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IEEE 1490 2004


IEEE Guide Adoption of PMI Standard – A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge

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IEEE 2004 220
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Revision Standard – Inactive – Withdrawn. Supersedes IEEE Std 1490-1998 SUMMARY: IEEE Std 1490-2003 is an adoption, in its entirety, of A Guide to Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide). Project scope: The primary purpose of this document is to identify and describe that subset of the PMBOK that is generally accepted and adopt this as IEEE Std 1490-2002. Generally accepted means that the knowledge and practices described are applicable to most projects most of the time, and that there is widespread consensus about their value and usefulness. Generally accepted does not mean that the knowledge and practices described are or should be applied uniformly on all projects; the project management team is always responsible for determining what is appropriate for any given project. This document is also intended to provide a common lexicon within the profession for talking about project management. Project management is a relatively young profession, and while there is substantial commonality around what is done, there is relatively little commonality in the terms used. Footnote: Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and Project Management Institute (PMI) are registered as trademarks of the Project Management Institute, Inc. Project purpose: SESC has previously adopted the 1996 version of PMIBOK to provide a framework for software engineering project management. PMBOK 2000 added new material to reflect the growth of the knowledge and practices in the field of project management by capturing those practices, tools, techniques, and other relevant items that have become generally accepted. Additionally, clarification text and figures, and corrections, have been added that make the document more valuable to users. SESC intends to adopt the current version of PMBOK, replacing the previous version.

PDF Catalog

PDF Pages PDF Title
1 IEEE Guide Adoption of PMI Standard A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
4 Introduction
6 Contents
8 1. Overview
2. References
9 3. IEEE Adoption implementation considerations
3.1 Terminology correlation
10 Start
11 Title Page
12 Copyright
13 Contents
15 List of Figures
17 Preface to the 2000 Edition
19 Section I The Project Management Framework
20 Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of This Guide
21 1.2 What Is a Project?
22 1.2.1 Temporary
1.2.2 Unique Product, Service, or Result
1.2.3 Progressive Elaboration
23 1.3 What Is Project Management?
24 1.3.1 The Project Management Framework
1.3.2 The Project Management Knowledge Areas
26 1.4 Relationship to Other Management Disciplines
27 1.5 Related Endeavors
28 Chapter 2 The Project Management Context
2.1 Project Phases and the Project Life Cycle
2.1.1 Characteristics of Project Phases
29 2.1.2 Characteristics of the Project Life Cycle
30 2.1.3 Representative Project Life Cycles
33 2.2 Project Stakeholders
35 2.3 Organizational Influences
2.3.1 Organizational Systems
36 2.3.2 Organizational Cultures and Style
2.3.3 Organizational Structure
38 2.3.4 Project Office
2.4 Key General Management Skills
41 2.4.1 Leading
2.4.2 Communicating
42 2.4.3 Negotiating
2.4.4 Problem Solving
2.4.5 Influencing the Organization
43 2.5 Social-Economic-Environmental Influences
2.5.1 Standards and Regulations
44 2.5.2 Internationalization
2.5.3 Cultural Influences
2.5.4 Social-Economic-Environmental Sustainability
45 Chapter 3 Project Management Processes
3.1 Project Processes
46 3.2 Process Groups
48 3.3 Process Interactions
3.3.1 Initiating Processes
3.3.2 Planning Processes
51 3.3.3 Executing Processes
52 3.3.4 Controlling Processes
53 3.3.5 Closing Processes
3.4 Customizing Process Interactions
54 3.5 Mapping of Project Management Processes
55 Section II The Project Management Knowledge Areas
56 Chapter 4 Project Integration Management
57 4.1 Project Plan Development
58 4.1.1 Inputs to Project Plan Development
59 4.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Project Plan Development
4.1.3 Outputs from Project Plan Development
61 4.2 Project Plan Execution
4.2.1 Inputs to Project Plan Execution
4.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Project Plan Execution
62 4.2.3 Outputs from Project Plan Execution
4.3 Integrated Change Control
63 4.3.1 Inputs to Integrated Change Control
4.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Integrated Change Control
64 4.3.3 Outputs from Integrated Change Control
65 Chapter 5 Project Scope Management
67 5.1 Initiation
5.1.1 Inputs to Initiation
68 5.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Initiation
5.1.3 Outputs from Initiation
69 5.2 Scope Planning
5.2.1 Inputs to Scope Planning
70 5.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Planning
5.2.3 Outputs from Scope Planning
71 5.3 Scope Definition
5.3.1 Inputs to Scope Definition
5.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Definition
73 5.3.3 Outputs from Scope Definition
75 5.4 Scope Verification
76 5.4.1 Inputs to Scope Verification
5.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Verification
5.4.3 Outputs from Scope Verification
5.5 Scope Change Control
77 5.5.1 Inputs to Scope Change Control
5.5.2 Tools and Techniques for Scope Change Control
5.5.3 Outputs from Scope Change Control
79 Chapter 6 Project Time Management
6.1 Activity Definition
81 6.1.1 Inputs to Activity Definition
6.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Activity Definition
6.1.3 Outputs from Activity Definition
82 6.2 Activity Sequencing
6.2.1 Inputs to Activity Sequencing
83 6.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Activity Sequencing
84 6.2.3 Outputs from Activity Sequencing
85 6.3 Activity Duration Estimating
6.3.1 Inputs to Activity Duration Estimating
86 6.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Activity Duration Estimating
87 6.3.3 Outputs from Activity Duration Estimating
6.4 Schedule Development
88 6.4.1 Inputs to Schedule Development
89 6.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Schedule Development
91 6.4.3 Outputs from Schedule Development
93 6.5 Schedule Control
6.5.1 Inputs to Schedule Control
94 6.5.2 Tools and Techniques for Schedule Control
6.5.3 Outputs from Schedule Control
96 Chapter 7 Project Cost Management
98 7.1 Resource Planning
7.1.1 Inputs to Resource Planning
99 7.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Resource Planning
7.1.3 Outputs from Resource Planning
7.2 Cost Estimating
100 7.2.1 Inputs to Cost Estimating
101 7.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Cost Estimating
7.2.3 Outputs from Cost Estimating
102 7.3 Cost Budgeting
7.3.1 Inputs to Cost Budgeting
103 7.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Cost Budgeting
7.3.3 Outputs from Cost Budgeting
7.4 Cost Control
104 7.4.1 Inputs to Cost Control
7.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Cost Control
105 7.4.3 Outputs from Cost Control
107 Chapter 8 Project Quality Management
109 8.1 Quality Planning
110 8.1.1 Inputs to Quality Planning
8.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Quality Planning
111 8.1.3 Outputs from Quality Planning
113 8.2 Quality Assurance
8.2.1 Inputs to Quality Assurance
8.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Quality Assurance
114 8.2.3 Outputs from Quality Assurance
8.3 Quality Control
115 8.3.1 Inputs to Quality Control
8.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Quality Control
116 8.3.3 Outputs from Quality Control
118 Chapter 9 Project Human Resource Management
119 9.1 Organizational Planning
120 9.1.1 Inputs to Organizational Planning
121 9.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Organizational Planning
9.1.3 Outputs from Organizational Planning
123 9.2 Staff Acquisition
124 9.2.1 Inputs to Staff Acquisition
9.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Staff Acquisition
125 9.2.3 Outputs from Staff Acquisition
9.3 Team Development
126 9.3.1 Inputs to Team Development
9.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Team Development
127 9.3.3 Outputs from Team Development
128 Chapter 10 Project Communications Management
130 10.1 Communications Planning
10.1.1 Inputs to Communications Planning
131 10.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Communications Planning
10.1.3 Outputs from Communications Planning
132 10.2 Information Distribution
10.2.1 Inputs to Information Distribution
10.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Information Distribution
133 10.2.3 Outputs from Information Distribution
10.3 Performance Reporting
10.3.1 Inputs to Performance Reporting
134 10.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Performance Reporting
135 10.3.3 Outputs from Performance Reporting
136 10.4 Administrative Closure
10.4.1 Inputs to Administrative Closure
10.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Administrative Closure
10.4.3 Outputs from Administrative Closure
138 Chapter 11 Project Risk Management
140 11.1 Risk Management Planning
11.1.1 Inputs to Risk Management Planning
141 11.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Risk Management Planning
11.1.3 Outputs from Risk Management Planning
142 11.2 Risk Identification
11.2.1 Inputs to Risk Identification
143 11.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Risk Identification
144 11.2.3 Outputs from Risk Identification
11.3 Qualitative Risk Analysis
145 11.3.1 Inputs to Qualitative Risk Analysis
11.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Qualitative Risk Analysis
147 11.3.3 Outputs from Qualitative Risk Analysis
148 11.4 Quantitative Risk Analysis
149 11.4.1 Inputs to Quantitative Risk Analysis
11.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Quantitative Risk Analysis
150 11.4.3 Outputs from Quantitative Risk Analysis
151 11.5 Risk Response Planning
11.5.1 Inputs to Risk Response Planning
152 11.5.2 Tools and Techniques for Risk Response Planning
154 11.5.3 Outputs from Risk Response Planning
155 11.6 Risk Monitoring and Control
156 11.6.1 Inputs to Risk Monitoring and Control
11.6.2 Tools and Techniques for Risk Monitoring and Control
157 11.6.3 Outputs from Risk Monitoring and Control
158 Chapter 12 Project Procurement Management
160 12.1 Procurement Planning
12.1.1 Inputs to Procurement Planning
161 12.1.2 Tools and Techniques for Procurement Planning
162 12.1.3 Outputs from Procurement Planning
163 12.2 Solicitation Planning
12.2.1 Inputs to Solicitation Planning
12.2.2 Tools and Techniques for Solicitation Planning
164 12.2.3 Outputs from Solicitation Planning
12.3 Solicitation
165 12.3.1 Inputs to Solicitation
12.3.2 Tools and Techniques for Solicitation
12.3.3 Outputs from Solicitation
166 12.4 Source Selection
12.4.1 Inputs to Source Selection
12.4.2 Tools and Techniques for Source Selection
167 12.4.3 Outputs from Source Selection
12.5 Contract Administration
168 12.5.1 Inputs to Contract Administration
169 12.5.2 Tools and Techniques for Contract Administration
12.5.3 Outputs from Contract Administration
12.6 Contract Closeout
170 12.6.1 Inputs to Contract Closeout
12.6.2 Tools and Techniques for Contract Closeout
12.6.3 Outputs from Contract Closeout
171 Section III Appendices
172 Appendix A. The Project Management Institute Standards-Setting Process
A.1 PMI Standards Documents
A.2 Development of Original Works
174 A.3 Adoption of Nonoriginal Works as Standards
175 Appendix B. Evolution of PMI’s A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
B.1 Initial Development
176 B.2 1986–87 Update
177 B.3 1996 Update
179 Standards Committee
180 Contributors
182 Production Staff
183 Appendix C. Contributors and Reviewers of PMBOK Guide 2000 Edition
C.1 PMI Project Management Program Member Advisory Group
C.2 PMBOK Guide Update Project Team
184 C.3 Contributors
C.4 Reviewers
186 C.5 Contributions to Predecessor Documents
C.6 Production Staff
187 Appendix D. Notes
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. The Project Management Context
Chapter 3. Project Management Processes
Chapter 4. Project Integration Management
188 Chapter 5. Project Scope Management
Chapter 6. Project Time Management
Chapter 7. Project Cost Management
Chapter 8. Project Quality Management
Chapter 9. Project Human Resource Management
Chapter 10. Project Communications Management
Chapter 11. Project Risk Management
Chapter 12. Project Procurement Management
189 Appendix E. Application Area Extensions
E.1 Need for Application Area Extensions
190 E.2 Criteria for Development of Application Area Extensions
E.3 Publishing and Format of Application Area Extensions
E.4 Process for Development and Maintenance of Application Area Extensions
193 Appendix F. Additional Sources of Information on Project Management
F.1 Professional and Technical Organizations
195 F.2 Commercial Publishers
F.3 Product and Service Vendors
F.4 Educational Institutions
196 Appendix G. Summary of Project Management Knowledge Areas
Project Integration Management
Project Scope Management
197 Project Time Management
Project Cost Management
Project Quality Management
Project Human Resource Management
198 Project Communications Management
Project Risk Management
Project Procurement Management
200 Glossary
1. Inclusions and Exclusions
201 2. Common Acronyms
202 3. Definitions
from Accountability Matrix to Administrative Closure
203 from Application Area to Checklist
204 from Code of Accounts to Cost Estimating
205 from Cost of Quality to Duration Compression
206 from Early Finish Date (EF) to Fixed-Price-Incentive-Fee (FPIF) Contract
207 from Float to Leveling
208 from Life-Cycle Costing to Overlap
209 from Parametric Estimating to Project Charter
210 from Project Communications Management to Project Quality Management
211 from Project Risk Management to Resource Leveling
212 from Resource-Limited Schedule to Schedule Compression
213 from Schedule Control to Statement of Work (SOW)
214 from Subnet to Work Package
215 Index
from AC to contingencies
216 from contingency to fast tracking
217 from finish date to overlap
218 from PC to project schedule
219 from project scope to scope
220 from slack to workaround(s)
IEEE 1490 2004