.28 normative reference
3.29 panel
3.30 panel member
3.31 provision
3.32 regulation
3.33 Standards Policy and Strategy Committee (SPSC)
3.34 standard
3.35 standardization
3.36 standard of UK origin
3.37 standstill
11 3.37 standstill
3.38 Technical Report (TR)
3.39 Technical Specification (TS)
3.40 vote
3.41 working group (WG)
3.42 work item (WI)
3.43 work programme
4 Principles of standardization
4.1 Context and purpose
4.1.1 Context
4.1.2 Purposes
4.1.3 Characteristics of British Standards
12 4.1.3 Characteristics of British Standards
4.1.4 Voluntary status
4.1.5 Authority and reliability
4.1.6 Adherence to BS 0
4.2 The National Standards Body
4.2.1 Standards development
13 4.2.2 Resourcing
4.3 Application of standards
4.3.1 Principles of application
4.3.2 Interpretation
4.3.3 Declarations of compliance and conformity Principles
14 Third-party conformity assessment
4.3.4 Market surveillance
4.3.5 Transparency
4.4 Disclosure of documents to nominating organizations and employers
5 Development of British Standards
5.1 Principles
15 5.2 New work
16 5.3 International standardization
5.4 European standardization
17 5.5 Common features of international and European standardization
5.5.1 Technical committees
5.5.2 Working groups
5.5.3 Consultation with national bodies
18 5.5.4 Final approval
5.6 UK participation in international and European standardization
5.7 British Standards of UK origin
19 5.8 Consultation – Draft for public comment
6 Publishing and maintaining standards
6.1 Publication
6.1.1 Principles
6.1.2 Adoption of international and European standards
6.1.3 National forewords/annexes
20 6.1.4 Approval of publication
6.2 Maintenance
6.2.1 Principles
6.2.2 Reviews
6.2.3 Withdrawn publications
21 6.2.3 Withdrawn publications
7 BSI committees
7.1 Principles
7.2 Committee constitution
22 7.2 Committee constitution
7.3 Nominating organizations
23 7.4 Co-option for specific tasks
7.5 Decision making
24 7.5 Decision making
7.5.1 Principles
7.5.2 Meetings
7.5.3 Consensus
25 7.5.3 Consensus
7.5.4 UK delegates and experts in international and European bodies
26 7.6 Minutes
7.7 Disputes
7.8 Legal issues
7.9 Confidentiality and external communications
27 7.10 Delegation of responsibilities
7.11 Inter-committee liaison
8 Roles and responsibilities
8.1 BSI
8.2 BSI employees
28 8.3 Conduct
8.4 Committee members
8.5 Committee chairs
8.5.1 Responsibilities
29 8.5.2 Qualities
30 8.5.3 Appointment and removal of chairs
8.6 Committee managers
31 8.7 Additional roles and responsibilities for national standards
8.7.1 Panels for national standards
8.7.2 Panel convenors
32 8.7.3 Editorial project managers
9 Content and drafting of standards
9.1 Principles
33 9.2 Relationship with the law
9.3 Drafting
9.3.1 Drafting rules
9.3.2 Language
34 9.3.3 Scope statement
9.4 Types of standardization publication
9.4.1 British Standards
35 9.4.2 Non-standards publications
9.5 Intellectual property rights (IPR)
9.5.1 Principles
9.5.2 Ownership of content IPR
9.5.3 Use of content IPR
9.5.4 Product/process IPR
36 9.5.4 Product/process IPR General Good faith disclosure obligation Formal calls for disclosure Disclosed product/process IPR
37 Annex A (informative) Glossary of common terms and acronyms in standardization
A.1 AFNOR (Association Française de Normalisation)
A.2 ANEC (European Association for the Coordination of Consumer Representation in Standardisation)
A.4 Annex ZZ
A.5 BT (Bureau Technique)
A.6 CCMC CEN/CENELEC Management Centre
A.7 CD (Committee Draft)
A.8 CDV (Committee Draft for Voting)
A.10 CEN (European Committee for Standardization)
A.11 CEN publication
A.12 CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization)
38 A.12 CENELEC (European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization)
A.13 CWA [CEN (or CENELEC) Workshop Agreement]
A.14 DIN [Deutsches Institut für Normung]
A.15 DIS
A.16 DKE (Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE)
A.17 EC
A.18 EEA (European Economic Area)
A.19 EFTA (European Free Trade Association)
A.20 ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
A.21 EU (European Union)
A.22 European Directive
A.24 Frankfurt Agreement
A.25 HD (Harmonization Document)
A.26 IEC Conformity Assessment Board (IEC/CAB)
39 A.26 IEC Conformity Assessment Board (IEC/CAB)
A.27 Internal Regulations (of CEN/CENELEC)
A.28 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
A.29 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
A.30 ISO Conformity Assessment Committee (ISO/CASCO)
A.31 MB
A.32 national deviation
A.33 NC
A.34 New Approach Directive
A.35 O-member (observer member)
A.36 OJEU (Official Journal of the European Union)
A.37 P-member (participating member)
A.38 parallel voting
A.39 planning and approval
40 A.39 planning and approval
A.40 prEN
A.41 SMB
A.42 standardization request/mandate
A.43 TMB
A.44 Vienna Agreement
A.45 Vilamoura Agreement
A.46 weighted voting
BSI 20/30415946 DC